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from Dartmouth, 1968. Received bachelor's in physics, magna cum laude, from Amherst College (Mass., also attended by Burgess Meredith). John Harwood Data is a real-time snapshot *Data is delayed at least 15 minutes. Mar 25, 2022 03/22. Attended former Irish quarterback Ron Powlus' wedding. stock is down over 60% last year any forwarded guidance will be closely strutinized, carl. Born June 24, 1946, Scranton, Pa. Born in Akron, Ohio, July 30, 1973, to immigrant parents of India's Jammu and Kashmir; grew up in Stow, Ohio. Chairman and CEO of MD Helicopters Inc. Married high school sweetheart at 20 in junior year at Yale; later divorced. F/M Investments CIO, joins the CNBC 'Halftime Report . Founder, Market Ticker Follow @tickerguy. Very active in Princeton alumni organizations, Special Olympics, and Buoniconti Fund to Cure Paralysis. Married Adele Obermayer, a researcher for CNBC, in May 1993; 4 children. Head Trader, Kilburg Capital, since 1999. Host of numerous radio shows and TV programs, with capitalism/conservative/Christian emphasis; consulted with Bush White House. Also had stints at Kidder Peabody, Oppenheimer, M.J. Whitman, Amroc, Papillon Partners and Long Drive Management Trust before founding Patriarch Partners, a "vertically integrated distressed private equity firm," in 2000. Data is a real-time snapshot *Data is delayed at least 15 minutes. If you like Fast Money, CNBC, and Fox Business tune in here. Worked for ABN AMRO, Metallgesellschaft, Lehman Brothers, Fimat USA before becoming VP and co-Head of MF Global in 2007. Sign up for free newsletters and get more CNBC delivered to your inbox. Stony Brook homecoming speaker, October 2009. Received MBA from Iona College Graduate School of Business, 1972. We want to hear from you. Stocks back in the Green 3/3/23. Member of Bard trustees, has endowed Bard professors of art, music. Ms. Harrington is the CEO of Gilman Hill Asset Management, and Portfolio Manager of the firm's flagship Equity Income strategy. Gave $2,300 to McCain campaign, $2,300 to Giuliani, $1,000 to Chuck Schumer, per FEC. Shannon is long A, AAPL, ABBV, ABT, ACN, ADBE, ADI, AMD, AMT, AMZN, APD, BBY, BK, BLK, BR, CDW, CMCSA, COST, CSCO, CSGP, DHR, EA, EL, EOG, EQIX, ETN, FCX, GOOGL, GUNR, HD, HON, IBM, ICE, INTU, IQV, ISRG, JOET, JPM, KEYS, LHX, MAS, MDLZ, MDT, MLM, MMC, MSFT, NEE, NFLX, ORCL, PEP, PG, POOL, PRI, QQQ, ROK, SCHW, SIVB, SYK, TECH, TREX, TW, TYL, UNH, V, VLO, VMW, WDAY, ZTS. The statement comes as a response to criticisms . Overcame dyslexia. Mary Thompson Joe is long stock ABBV, ADM, BAC, DE, EOG, FCX, GLD, JOET, MRK, MS, PXD, TXN, UBER, UNH, V, VLO, VRTS. Left MF Global in October 2009 to co-found Round Earth Capital hedge fund with Marcelo Dorea. 03:14 Thu, Jul 21 2022 1:14 . Joe LaVorgna Married longtime companion Astrid Menks in 2006. Budget to recognise contribution of Indian middle class, sources said. Writes "everyone on the floor got there through the help of a relative or a friend." Market strategist (private client group) at Stifel Nicolaus, began career as analyst at Exxon and Elkins & Co. Is interviewed in Michael Moore film, "Capitalism: A Love Story.". Joshua Brown is co-founder and CEO of Ritholtz Wealth Management, a New York City-based investment advisory firm managing over $2 billion for high net worth investors, corporate retirement plans . B.A., History & Spanish, Hobart-William Smith Colleges. With wife, Toby, gave largest gift ever to community fund. Addison Armstrong Fast Money Halftime Report (TV Series 2010- ) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Fast Money Halftime Report: With Scott Wapner, Joshua M. Brown, Jim Lebenthal, Stephanie Link. Brains behind Jovian Capital's CIBC Gartman Global Allocation notes, which are based on monthly index allocations suggested by Gartman. Liz Claman On board of directors of Dignity U Wear, whose goal is to "positively impact the lives of children and their families in need by providing brand new clothing." Carl Quintanilla Rebecca Jarvis Charles Gasparino, The Sellout: Impressive chronicle, dubious title, lacks chutzpah Persuaded management to let him actively trade bonds and founded subsidiary PIMCO. Columbia Business School, United Jewish Appeal, N.J. 10. Josh Brown serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the Ritholtz Wealth Management. Born in Cambridge, Mass. Neil Cavuto Fast Money Halftime Report CNBC February 10, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm EST "Fast Money Halftime Report" is on the front lines of CNBC's market coverage; host CNBC's Scott Wapner and the Street's top investors get to the heart of the action as