And they're comforted by you being there. He sacrificed for free Europe. RADDATZ: OK, just, again, those tanks, the Abrams tanks, which you said will go in now, will not be there this year according to the secretary of the Army. That exclusive interview, next. We should all be standing as Americans. Look, I saw this during Sandy and a number of other things. He has been pretty quiet on social media lately, but his wife calmed everyone's worries when she posted a photo of them in Greece. RADDATZ: Three months later, Artem died fighting. And so you're -- you're looking at an unprecedented situation that I -- that I don't think the country is -- is ready for. Do you still think that when you hear something like that? Ukrainian people show brave, resilience, and we ready to fight. They know that if youre re-elected you would be 82 when youre sworn in, youd be 86 at the end of your term. But we begin with more of David Muir's exclusive interview with President Biden at the White House Friday where they discussed the U.S. commitment to Ukraine heading into the next year of this conflict. MCCAUL: I think thats the false choice. RADDATZ (voice over): And yet the priest, like all Ukrainians, endures. It's been an unbelievably trying year for his country ever since, but also one of resolve. And since then, he has asked the entire national security enterprise to put together a plan, an operational plan, to ensure that we can protect our airspace against other potential threats either to civil aviation or to intelligence or, in the extreme case, to people on ground. This shift at ABC comes amid a reportedly bitter back-and-forth between the two top anchors at the Disney-owned news arm. I don't think it's off the table. We know they havent taken it off the table. They know that.". The network then leaned onStephanopoulos to cover"special report responsibilities," which he did to acclaim, thus building the reputation of the organization. I'm being deadly earnest. It doesn't just apply to Joe Biden. Almost anything? Ive met with the Ukrainians being trained by the Poles on the Leopard tanks, which will go in in two weeks as this offensive takes place. But I think this president has done enough, and he's committed to serve the American people. We need to separate by red states and blue states and shrink the federal government. But we -- but heres what I --. Because he hasn't fully participated in his television program This Week, fans are curious whether journalist George Stephanopoulos is sick. after a clip of anunrecognizable-looking Roberts dancing and singingin 1984 was played to GMA viewers. This copy may not be in its final form, may be updated and may contain minor transcription errors. Back in late June, George and Ali took another vacation. Nothing can get between Brooke Shields and her self-worth. Others have different expectations about his current predicament. We know the vast majority of Americans support Ukraine, but there are now many who are asking, how long can we spend like this? We need to be there because the Ukrainian people have suffered so much, and they're standing up for all of us, for democracy, for a country that invaded them. Records show the political news anchor donated $25,000 three times between 2012 and 2014. RADDATZ: Also can get shot down. George Robert Stephanopoulos is not leaving and will stay on as a co-host for 'Good Morning America.' At the beginning of 2020, fans were concerned when George suddenly stopped appearing on the TV show. Believe me, those are -- those are rough trips to get over there. I get them. However, the matter was seemingly settled before blowing up, and George retained his position on GMA. Moreover, while being a part of GMA, Georges new contract also led ABC to launch his own production company George Stephanopoulos Productions through which he will take on various projects with his wife. BRAZILE: No, no. I think to your point it's interesting about the prosecution because -- I mean, the Georgia case, there are so many multiple different legal challenges that the former president is facing. More to see: He's very --, And I don't say no words. And I don't think it's going to get any better. Will you send F-16s? Kyiv still stands, and Ukraine has taken back roughly half of the land it has lost since the start of the war. KHALID: I I mean imagine that yes, I mean thats -- that's what I imagine would happen. Lets put that in. Because a lot of Americans are going to be saying a vote for Joe Biden is a vote for President Kamala Harris, and are they going to be comfortable with that or not? It can knock out targets. He departed the White House towards the end of President Clintons first term and began working as a political analyst for ABC News. And the F-16 question is a question for later. You heard what Jake Sullivan said. And I think -- and I said this a couple weeks ago and it got Donna all hot. In the case of those three, the president received a recommendation from his senior military advisors, including