According to Thagard, "If you go for Christian mythology, narrow-minded individualism, obscure metaphysics, and existentialist angst, then Jordan Peterson is the philosopher for you. 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos is a 2018 self-help book by the Canadian clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson. As I read this book, I sincerely tried to imagine myself as a Japanese soldier carrying out the atrocities to Chinese innocents. "[96][97][98], In a review for Psychology Today, philosopher Paul Thagard called the book flimsy and said Peterson's views fail to stand up to philosophical scrutiny. His main areas of study are in abnormal, social, and personality psychology, with a particular interest in the psychology of religious and ideological belief, and the assessment and improvement of . [2][3] The book is written in a more accessible style than his previous academic book, Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief (1999). [90], Ron Dart, in a review for The Ormsby Review, considered the book "an attempt to articulate a more meaningful order for freedom as an antidote to the erratic chaos of our age", but although "necessary" with exemplary advice for men and women it is "hardly a sufficient text for the tougher questions that beset us on our all too human journey and should be read as such. Ive heard that Beyond Order is better than 12 Rules though and can be read as a stand alone book, is this the case or would you recommend one over the other? The second half of the book was not appreciated by many anti-socialists and moves were even taken by publisher Victor Gollancz to persuade Orwell to only publish the first half. :) I am in no shape or form affiliated with Dr. Peterson, and do NOT, as the creator of this list, automatically condone any of his ideas. My general feelings about it can be summarized in the following meme: I ended up listening to the audiobook within a few days (Peterson narrates it), and my god its great. Gulag Archipelago (Vol. We also participate in other affiliate programs, such as Blinkist, MindValley, Audible, Audiobooks, Reading.FM, and others. Utterly torturous in its suffocating examination of the deterioration of the protagonist, demoralizingly tragic in its fearless portrayal of the suffering of righteous individuals, and unapologetically depressing in its vision of despair and hopelessness, the book is hardly for the faint of heart. According to Jordan Peterson, youll want to remedy that as soon as possible! "[83] Bryan Appleyard, also writing for The Times, describes the book as "a less dense and more practical version of Maps of Meaning." Demons - Fyodor Dostoevsky 6. Many of his book recommendations introduce the readers to the future when the book was being written. { Moral systems generally curtail humans universal desire for power by elevating the group over the individual. by. In this series of essays, the Swiss psychologist covers everything from Eastern philosophy to theosophy to gnosticism and much more. If youve ever felt tempted by fate to do something unscrupulous, this book is for you. And, of course, the story is way more complex than that. I literally named my rap alter-ego after Dostoevsky after reading this book. This book is quickly becoming a self-help classic. Your email address will not be published. Its a comprehensive introduction to Jungs thoughts, and its widely heralded as one of the most critical books ever written in the field of psychology. The Way of the Superior Man - David Deida. Ever wonder what Jordan Peterson reads in his spare time? A History of Religious Ideas (Vol. I am a little bit intimidated by the book because I know that Peterson worked on it for over fifteen years and he himself describes the book as difficult. I have, however, listened to the entire 2017 Maps of Meaning lectures, which is the lecture version of the book. The 5 Most Important Books Recommended by Jordan Peterson. You must have a goodreads account to vote. It is easily understandable, holds plenty of engaging stories, and yet offers simple, distinct advice for improving your life. [95] Peterson responded to the review on Twitter, taking umbrage at Mishra's description of Peterson's friendship with First Nations artist Charles Joseph as "the latest in a long line of eggheads pretentiously but harmlessly romancing the noble savage"; Peterson wrote in response, "If you were in my room at the moment, I'd slap you happily. [72] The book did not chart on The New York Times, Los Angeles Times and IndieBound bestsellers list. Peterson referred to Jaak Panksepp as a genius and called him a great, creative scientist when Panksepp died in May, 2017. Still, the motivations are what counts, right? Follow Jon Brooks on here on Facebook for more posts like this. If you struggle to navigate the narrow line between order and chaos, read this book. Beyond Good And Evil Friedrich Nietzsche, 10. While you may know him from his multi-million-copy bestseller 12 Rules for Life, his viral Youtube video in which he argues with students about gender pronouns, or his controversial views on various topics shared on his Youtube channel, a few short years ago, Peterson was just an ordinary college professor. His unique perspectives on personal growth, political correctness, and social issues are well-known. [6] The chapter is a meditation on how to maintain a watchful eye on, and cherish, life's small redeemable qualities (i.e., to "pet a cat when you encounter one"). [73] According to Random House Canada, the book was handled properly for the US market. In What Order Should You Read Jordan Petersons Books? Jordan Peterson wrote 12 Rules for Life over a 5-year period and to give the respect it deserves I plan on listening to it many more times over the coming years. Read Mans Search for Meaning in 15 minutes on Blinklist. 