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If you can try to jog even just two minutes a day twice a day, it flushes your body with oxygen, oxygen cures cancer. (Always drink the solution 2 hours before or after a meal. <<<. Some readers report that it helps with their dogs' arthritis! Typically theyll add a small amount to the water they give their plants (for example 1/2 tsp/gallon during last 1-3 weeks before harvest). Two totally different things. It's said to combat stress, relieve PMS and promote skin health. Studies also show that these antioxidants can help guard cells from the oxidative stress associated with cancer and other diseases. It doesn't. Trace amounts of lead is naturally occurring in sugarcane which is concentrated with other minerals in blackstrap molasses. It appears to dramatically increase the bodies immune system by increasing it's endorphins See link though I encourage you to seek out much more info. I don't think the glucose would feed the cancer, as long as the one is keeping their general glucose levels down, dairy and lactose should be cut off completely or as much as possible, so should wheat, buck wheat and other grains is better. My sister-in-law has endometrial cancer and in her pelvic bone. You should take a high dosage of potassium daily with this cure. As with apple cider vinegar and coconut oil, certain devotees believe it can make every ailment better. [Updated to add Rhode Island and Maryland]. it is a warning because the product was tested and found to contain heavy metals possibly including lead. (It may have doubled in volume, which the recipe didn't say would happen.) My mother is extremely close to me and I just cannot accept this diagnosis and am willing to try anything. But the benefits of a daily regimen of molasses doesn't stop there. I started the protocol and on the 12th day, I had a biopsy done on my liver. According to the article I have provided, iodoral iodine will also shrink cancer tumors when taken as a supplement. This is expected. Arm & Hammer was used in this protocol.). This is primarily related to the inability to follow a properly balanced diet. My dear sweet wife is suffering from Breast Cancer that metastasized to her bones. Blackstrap molasses is a viscous substance, which means it has a thick, sticky consistency that's between a solid and liquid. By accessing or using this website, you agree to abide by our Medical Disclaimer, Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy agreements. It is written as a diary of amounts and effects of taking this cure and gives full and detailed description of the molasses/bicarb remedy, together with a day by day diary or log by the cancer participant who had Stage Three prostate and bone cancer(he completely cured himself in 9 days). However, since these containa small but significant amount of magnesium, they should not be used while flushingduring the last 2-3 weeks before harvest. Might find some things to research more on and may lead you to more discoveries of compatibility with your wife's current chemo treatment plan. Vitamin B6 helps prevent depression and fatigue, and in a 2004 studyfound inPsychotherapy and Psychosomatics, it was determined that of those who participated in the study, those who suffered from depression were also deprived of this important nutrient. The glycemic index measures how rapidly selected foods upgrade blood sugar levels. I am wondering if adding a tiny bit of diatomaceous earth would also be significantly helpful, this also enters bones building collagen and bone strength, as it destroys parasites and cancer is a set of fungus parasite ultimately, I think it could be well combined with this or other protocols. Many people have had similar success using his protocol. What is fertigation and is it good for cannabis plants? Molasses is an outstanding source of potassium, which fosters healthy blood pressure and helps take care of heart health. I have stage IV advanced Non Small Cell Lung cancer Mets to every bones & lymph nodes, just started 1st chemo after been on Target Theraphy Targrisso chemo tablets for 13 months but resistant new tumours appeared with vengeance. Most of the hoopla about acrylamide comes from a single rodent study that found it caused a few more cases of cancer than baseline when given in. now i am taking a teaspoon a day in my daily smoothie! Your answer would be much appreciated. I would advise you to search for a few books on cancer. 6. How to Grow Different Cannabis Strains Together. Some coals used for. !.right after that week I felt very tired all the time and at the gym was very hard to be right on!!?? They're lower on the glycemic index than conventional sweeteners, which means they won't spike your blood sugar as much. Calcium oxide or "Quicklime" is produced by roasting calcium carbonate (limestone) in kilns, utilizing a direct flame method, until all of the carbon dioxide is driven off. As you can see from the above studies melatonin helps ameliorate the negative effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy while adding to their anticancer effects and having anticancer effects also. Molasses, especially blackstrap molasses, has more nutrients than any other sweetener, but it imparts a strong flavor to foods that limits its usefulness and appeal. The Perpetual Harvest: Grow Unlimited Weed! Blackstrap molasses have long been used as a folk cure for constipation and other digestive issues. Note:When possible, try to get all your nutrients and supplements from the same company. Journal of Ethnopharmacology: "A Randomized Controlled Double Blinded Trial to Evaluate Efficacy of Oral Administration of Black Strap Molasses (Sugarcane Extract) in Comparison With Polyethylene Glycol on Pediatric Functional Constipation. ). I tried following the recipe for the molasses version of the Kelman Protocol for cancer. What are the risks if any trying this, is that known? I wrote yesterday about having hives which I attribute to taking molasses. The .gov means its official.Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Studies in rodent models have found that acrylamide exposure increases the risk for several types of cancer (10-13).In the body, acrylamide is converted to a compound called glycidamide, which causes mutations in and damage to DNA.However, a large number of epidemiologic studies (both case-control and cohort studies) in humans have found no . He pointed out that workers on Sugar Cane plantations, who were constantly sucking the crude sugar . This overload causes you to feel sick, tired and can also be painful. When You Drink Molasses Every Day, This Is What Happens To Your Body. I'm the same size and weight sinse years but fit. It is also high in antioxidants. So this mixture is introduced as a trojan horse to the cancer cell and draws in oxygen which is like cynide to the cancer cell, but harmless to normal human cells. Due to this, it is necessary to have a prop 65 warning on every molasses packaging. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGksnmSsA90. Ginger tea to help with nausea, Astragalus, Mushroom Formulas, (Fu Zheng) getting Vit. My mother was just diagnosed with breast cancer that has metastesized to the brain. When even this fuel became scarce, a supply of fuel oil said to be equivalent to #3 diesel was purchased and blended with #2 diesel to obtain the required viscosity for proper combustion in the firm's kilns. ?not too much motivationThen, I did search on that BLACK STRAP molasses and here I am doing.Wondering after all this reading then I did, if I did OVERDOSE the iron level or I don't know???? From the article itself -- cancers will stop growing between pH 7 - 7.5 and all cancers will be wiped out at between pH 8 -- 8.5. Because antioxidants help protect your cells from damage from free radicals that result when your body breaks down food. On top of being a good source of iron, molasses contains selenium, copper, and calcium, all of which contribute to guarding against osteoporosis. If. Cure: A Journey into the Science of Mind Over Body. But taking potassium daily while on this BAKING SODA CURE should lessen your loss of energy. Moreover, we discussed the drug synergy effects of the role of melatonin involved and the method to fortify the anti-cancer effects on osteosarcoma. Look for acidic brain https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/asthenia_questions.html. Another cool thing about these supplements is they contain amino acids and some other enhancers, so its kind of like getting a lot of different products at once. This is expected. Hi EveryoneHere is more evidence of success against cancer using the simple Baking Soda/Molasses protocol. First, I have only every found this protocol successfully being used against prostate/bone cancer. Its anti-inflammatory properties as a treatment for acne were documented in a 2002study found in theIndian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology. Blackstrap molasses has another important quality when used as a daily supplement it can help combat stress, anxiety, and even acne. As others will suggest a nutrient rich simple diet with adequate protein. There is not much evidence molasses can give you cancer, but regulations require that food with any amount of lead or acrylamide must have a warning label. Can Nutrients Make Your Weed Grow Faster? As per research, blackstrap molasses has more antioxidants than honey and other natural sweeteners, including maple syrup and agave nectar. It's thicker, contains less sugar than light molasses, and is used in gingerbread, beans, or barbeque sauce. Follow Ted's Cancer fungus or vital remedies: Email Bill from the Philippines for programs. I appreciate the warning, mate!! Brain Booster The calcium, magnesium, and B vitamins in blackstrap molasses fight fatigue, anxiety, and stress while enhancing brain function, mood, and focus. Unsulfured molasses comes from fully mature sugarcane in which the cane juice is already concentrated. of his Baking Soda/Molasses cure for Stage 4 prostate cancer that had metastased into bone cancer. But the key is to understand that if one change the "terrain" than you change the condition that favored the coming of cancer. They will seem complicated, but the more you will read the more you will understand. It worked on her. According to an American study, blackstrap molasses was found to be effective in the treatment of diseases like cancer ( 6 ). Trichomes in the Vegetative Stage: What Does It Mean? 3) Buy pH test strips; strips don't run and are easy to use. The World Health Organization has stated that profound levels of acrylamide in foods are a major concern and a major risk for cancer development. 