the NORAD commander, to take action out of an abundance of caution. The fact is, you heard with the Abrams tanks, they wont go in for another year. TERRY MORAN, ABC NEWS SENIOR NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, no formal rules because the judge said you can talk to reporters and that is a grand juror's right. VIDEO: Ali Wentworth jokes she's divorcing George Stephanopoulos live on GMA. REPORTER: So, we're talking about more than a dozen people? She is known for her work in the Fox sketch comedy seriesIn Living Colorfrom 1992 to 1994. How Rich Is Dave Lee Travis? But it's understandable why people are just down. Thanks for sharing part of your Sunday with us. The right-wing Republicans are, you know, talking about, we can't do this. MUIR: What do you make of this Chinese peace plan floated overnight that Putin is now applauding today? 2023 Cinemaholic Inc. All rights reserved. Before that, the husband and wife jetted off to Paris, where they shared many pictures of their trip. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, George Stephanopoulos and wife Ali Wentworth were among the first celebrities to reveal they had tested positive. A tank called the Leopard. To learn more about George Stephanopouloss illness, whereabouts and wife, continue reading the article below. CNN reported that ABC was so eager to appease Stephanopoulos that then-Disney chairman Bob. Is there really anything you could do? He serves as a co-anchor of Good Morning Americas television show alongside Michael Strahan and Robin Roberts. About. This is what she tweeted: We need a national divorce. RADDATZ: Georgia's grand jury forewoman recommends multiple indictments in the election interference case against Donald Trump, and his allies. Were also finding out now that one of the outlets has decided that they even put things on they know to be false in order to increase their ratings. there's a process by which he could have pursued his interest in a way that doesn't undermine the national security of the united states. RADDATZ (on camera): You walk these streets, you talk to people, and the pain is everywhere. EMILY KOHRS: I will be sad if nothing happens. BRAZILE: We don't really know her motivation. RADDATZ (on camera) (February 2022): A senior Pentagon official, who several hours ago texted me and said, you are likely in the last few hours of peace on the European continent for a long time to come. SULLIVAN: Well, all I can say is what youve heard from the secretary of state, youve heard from other officials in the administration, and you just heard from President Biden, which is, we have, at this point, not seen them take the step of providing weapons to Russia for purposes of the war in Ukraine. Although it seems they came to a happy medium, those on the inside find the quarrel to be pitiful. We are democracy. Subscribe to Confider, the Daily Beasts media newsletter, and get juicy scoops in your inbox every week. George Stephanopoulos took to Twitter to announce his new project. He first gained notoriety as the communications director for Bill Clintons 1992 presidential campaign before accepting the director of communications position at the White House. His usual co-anchors Robin Roberts and Michael Strahan have been consistently present over the week, but his absence . Clearly, one of the reasons President Biden went over there was to get support. SULLIVAN: I'm glad you asked this question because I think this has been the subject of some confusion. We've all been in Ukraine this week. But one of the things that Joe Biden believes is that he has been affirmed twice in his understanding of this American moment, and that's what makes presidents. MUIR: But if they did, would that be crossing a line for you, Mr. President? I mean, it takes three to six months to train. And we are joined now by President Bidens national security adviser, Jake Sullivan. He needs artillery. KHALID: Oh, sure, right? RADDATZ: And, Chris, the president also told David it is "totally legitimate for people to raise concerns" about his age but said it's not a factor in his decision. She's created a nightmare for the prosecutor who may bring charges, for the judge who's going to preside over any trials, and just given a gift to all the defendants, Donald Trump, if he is indicted, and others as well. George Robert Stephanopoulos is not leaving and will stay on as a co-host for Good Morning America. At the beginning of 2020, fans were concerned when George suddenly stopped appearing on the TV show. Under the terms of an extended contract, Stephanopoulos will get new production duties, leading a new program on politics for Hulu and devising four hour-long specials for primetime. I mean, I am. Quite a popular figure at the network, Georges absence was instantly noticed, and fans were anxious to know the reason behind the same. In addition, he has served as a correspondent for several special shows. There are several investigations, but in this one, with the district