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The 28th Virginia completed its organization at Lynchburg, Virginia, in June, 1861. Also at Gettysburg, the regiment's battle flag was captured by the 1st Minnesota Infantry Regiment. One hundred thirty-seven years later, Virginians are mounting another charge, albeit a far more civil one, to get the flag back. Opposers included then-Governor of Virginia Fitzhugh Lee (a Confederate veteran and the nephew of Robert E. Lee) as well as Jefferson Davis who stated that the flags belonged to the capturing states and that returning them would break "all known military precedents." Savas Beatie, 2014, page 209.) Capture the Flag - The Washington Post Commander:Lieutenant Colonel William L. Wingfield, Commander:Lieutenant Colonel William L. Wingfield (at least August 9, 1864), Unit Strength: 333 officers and men PFD (August 9, 1864), Weapons:.58 caliber rifles (presumably a mix of Enfields and Springfields), Commander:Lieutenant Colonel William L. Wingfield (November & December 1864), Commander:Lieutenant Colonel William L. Wingfield (January & February 1865), Commander:None listed. ", The 28th Virginia Infantry Regiment, C.S.A, "Colors of Valor: The 28th Virginia Regiment's Flag in Minnesota", Unidentified Soldier in Confederate Uniform and Craig's Rifles, or 28th Virginia Infantry Regiment, Kepi with Musket, Touch of History: The Blue Ridge Rifles, 12-27-1859-4-9-1865, Company A, 28th Virginia Volunteer Regiment (Infantry) a Roll of Honor and Reminiscences, An Epitome of the Blueridge Rifles, or, Company A, Twenty-Eighth Regiment, Virginia Volunteer Infantry: Why, When and Where the Blueridge Rifles Were Organized, Spoils to the Victor? From the War Departmentmarker to Garnetts Brigadeon the Antietam battlefield: Garnetts Brigade reached Sharpsburg at 11 A.M. September 15th, and took position on the southwest slope of Cemetery Hill where it remained until the morning of the 17th, when it relieved Geo. As a part of Longstreet's corps, Pickett's division, they fought at 1st and 2nd Manassas, Seven Day's battles, Sharpsburg, Gettysburg, Seige of Richmond and Petersburg and the retreat to Appomattox. Please complete the captcha to let us know you are a real person. The regiment was commanded by Captain W.L. July 3. The field officers were Colonels Robert C. Allen, Robert T. Preston, and William Watts; Lieutenant Colonels Samuel B. Paul and William L. Wingfield; and Majors Michael P. Spesard and Nathaniel C. Wilson. The 28th VA Infantry was part of the Stonewall Division, later General Picket's Division. [6] It is kept in a drawer inside a cabinet within the Minnesota Historical Society, the location of which is undisclosed for security reasons.[2]. On July 2 the unit played a crucial role in stopping the Confederate assault against Cemetery Ridge. 23rd Virginia Infantry by Thomas M. Rankin, 2nd Ed. VA Regimental He was hit three times. It lost 12 killed and 52 wounded at Second Manassas, had 8 killed and 54 wounded during the Maryland Campaign, and, of the 333 engaged at Gettysburg, half were disabled. ETDs: Virginia Tech Electronic Theses and Dissertations, Requesting that Material be Amended or Removed. The battle flag was captured at the Battle of Gettysburg by Private Marshall Sherman of the 1st Minnesota Infantry Regiment, and remained in Sherman's possession in Minnesota after being inventoried by the United States War Department in 1867. They created a resolution and brought it to the floor of the Virginia Senate. 28th Infantry Regiment completed its organization at Lynchburg, Virginia, in June, 1861. The right of the Confederate line west of the Burnside Bridge Road being turned, the Brigade was withdrawn, by the cross streets, to the north of the town, and cooperated with Draytons Brigade and A.P. Please enter your email and password to sign in. Virginia Ancestral Trackers Civil War The 28th Infantry Regimentcompleted its organization in Lynchburg, VA in June, 1861, Its members were raised in Botetourt, Craig, Bedford, Campbell, and Roanoke counties. However, the 28th Virginia battle flag could not be returned, as it was not in the possession of