6 pm, pee on urine pH strip. Did not do any 'conventional' treatments, other than to have it removed (outpatient / dermatologist's office) Other than the fenbendazole, I do not take chemical drugs. Good luck. (You may begin to feel a little nauseous or queasy, and your stool may become yellowish. https://i2b.us/fenbendazole-from-md-anderson-to-joe-tippens/. A similar lawsuit is currently ongoing with the coffee industry as they have acrylamide that California says need the same warning. They said it was cancer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNdSTxmQleI, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLewYwteCKo. New reports reveal the important role that molasses play in healing, curing, and preventing disease such as cancer and ulcers. He is ok now but has it genetically. Molasses have different types that are available in various colors, flavors, and sugar quantities. As per research, blackstrap molasses has more antioxidants than honey and other natural sweeteners, including maple syrup and agave nectar. But it's important to note that on the great and powerful Glycemic Index, which ranks how quickly or slowly a food affects your blood sugar levels (via Harvard Health), blackstrap molasses clocks in at 55 which is considered low to moderate when compared to other sweeteners like glucose (via Livestrong). Prop 65 warning on molasses packaging We thought something must be wrong with this particular brand of molasses but we soon learned that nearly all blackstrap molasses has trace amounts of certain chemicals including lead and acrylamide. Stir it up and drink it. After taking molasses I have developed hives. Sugar cane, after it's been harvested, is then boiled. The label states that, consuming this product might expose you to lead and acrylamide. You dont want to poison any of your readers do you? I have a question related to this treatment - If we are using Baking Soda / as well as Aloe Vera - which should be taken first and how close can they be taken? I have also spoken to many people that have used it effectively. Some readers find that taking blackstrap molasses with food reduces side effects. It has 20% of the iron and 10% of the calcium for your daily needs. Why Does Blackstrap Molasses Have Cancer Warning? ), [HLG Blackbird] 600W Premium LED Cannabis Grow Setup & Shopping List (up to 1.5 lb yield). However, the economics of sugar changed after World War I, causing people to switch their allegiance to refined sugar. Molasses cannot be relished by itself by anyone. California requires a warning label on food items that contain lead or acrylamide, Molasses naturally contain trace amounts of lead and acrylamide, However, there is zero evidence that molasses causes cancer, often contain unlisted ingredients (including plant hormones). so i tried taking it again with similar side effects and had to stop. Studies also show that these antioxidants can help guard cells from the oxidative stress associated with cancer and other diseases. However, if youre worried, there are a variety of products that have specifically been designed for plants like cannabis that claim to have similar effects including: Although I havent tried this yet, Im really intrigued by Botanicares Sweet Carbo line. 10) On day 12, if you believe you're cured, you can stop taking the BAKING SODA CURE. Earth Clinic readers have also been delighted to find that it can be helpful for pets, too. Will the baking soda/Molasses cure blood cancer in the bones. By clicking Subscribe, I agree to the WebMD, Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Bird Flu Deaths Prompt U.S. to Test Vaccine in Poultry, COVID Treatment in Development Appears Promising, Marriage May Help Keep Your Blood Sugar in Check, Getting Outdoors Might Help You Take Fewer Meds, New Book: Take Control of Your Heart Disease Risk, MINOCA: The Heart Attack You Didnt See Coming, Health News and Information, Delivered to Your Inbox, Potential Health Benefits of Blackstrap Molasses, Becoming a Vegetarian: Foods to Choose From. It has the consistency of a thick syrup, as the third boiling of sugar syrup yields blackstrap molasses. What is great about Earth Clinic is real people like you and I come and share what worked for us during a health crisis. Please let me know --or may be it was due to some yoga exercises. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Learn how Earth Clinic readers used baking soda and blackstrap molasses to treat cancer. I love Earth Clinic; it is the first place I go for first aid. Stick to organic and chemical-free versions of everything that you can! We are following radiation and chemotherapy but I am searching the web over for a natural cure that may significantly increase her odds of beating this. Anything that you can add to ease our minds would be greatly appreciated. As a potential therapeutic agent, melatonin is safe for children and adolescents and is a promising candidate for an adjuvant by reinforcing the therapeutic effects and abolishing the unwanted consequences of chemotherapies. ' I suspect this is the exact same molasses as the "Slow As" brand below. Sorry for the misinformation. http://www.phkillscancer.com/home. Molasses naturally contain trace amounts of lead and acrylamide