it's happening and help set the agenda for the rest of the day. (Warren Buffett Wikipedia. Brian is the first financial reporter who brought to light the risk of the housing bubble in 2006 to 2007, and for this, he won a Loeb award. [5] He began his journalism career at age 17 writing baseball box scores for The Wheeling Intelligencer. Said, "We are on the verge of another banking crisis," Oct. 11, 2001. MBA, Wharton, 2002. David Faber, "Goldman Sachs: Power and Peril": Just as hedged on TV as in the mortgage market Married John Trinta, a regional managing partner for Deloitte, in Munich on July 4, 2009. Nouriel Roubini A resident of Long Island, Josh is an on-air contributor at CNBC, hosting his show, The Halftime Report. Robert Pavlik Served in Navy, sought Wall Street job but ended up a "coupon-clipper" of bonds at Pacific Mutual Life Insurance. Donated $2,300 to Hillary Clinton campaign, March 2008. Began career with First Chicago Corp. Was initially treated as a "ditzy blonde." Writes of career indecision upon graduating from high school, prompted by father to try pre-med at Stony Brook, spent too much time at Belmont Park, placed on "academic probation" for 3 semesters ending original thoughts of med school; still treasures $500 wager on Slew o' Gold. Got a confidential news tip? Currently, he is also an active investor and market analyst, where he works to build awareness on roadshows and at . Conservative economist. 10 hours ago. Get this delivered to your inbox, and more info about our products and services. Met husband John "Bradshaw" Layfield, 6-foot-6, 290-pound ex-pro wrestler and stock guru, in 2003 while arguing over Citigroup stock on Fox News program. Global Business and Financial News, Stock Quotes, and Market Data and Analysis. Jun 10 . Joined Citigroup March 19, 2002. Dissatisfied with President Obama, says, "The largest country in the free world chose as its leader a 48-year-old man who was a community organizer and had never worked in the business world." Anthony Scaramucci Christine Romans, Meredith Whitney B.A., History, honors, Brown University, 1992. Vince Farrell Joined TCW, 1985; company purchased by Socit Gnrale in 2001. According to HuffPost made $1,000 donation to Hillary Clinton in 2008. B.S., Accounting and Finance, 1983, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa. Had stints at 2 muni bond houses, then VP of United States Trust Co.. Married 1980, wife Mary Ann. Sign up to get unlimited songs and podcasts with occasional ads. Plays golf with friends in a tournament called The Meisters the same weekend as The Masters. Criticized by Charles Gasparino and Gary Kaminsky for late 2010 muni-meltdown call. Formed Mack, Bushnell and Edelman as CEO in 1969. Anderson Cooper Guy Adami On board of North Carolina State Investment Fund. tv Fast Money Halftime Report CNBC October 25, 2022 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT . Joined Gruntal & Co., where he spent 18 years. Kate Kelly Owns home in Belle Meade, Tenn., an independent city within Nashville. Felix Rohatyn, Dealings: A rainmaker has no hostility toward the takeover business Arthur Laffer Terry Keenan Has donated to George Allen, Arlen Specter, Steve Forbes, Rick Santorum, Lindsey Graham, Michael Fitzpatrick, Stewart Greenleaf, Pat Buchanan, Bush-Cheney. M.A., Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, 1990. "Decompressed" in cabin near Lake Tahoe after leaving government; reference in NYT required correction. This broadcast did not contain any . Lists stints at Philips Electronics, IBM, Internet startups. Lawrence as analyst in 1991 before spending 12 years (1994-2006) at Bear Stearns covering retail. Get this delivered to your inbox, and more info about our products and services. Bachelor's in Fine Arts, Manhattan School of Music. Preeminent banking industry analyst. We want to hear from you. Was founding partner of Spears, Benzak, Salomon & Farrell, acquired by KeyCorp in 1995. Senior Development Director, Treasury Curve, since 2009. Bertha Coombs (New York) - healthcare reporter. Became chief financial futures analyst for A.G. Becker and Company in Chicago; member of CBOT, traded Treasury products. B.S. Millionaire in 1962 at age 32. Exchange insider, CNBC contributor. Joined Deutsche Bank in 1997. Journalist, political analyst, author. Market pundit, CNBC contributor. Graduate of Duke's Trinity College, 1966; MBA from UCLA, 1971. M.B.A., Wharton, 1996. In April 2010 disputed NYT columnist Paul Krugman's contention he had misrepresented a Krugman passage about nationalizing banks. Jared Bernstein Has worked for the Heritage Foundation (founded 1973), which promotes "conservative public policies" based