attorney in Atlanta, and certainly the attorney general in New York, you have prosecutors who made it a political issue to get Donald Trump, and that has been the hope of liberals and of Democrats for a long time that someone somewhere is going to find a charge that sticks. Thats going to be a bit of a game changer as well. BIDEN: I think you answered the question, Putins applauding it, so how could it be any good? What would be useful would be German tanks. We havent seen anything like this since my fathers generation, World War II -- largest invasion in Europe, the biggest threat to the Pacific since World War II. As President Zelenskyy rallies the Ukrainian people, President Biden shores up alliances. The former football star and current Good Morning America host has been absent from the morning talk show all week, however, and now the reason for his absence is reportedly due to a positive. : What Happened To George Stephanopoulos? Thats why this is so important. He first joined GMA as an anchor in December 2009. His absence from GMA was put down to him contracting the virus, and soon George returned to the TV screens much to the joy of fans. Soon after Clintons 1996 reelection, Stephanopoulos left the Clinton administration. RADDATZ: I've heard President Zelenskyy say speed is so important. And later, more of David Muir's exclusive interview with President Biden, his message to Americans worried about the economy. DAVID MUIR, ABC NEWS CORRESPONDENT: President Zelenskyy continues to say what he really needs are F-16s. Read More: Is Robin Roberts Leaving Good Morning America? MORAN: And the shoe is going to be on the other foot. Please, the judge said, don't -- don't damage the investigation. We do not know where he is, she said. What they need right now is tanks. And 2020, and 2022, which was essentially a referendum, he believes, I'm sure, "I've got it right. ANNOUNCER: From ABC News, its THIS WEEK. What do you know about China possibly providing lethal aid to Russia? George and Ali married in 2001 and they have two children together. ABCs top political anchor and host of both Good Morning America and This Week will not spearhead or be involved in the broadcast networks night-of coverage after leading it in both 2018 and 2020, a press release indicated last week. Earlier this month, he quipped "you were young and hungry huh?" SUNDAY MORNINGS - CHECK YOUR LOCAL LISTINGS Streaming here & on Hulu ABOUT February 2023 See All 46:16 Send it to The Daily Beasthere. We also know theyre buying all their energy from them, economically supporting them. This idea that the Speech and Debate Clause, he's a member of the legislative branch, when he was presiding over that. RADDATZ: And I want to ask you one final question about China. CHRISTIE: Yeah, we have been. He's going to take advantage of that. Due to his frequent social media activity, some people think he is on vacation, while others believe that if he were, he would have posted some pictures. I was at the Munich Security Conference, met with a lot of the high-ranking military officials, including our supreme allied commander. George Stephanopoulos had quite an illustrious career in journalism before becoming the co-anchor for GMA in 2009. CHRISTIE: Well, look, everybody can say they don't, but grand jury subpoenas, having issued many of them in my life, are pretty compulsory documents. And you slow down, a little bit, the older you get. RADDATZ: Well, just last week Secretary Blinken told me one of the reasons youre not supplying those is because you have to teach them to fly those jets, you have to maintain those jets. On the night of the invasion, 180,000 Russian troops began their brutal assault. He's crazy. The economy is always central to the conversation when you're running for president. And we look to presidents for leadership on that. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Putin had a rough heart and he forgot that God is in this world. I mean, let's face it. Muir will continue to lead special coverage, andStephanopoulos will lead breaking news coverage before and after Good Morning America, according to sources who spoke with CNN. George later served as a senior advisor for strategy and policy until leaving in December 1996. Everyone I talk to says this. A rush transcript of "This Week with George Stephanopoulos" airing on Sunday . I mean, it does I think -- it just raises I think the entire case and the entire investigation into question, and that's advantageous for the former president. But as of 2022, little information exists to persuade viewers that Wentworth is ill. Alexandra, an American actress, and comedian, debuted from 1992 to 1994 on the Fox sketch comedy program In Living Color. He originally decided against sending them because his military told them that they would not be useful on the battlefield in this fight. Would that cross a line for you? They fled Kharkiv with their then-3-month-old baby to escape Russian troops. Her film credits include Jerry