However, there is zero evidence that molasses causes cancer There is not much evidence molasses can give you cancer, but regulations require that food with any amount of lead or acrylamide must have a warning label. Calcium oxide and calcium hydroxide, which is produced by the action of water on calcium oxide, have a broad range of uses in the food industry which include the following: To meet Food Chemicals Codex standards CaO and Ca(OH) 2 must contain not more than 10 ppm lead. Reduce Fungus, Candida and Yeast infestations in the body and your body's immune system will take care of you. Let me know if you have any other questions. Earth Clinic readers have also been delighted to find that it can be helpful for pets, too. Fruit, whether fresh or frozen, is also a very healthy sweetener. The Molasses/Sodium Bicarbonate Cancer Cure(Works like The Maple Syrup/Bicarb Cure). Be the first to know about new products, events and offers. The amount of lead in blackstrap molasses is 0.3 parts per million. I can't speak to the remedy that you mentioned, but I would like to mention the use of melatonin in both breast cancer and bone cancer as well as its anti metastasis effects. Flushing Cannabis Before Harvest (for Smoother Buds), 5 Best LED Grow Lights 2023 (Cannabis Yields, Speed, & Bud Quality). I rotated through these and other treatments / supplements / energy medicines / life adjustments..and all on a very limited income (IMHO, natural health & healing is actually less costly than slash/burn/poison). To meet Food Chemicals Codex standards, food must contain not more than 10 ppm lead. Foods with great antioxidant protection are believed to help prevent cancer and heart disease and may also slow the effects of aging. ", U.S. Department of Agriculture FoodData Central: "Blackstrap Molasses. See https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/cancer_questions.html and look for REMEDIES NEEDED FOR ANAPLASTIC ASTROCYTOMA BRAIN TUMOR. Alternatives are always flavorful when it comes to eating habits. Its use may lead to contamination with substantial levels of potash (KOH). When gaseous hydrocarbon fuels are mixed with air prior to ignition, the hydrocarbons and oxygen form hydroxylated compounds which convert to aldehydes; additional heat and oxygen convert aldehydes to H 2, CO, CO 2 and H 2O. I believe his post was from back in 2011-2012 maybe. Could someone post a video somewhere so I can see what was supposed to happen? Certainly discontinue the use of molasses if it causes you to have side effects. ----*DEIO/Investigations Branch HFC- 132*. I had a scan in September and showed clear. It is the thickest and darkest type of molasses, and it is normally expected to have a bitter taste. Molasses is a great source of iron, selenium, and copper, all of which help balance healthy bones. The side effects that you experienced was that the BSM caused a cleansing action of your body attempting the removal of toxic matter in your systems. I was so desperate that I remembered garlic was so good for so many things, what did I have to lose. First, let's take a look at the different types of molasses you might be surprised to find out there are three different varieties, and each has its own distinct taste and use. [Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Next Chapter], ITG SUBJECT: NEW SOURCE OF LEAD AND OTHER CONTAMINATION. When you find off label anti-cancer supplements it's a good idea to have the studies with you to back up your research of the benefits potentially added to your wife's chemo regime when talking it over with onc. I would like to iquire if molasses thins the blood. In fact, the only reason that brown sugar is better for a person than refined white sugar is because brown sugar is the result of adding molasses to refined sugar. Blackstrap Molasses is an inexpensive and popular home remedy, yet not without side effects for some. Remove it with a wet cloth or wash your face gently with warm water. Secondarily, they then boil down the juice to form sugar crystals. Remember, this is a multi-prong approach. When consumed on a regular basis, it can help relieve PMS symptoms, alleviate symptoms of ADHD, and make your skin healthy and glowing (via Dr. Axe). 2) Buy Black Strap molasses OR Organic Maple syrup, Grade B. the two ingedients. So long as the PH level is getting right, any cancer would be either reduced or completely gone. Do you have any suggestions to follow? Why are cannabis plants getting nutrient deficiencies when the pH is correct? 5) Mix 1 teaspoon baking soda & 1 teaspoon molasses/syrup in 1 cup water. ", The World's Healthiest Foods: "Please Tell Me the Benefits of Unsulphured Molasses. Since many of us have different health situations going on in our bodies, you may have to do a baking soda drink without the molasses. 2023 Earth Clinic LLC. People can take advantage of it in baking, but it lends meals a distinct flavor and color. https://jeffreydachmd.com/iodine-treats-breast-cancer/, https://www.lifeextension.com/magazine/2002/7/cover_cimetidine. ?small dose or not at all??? I found Baking Soda and Molasses very effective. In the process of refining the cane, the juice is pressed from the plant, then boiled to make refined sugar crystals. We all want variety in our meals, the organic ingredients make us love our food more.