on free enterprise principles, and Cato Institute (founded 1977), which promotes "limited government" and free-market policies. B.A., University of Akron; M.A., North Carolina State University. In mid-1950s, worked for Benjamin Graham and began accumulating partnerships. Graduate of Scarsdale High School, Scarsdale, N.Y., 1995. Halftime Report CNBC Squawk on the Street CNBC CNBC's "Fast Money" CNBC . He is an American technology businessman, finance blogger, and political activist, sometimes referred to as a founding member of the Tea Party movement. Get this delivered to your inbox, and more info about our products and services. Nicole Lapin (Barry Ritholtz blog, "The Big Picture."). [5] A 1997 graduate of Hampden-Sydney College [6] in Virginia, he later served as politics editor at the Charleston Daily Mail and West Virginia Media. All Rights Reserved. Married Susan Thompson in 1952 at age 22; three children. Active in National Down Syndrome Society and Cure Autism Now. Known for taking short positions, has lectured on the topic at Harvard, Yale and Seton Hall. Master's and Ph.D. in economics, Stanford. Halftime Report is on the front lines of CNBC's market coverage. interestingly meta with a larger market cap than tesla for the first time in about a year or so we're going to watch that with tesla just south of 112. very busy day. You don't know the context in which your quotes are being used. Michael Crofton Eric Bolling Business major, University of Notre Dame, 1997; 4-year athletic scholarship (also recruited by Georgia). Fluent in German. Born 1961, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India. New Republic editor, 1999-2006. tv Fast Money Halftime Report CNBC September 21, 2022 12 . Carl Quintanilla, "Trash Inc.": Some of the better garbage you'll see on TV Sarat is long AAPL, ACN, AL, AMT, AMZN, APA, AXP, BAC, BMY, BR, BX, C, CHTR, CMCSA, CSCO, CVS, CVX, DAL, DIS, DHR, DEO, EA, EIX, ELAN, EOG, EQIX, FRC, GDDY, GM, GOOGL, GSK, HON, ILMN, JNJ, JPM, LOW, MA, META, MLM, MRK, MS, MSFT, NSRGY, NVDA, ORCL, PEP, PRU, PXD, PYPL, QCOM, RBLX, SCS, STZ, TDG, TMO, UAL, UBER, USB, V, VMC, XPO, ZBH. Graduate of Loyola University (Chicago, also attended by Bob Newhart, Bill Rancic, Sara Lee Chairman and CEO Brenda Barnes), liberal arts major. Weekdays at 12-1p ET on @CNBC. Halftime Report | CNBC . Revealed in May 2011 he was "trying to put a group together" to buy the Buffalo Bills. Founded National Action Against Obesity. A Division of NBCUniversal. but, john's right it did defend earlier today. Super-steady investor. Reads 5 newspapers at gym before arriving at office at 7 a.m., per WaPost. B.S., Finance, Central Connecticut State University, New Britain, Conn. (also attended by Mike Sherman, Richard Grieco, Dave Campo, Kenny Johnson, Scott Pioli); MBA, University of Bridgeport (also attended by Manute Bol and Fred DeLuca). In February 2009 launched own firm, Meredith Whitney Advisory Group. Monica Crowley Reported donations to Paul and Club for Growth. (Nouriel Roubini Wikipedia.). With Max Kahn, made donation between $1,000-$2,499 to Facing History and Ourselves, a group that "combats racism, antisemitism and prejudice and nurtures democracy through education programs worldwide." Contributed to Virginia Republican Rep. J. Randy Forbes; also a contributor to former Sen. George Allen. Sign up for free newsletters and get more CNBC delivered to your inbox. Gave to Bush in 2004, Rudolph Giuliani, Fred Thompson and Bill Richardson in 2007, McCain in 2008, per FEC. Lives with wife & family in New York. Originally spent nine years as vice president of sales at Smith Barney. Reported $2,300 donation to Barack Obama, Jan. 22, 2008, and $1,000 to George W. Bush, Sept. 29, 1999. CNBC contributor, professor, author of The Coming China Wars. movies. English. Started Philadelphia Trust Co. in 1999. Ph.D., Harvard, 1988. A. Gary Shilling Frank Lobiondo (R-N.J.), New Jersey Republican state Sen. Thomas H. Kean Jr., plus Bush-Cheney in 2003. CEO of Index Futures Group; chairman of Capital Markets Technologies. Has owned at least 8 works by William Wendt. Began writing for Times in high school, assisted advertising columnist Stuart Elliott. Son Karna. Youve got to give men what they want.". Launched career at Federal Reserve Bank of New York in 1992 as economist on Monetary Analysis and Projections. 