1984 is the story of a young man questioning the system that keeps his futuristic but dystopian society afloat, and the chaos that quickly ensues once he gives in to his natural curiosity and desire to be free. The problem is that when Peterson fleshes them out, they carry more flab than meat". Mans Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl (1946), a longer list of over 100 recommendations, Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief, All Bren Brown Books, Sorted Chronologically (and by Popularity), Jordan Peterson Books: All Titles in Order of Publication + The 5 Top Books He Recommends, All Malcolm Gladwell Books, Sorted Chronologically (and by Popularity), All Michael Pollan Books, Sorted Chronologically (and by Popularity), Peter Thiel Books: A Comprehensive List of Books By, About & Recommended by Peter Thiel, All Rachel Hollis Books: The Full List of Non-Fiction, Fiction & Cookbooks, Sorted by Popularity & the Best Reading Order, All Ray Dalio Books, Sorted Chronologically (and by Popularity), All Robert Greene Books, Sorted Chronologically (and by Popularity), All Ryan Holiday Books, Sorted Chronologically (and by Popularity), All Simon Sinek Books, Sorted Chronologically (and by Popularity), All Tim Ferriss Books, Sorted Chronologically (and by Popularity), All Walter Isaacson Books, Sorted Chronologically (and by Popularity), The 20 Best Entrepreneurship Books to Start, Grow & Run a Successful Business, The 21 Best Habit Books of All Time to Change Any Behavior, The 33 Best Happiness Books of All Time That Everyone Should Read, The 60 Best History Books of All Time (to Read at Any Age), The 7 Best Inspirational Books That Will Light Your Inner Fire, The 40 Best Leadership Books of All Time to Help You Become a Truly Inspiring Person, The 31 Best Motivational Books Ever Written, The 35 Best Philosophy Books to Live Better and Become a Great Thinker, The 34 Best Psychology Books That Will Make You Smarter and Happier, The 25 Best Sales Books of All Time to Help You Close Any Deal, The 33 Best Self-Help Books of All Time to Read at Any Age, The 22 Best Books About Sex & Sexuality to Improve Your Love Life & Relationships, The 30 Most Life-Changing Books That Will Shift Your Perspective & Stay With You Forever. Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche (1886), 6. 1984 - George Orwell. This review was taken from Jordan Bates article 12 Life Changing Books that Destroyed and Rebuilt My Mind. Every day we find the best ebook deals so you can discover more stories without shrinking your wallet, How To Love Yourself : 8 Books That Teach You About Self Love, These Books About Dating Will Make You Believe In Love Again, 10 Romantic Novels to Spice Up Your Love Life : A Comprehensive List, 13 Best Romance Books You Should Read in your Lifetime. Freedom is the ability to say whats true, to say what you think, and to make your own choices. In the lecture I includedwith this post (see below) I discuss the suffering inextricably associated with life,attributing some of it to tragedy, a necessary consequence of human limitation, and the remainder to evil, the conscious and malevolent attempt to worsen Being. } Today, were going to take a look at Jordan Petersons nine books everyone should read. This book is historical non-fiction that features violence and harassment during the holocaust era. 12 Rules for Life is a stern, story-based, and entertaining self-help manual for young people that lays out simple principles that can help us become more disciplined, behave better, act with integrity, and balance our lives while enjoying them as much as we can. If you want to dive deeper into any book, click the Read on Four Minute Books or Learn More button or use one of our Amazon affiliate links to buy a copy. The stories in mythology can be a great help to us in making sense of life, especially when its full of suffering. [36], Penguin Allen Lane published the book on January 16, 2018, in the UK. You will read in all-too-graphic detail about how tens of thousands of women were raped, often while tied to chairs or in-front of their family, then murdered afterwards; how Japanese soldiers enjoyed removing fetuses from the bellies of fully conscious pregnant women with bayonets and flinging them into heaps; and how young men were lined up in the hundreds and decaptitated for fun in killing contests. So without further ado, lets dive into some of the books Peterson thinks should have you runningnot walkingto the bookstore. He synthesizes vast amounts of neurobehavioral knowledge into a book that leaves you with a better understanding of the human mind, including yours. It's not something to aim at because it's not an aim. When it comes, accept it gratefully. Crime And Punishment Fyodor Dostoevsky, 6. ", "Bestsellers: Hardcover Non-Fiction, Feb. 3, 2018", "Bestsellers: Hardcover Non-Fiction, March 3, 2018", "Toronto Star bestsellers for the week ending Feb. 10", "Toronto Star bestsellers for the week ending March 10", "The top 10 bestselling Canadian books of 2018", "Big bestsellers list: the books you bought in 2018", "A.J. Science and myth are different, so we should look at them separately. Acclaimed Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky loved one of his works better than all the restthis one! [86] The New York Times's David Brooks wrote, "The Peterson way is a harsh way, but it is an idealistic way and for millions of young men, it turns out to be the perfect antidote to the cocktail of coddling and accusation in which they are raised". By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Noobie here - which book should I read first? We will also share our most important takeaways and why you might want to read the book yourself. Author 0. This title is one of the Jordan Peterson books he has written. For fans of Carl Jung, this is a must-read. The book was reinstated six days after it was removed. 2, Vol. Jordan Peterson: "A book that I found particularly influential in my intellectual development." One of Richard Branson's top books to read in a lifetime. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. Friedrich Nietzsche. [41][74], Peterson announced the book had sold over 2 million copies (August 6, 2018),[75][76] then 3 million copies (January 13, 2019),[77] and later that work had begun on a sequel (January 2019). [42][43][44][45] According to CBC Books, it was the 4th-bestselling Canadian book of the year. })(); Beyond Good And Evil Friedrich Nietzsche, Modern Man in Search of A Soul Carl Jung, Maps Of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief Jordan B. Peterson. On Quora, Jordan Peterson was asked the following question: Iris Chang begins The Rape of Nanking with the following passage: When I first came across the Jordan Peterson reading list, I downloaded a bunch for Kindle. They cover a wide variety of topics and range from dystopian fiction to religious history. Scientific experiments like the Invisible Gorilla Test show that perception is adjusted to aims, and it is better to seek meaning rather than happiness. His deft exposition, however, makes clear that duty is often liberating and responsibility can be a gift". Jordan Peterson is one of the most famous psychologists, philosophers, and intellectuals alive today. True happiness and suffering are two sides of the same coin we cant have one without the other. Your email address will not be published. Peterson has authored a number of books that have gained popularity among individuals interested in personal development and psychology. Mans Search for Meaning is an exciting book everyone should read. Hope you find it helpful! If youre worried about freedom and sovereignty, this is a great book for you. Jordan Peterson loves to recommend books that talk about the future even though today we are living in the future. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Whether youre a history buff, a religious studies buff, or both, youre going to be enthralled by this engaging, comprehensive series of books. The book's central idea is that "suffering is built into the structure of being" and although it can be unbearable, people have a choice either to withdraw, which is a "suicidal gesture", or to face and transcend it. The Rape of Nanking was at the top of the list, and so thats where I began. ", "Treat yourself like you are someone you are responsible for helping. For those who look for Jordan Peterson parenting book recommendations, you may not find it easy to get. [56] According to The Sunday Times, the hardback edition was the year's 4th-biggest seller in the "general hardbacks" category with 153,160 copies sold by end of the year. Reactions to Jordan Peterson range from he saved my life to total crook. Hes a controversial figure, for sure, but from where we sit, we think he has good intentions. In 1984, Orwells most well known book, he paints a truly chilling prophecy about the future. [4] Living in a world of chaos and order,[15] everyone has "darkness" that can "turn them into the monsters they're capable of being" to satisfy their dark impulses in the right situations. Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief Jordan B. Peterson, 8. The Road to Wigan Pier is split into two halves. [8], In September 2018, Peterson threatened to sue Cornell University philosopher Kate Manne for defamation after she called his work misogynistic in an interview with Vox. Brave New World - Aldous Huxley 3. If you enjoy books in a dystopian setting that challenge our structure of society, then youll be an instant fan of Orwells. For each book, weve included an image of the cover, a one-sentence-summary, and our favorite quote. Man's Search for Meaning - Viktor Frankl And according to this book. If you want to learn more, you can click below or get a copy for yourself. It provides life advice through essays in abstract ethical principles, psychology, mythology, religion, and personal anecdotes. 1, Vol. The word that best describes this book for me is epic because it ties together religion, myth, neuroscience, and psychoanalysis and combines those fields with Petersons deep experience as a father, husband, and clinical psychologist into something that anyone who can read can benefit from reading. It taught me that if you change the meaning, you change everything. As an Amazon Associate I may earn a small commission on products you purchase through Amazon, but you won't pay any additional fees. The book narrates how feelings and individuality are controlled from a very young age. Martijn Schirp, the co-founder of HighExistence, had this to say about the book: We have written about George Orwells opposition to totalitarianism, Stalinism, fascism, and social injustice many times on HighExistence. 2, & Vol. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Crime And Punishment - Fyodor Dostoevsky 5. Jordan Peterson on why you should read Ordinary Men: Remorse leads to amends which lead to growth and character therefore, remorse is a critical function of our psyche! Volume 1 lays out everything from The Stone Age to the Eleusinian, Volume 2 focuses on everything from Buddha to Christianity, and Volume 3 focuses on Muhammed to the age of reforms. Peterson encourages people to read this book so that you can see the shadow present in human beings, and then to realize how each of us has within us the capacity of great evil. "[84], Hari Kunzru of The Guardian said the book collates advice from Peterson's clinical practice with personal anecdotes, accounts of his academic work as a psychologist and "a lot of intellectual history of the 'great books' variety", but the essays on the rules are explained in an overcomplicated style. The book came out in October 2022 and has 50+ ratings, but Peterson has deleted all his videos and promotions of it, so were not sure he wants it to be sold. Here are all the book lists weve made for you so far: *Four Minute Books participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising commissions by linking to Amazon. [38][39] as of September2018[update], the book was slated to be translated into 45 languages. The Prince - Niccolo Machiavelli. The second half of the book consists of a long essay on Orwells own middle-class upbringing and how his political thoughts developed.