the War Department. . Confederate reinforcements did not arrive, while Union troops entered the breaches. Minnesota has a Confederate symbol and it is going to keep it The unit sustained heavy losses at Cedar Creek and surrendered with 10 officers and 52 men. The Plates - Battle Flags - Mine Creek Battlefield Gen. James L. Kemper, Col. Joseph Mayo, Jr. 1st Virginia Infantry- Col. Lewis B. Williams (k), Lt. Col. Frederick G. Skinner Letters, diaries, personal accounts and other primary sources were utilized in addition to various secondary sources. A fortnight's drill, and they marched into Camp Pickens, near Manassas Station. Fairview Cemetery. (28th Division redesignated 17 February 1942 as the 28th Infantry Division) Disbanded 17 August 1943 at Camp Pickett, Virginia. Cleveland eventually rescinded his executive order; the event was successfully held without the return of flags, drawing 500 Pennsylvanian and 200 Confederate veterans. 28th Virginia Infantry Battle Flag Captured at Gettysburg 28th Virginia Infantry Battle Flag Captured at Gettysburg These rolls are for Confederate units formed in Alabama during the Civil Warthough many operated outside of the state over the course of the war. It was likely sewn by a Southern woman at her home using a "flag kit" produced by the quartermaster of the Army of Northern Virginia; this work may have been motivated by profit or patriotism. He was subsequently awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. Wikipedia articles incorporating text from public domain works of the United States Government, American Civil War unit and formation stubs. [2], In 1887, a group of American Civil War veterans from Pennsylvania planning a reunion at Gettysburg proposed the return of Confederate battle flags from three units, including the 28th Virginia battle flag, in hopes of enticing Confederate veterans to attend. Lieutenant Colonel Anderson was dropped in the regimental reorganization. 28th Virginia Infantry The Siege of Petersburg Online The Siege of Petersburg Online A Richmond-Petersburg Campaign Site 28th Virginia Infantry 0 comments in Virginia Infantry Editor's Note: Do you have information on this regiment's role at the Siege of Petersburg? D2: 28th North Carolina Infantry Regiment This style of battle honours appears to have been unique to Lane's Brigade of A. P. Hill's Division of the Army of Northern Virginia, which included the 7th, 18th, 28th, 33rd, and 37th North Carolina Regiments. Learn about the Collections . Men often enlisted in a company recruited in the counties where they lived though not always. Alexander Ramsey may have retrieved it from the Department while serving as its secretary between 1879 to 1881, and subsequently taken it to Minnesota where he became the first president of the Minnesota Historical Society. Mark Dayton, then Governor of Minnesota, in response to the Governor of Virginia's 2013 request to borrow the flag[6], In response to the 2000 resolution by Virginia, Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura stated "Why? BigFrench has not added any memorials to this virtual cemetery. Spent the day in reorganization and during the night began the march to Hagerstown. In a letter to Jennings, the director of the Minnesota society stated that the actions of the 1st Minnesota Infantry Regiment had been one of the proudest moments in the history of the state, and argued that the flag "has greater historical value if it remains in Minnesota than if it is returned to Virginia. 28th Virginia battle flag - Wikipedia All takedown requests will be promptly acknowledged and investigated. ARMY PATCH 28TH INFANTRY DIVISION, , DESERT, DCU, DBDU | eBay (Running time 3:16) 28th Virginia Infantry Battle Flag Captured at Gettysburg Share Watch on Topic: Major Allen was elected colonel, Major Watts was elected to lieutenant colonel and Captain Nathaniel C. Wilson to major, Brigadier General Richard Brooke Garnett took temporary command of the brigade, which was transferred to. JavaScript is disabled for your browser. Civil War Regiments, Rosters and Muster Rolls | Access Genealogy This page was last edited on 7 December 2022, at 