Maguire, The Real Blonde, Office Space, and more. And this is actually an example of Joe Biden rallying the global coalition to get Ukraine what it needs. She seemed quite animated to talk about what was occurring behind closed door. Because he hasnt fully participated in his television program This Week, fans are curious whether journalist George Stephanopoulos is sick. He called Putin -- Xi called Putin as his best friend several years ago. So, in the interest of alliance unity and to insure that Ukraine got what it wanted, despite the fact that the Abrams arent the tool they need, the president said, OK, I'm going to be the leader of the free world. You must be very strong. You met with President Zelenskyy. This is not the first time this year, or this Summer, that George has been absent from the show for an extended period of time. RADDATZ: For Lviv's mayor who we spoke to after this year of tragedy, there is still hope that Ukrainian determination, Ukrainian sacrifice will ultimately mean victory. Later, Robin shared the clip to her Instagram page, writing: "Talk about waaaaay back Wednesday. [3] It premiered on November 15, 1981, with David Brinkley as its original anchor until his retirement in 1996. Two weeks. Keep scrolling to see what ABC did to make Stephanopoulos stay. RADDATZ: The president, by the way, says that military advisers tell him they dont need those. They've got better jobs, are making more money. Since then, no weather balloons have been shot down. why is george stephanopoulos not on this weekare there really purple owls. We have an audit by Deloitte. Powered by VIP. LVIV MAYOR: Terrible year. Otherwise, what are we doing in Ukraine? BRAZILE: I think, when it comes to the president re-election, he will have an incredible case to make to the American people. ABC News Live Update: Biden's exclusive interview with George Stephanopoulos. That's when she just did, she beclowned herself for one thing. But here's what we have to do in the meantime. SULLIVAN: Well, its hard for me to say backing on, backing off. RADDATZ: And and on just on the special counsel, youve got youve got Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump now subpoenaed. why is george stephanopoulos not on this week While appearing on Howard Stern on May 13, George commented on the speculation that he would be Alex Trebek's successor as the host of the popular game show Jeopardy. Georges contract also paved the way for him to host four prime-time specials on the network each year. I believe together with the United States and our partners, we very quickly de-occupate our territory. March 20, 2022 - 17:44 GMT Hanna Fillingham George Stephanopoulos is an incredibly popular anchor on Good Morning America and has a legion of fans around the United States who enjoy waking up. Is your age part of your own calculation into whether to run again? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Today we will have a --. There are things he needs now that we're sending him to put him in a position to be able to make gains this spring and this summer going into the fall. He wasnt in East Palestine where that train derailed with those toxic chemicals. I mean, so I can't think of a time when there's been a greater uncertainty, notwithstanding the fact we're created 800,000 manufacturing jobs. Clearly that was for surveillance. According to those networks, George hasnt recently posted any vacation images on his social media sites. I know the administration says, "as long as it takes." This morning, we're going to assess the state of the conflict, where it's headed, growing concerns about China's role, and speak with Ukrainians on the ground about life under Russia's assault. SULLIVAN: I mean I cant go beyond what the president said today, which is for now what were focused on are the things Ukraine needs to be able to retake territory on the ground, in the south and the east. REP. MICHAEL MCCAUL, (R) TEXAS: Yeah, that's unfortunate. ", And one fan noted: "I've never seen Robin with 'I'm gonna murder you in your sleep' eyes before. People are worried that they're being forgotten. And just when they unlock the Leopard tanks with Germany, putting in some Abrams tanks, we can do the same thing with all these other aircraft, the F-16s, ATACMS --. Youve said that. RADDATZ: And -- and even if they don't want them now, do you think they should start training? The new. Plus, more of David Muir's exclusive interview with President Biden. When Stephanopoulos finally caught wind of the transaction, he was reportedly none too pleased and threatened to leave the network. And, you know, but the fact is, if we don't give them -- if they don't get the momentum right now, with the Russian offensive coming into country right now, they have a window of time with the counteroffensive. I think when I go out across the country, thats what people want to hear. This woman obviously doesn't care, and wants, as Terry said, her 15 minutes. Check out "WORLD NEWS TONIGHT," and have a great day.