15:54. The records include rolls for infantry, cavalry, artillery, reserves, navy, marines, and even out-of-state regiments. A system error has occurred. [5] After being returned to Minnesota, the flag was periodically exhibited at the Minnesota State Capitol for several years, likely lent by Sherman. The 28th Virginia Infantry Regiment was organized at Lynchburg, Virginia in May of 1861 and surrendered at Appomattox Court House in April of 1865. ), provide any additional information that will help us better understand or Commanded by Colonel R. T. Preston. Your account has been locked for 30 minutes due to too many failed sign in attempts. 28th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry 28th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry - part of the famed Irish Brigade. In the Spring of 1861, men from Roanoke, Botetourt, Craig and Bedford Counties enlisted in Confederate service and became members of the 28th Virginia Infantry Regiment. The regiment was assembled and trained at the Fair Grounds near Leesburg with the following Field and Staff officers: Company A: Hillsboro Border Guards -- Loudoun County. 28th Virginia Infantry Regiment - Facebook Co. "A" Co. "B" 37th Virginia Infantry [Electronic book: James H. Wood / The War: "Stonewall" Jackson, His Campaign and Battles; The Regiment; As I Saw . The pole of the flag was shot, but Lee picked the flag back up and continued to wave it even after being wounded. 28th Virginia Infantry Regiment - Wikipedia 18th Virginia Infantry Regiment. The 116th Infantry Regiment | American Battlefield Trust Private. Colonel William Watts Elected Maj May 1, 1862 at re-organization. Brigadier General Garnett was given permanent command of the brigade and George E. Pickett was given command of the division, assigned to to Longstreets newly-created 1st Corps.. In Sherman's account, Lee hesitated, Sherman shouted again, and Lee dropped the flag and put his hands up, after which Sherman picked up the flag and took Lee as a prisoner. The 28th Virginia participated in most of the major eastern campaigns. Like the. 42nd Infantry Division - "The Rainbow Division" 43rd Infantry Division "Winged Victory Division" 44th Infantry Division 45th Infantry Division "Thunderbird" 63rd Infantry Division "Blood and fire" 65th Infantry Division - "The Battle-Axe Division" 66th Infantry Division -"Black Panther Division" 1863 by a member of the First Minnesota Volunteer Infantry. Furloughed on 12 March 1864 for 30 days. Deleting this Virtual Cemetery cannot be undone. 28th Virginia Infantry . Returned to Galax Va area to father the family which contained some of the major founders of GALAX. Civil War Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Confederate soldier shirt that saved a Minnesotan is at Historical The lines were much broken in crossing the post and rail fences on both sides of that road but with shattered ranks the Brigade pushed on and took part in the final struggle at the Angle. The regiment was reorganized. 28th Virginia Infantry (The Virginia regimental histories series Arrived about sunset and bivouacked on the western border of Spangler's Woods. Commanding Officer on the Sharpsburg Campaign:Capt. Monument to Garnett's Brigade at Gettysburg COLONEL R T PRESTON. Its members were raised in the counties of Botetourt, Craig, Bedford, Campbell, and Roanoke. [4][5] The oldest unit in continuous service in the Virginia National Guard, the 116 th Infantry Regiment was organized on November 3, 1741. 37th Alabama Infantry Regiment Battle Flag "Caroline Greys" North Carolina Regiment Flag 1861 27th South Carolina Infantry Regiment Flag. 28th Infantry Regiment completed its organization at Lynchburg, Virginia, in June, 1861. There was a problem getting your location. Please try again later. Private Sherman was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his gallantry at Gettysburg. Indiana's 28th Colored Infantry Regiment, Camp Fremont Description On November 30, 1863, the U.S. Department of War authorized Oliver P. Morton, Governor of Indiana and ally of Abraham Lincoln, to raise "one Regiment of infantry to be composed with colored men."