2023 CNBC LLC. Fond of saying "I've been doing this 35 years. Delivers complex and innovative technologies to a technically advanced individual contributors, Management, and technical stakeholders. Lives in New England with wife Katrin, daughter Kaitlyn; owns home in Eastern Europe. Trish Regan, "Marijuana Inc.": OK documentary, tremendous fashion show Lives in Upper East Side brownstone with wife, Michelle, 4 children. "The Pixar Story": In prime-time search, CNBC finds a great business story Told "Nightline" she tries to eat 1,300 calories a day. Kevin Kerr All Rights Reserved. Becky Quick Erica Hill Bought first painting in 1961. Got a confidential news tip? M.B.A., Finance, Columbia. Umesh Chowdhary live on CNBC-TV18, talking about some recent developments at Titagarh and the Indian Railways! You don't know the context in which your quotes are being used. Contributed to Rudolph Giuliani's presidential bid, per FEC. Alexandra Lebenthal, President and CEO of the municipal bond franchise Lebenthal & Company, during an interview on March 13, 2015 -- Get premium, high resolution news photos at Getty Images Well known for opinions before 2008 Lehman demise that stocks such as Citigroup were still strong in cash flows and represented a "once-in-a-generation" buying opportunity. Only candidate in Yale graduating class accepted to Morgan Stanley's analyst program, 1981. Joined Soleil Securities as CIO in August 2008, firm bought by Ticonderoga March 2011; had been a principal of Scotsman Capital Management LLC. 12:00 pm . Member of New York bar. He and wife gave $23 million to Duke in 2005; tied with Duke alumna Melinda French Gates and husband Bill Gates for school's largest donation; gave UCLA Anderson's School $1 million in 2008. The report shows that just 1% of venture capital in 2020 was managed by black investors. Opened Edelman Arts gallery, East Side, 2002; founded Art Assure Ltd., 2010. Former U.S. Labor secretary. Monday - Friday, 12:00 - 1:00 PM ET. Earned money with paper routes as early as age 8. Melissa Francis, Diary of a Stage Mother's Daughter: A Memoir Pangs of child scardom linger for a remarkably successful woman Refreshingly blunt/emphatic oil trader, pundit; CNBC contributor. Lawrence Kudlow Ran for U.S. Senate in California in 1986; lost Republican primary to Ed Zschau. tv Fast Money Halftime Report CNBC January 6, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm EST 12:00 pm competition, mercedes. Learn more about CNBC Contributor and San Francisco female wealth management chief investment officer Brenda Vingiello! Rhodes Scholar, University College, Oxford, M. Phil in International Relations. Halftime Report: Stocks, Investing News and Market Analysis. Scott Cohn - CNBC senior correspondent. B.A., mathematics and philosophy, Dartmouth, summa cum laude, 1981. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Josh [] Performing Arts Center. Nicknamed "Killir.". Spent six years in U.S. Treasury and State Departments under Secretary James Baker before joining Bear Stearns in 1993. Peter Navarro and for hissen paic heritage month cnbc is celebrating our teammates and contributors >> when i first came to this country i only spoke spanish once i learned english i only wanted to speak english, and my mom really, really made sure that we only spoke spanish at home to make sure . Writes in Oil's Endless Bid that oil markets are "terribly broken," with flood of "dumb money" into sector. Naval Academy) played college football; also has daughter, Christen. Darren Rovell Natasha Curry Najarian is also a contributor on CNBC's "Halftime Report." In 2005, Najarian co-founded TradeMonster, a highly rated and leading online brokerage firm, that ultimately was sold in 2016 to E*TRADE . (Padmasree Warrior Twitter.). Jun 2021 - Jun 20221 year 1 month. Said "I am a free-market Republican." Halftime Report is on the front lines of CNBC's market coverage. Jenny Van Leeuwen Harrington is the Chief Executive Officer of Gilman Hill Asset Management, LLC, an income-focused, boutique investment management firm located in New Canaan, CT. Got a confidential news tip? Part of TV News Archive. Pioneer of leveraged buyouts, master collector of art, partial inspiration for Gordon Gekko. Married, mother of 2. With TV and radio, you're in charge of your own words, essentially." Alarming forecasts of steep drop in stocks proved highly accurate. Early jobs include working breakfast window at Burger Chef and hostess at Mr. Steak. ), Headlines, reviews & news from the world of CNBC, Daily online recaps often omit certain traders' holdings, appear voluntary, unenforced, no requirement for accuracy or timeliness, no description of the size of position or whether positions are for clients or traders' own accounts, Scott Wapner, "Hotel: Behind Closed Doors at Marriott": Reservations about this flat profile Board member of Joffrey Ballet. Called out by Netflix CEO Reed Hastings for touting a short in NFLX shares; covered before NFLX shares collapsed, went long shares around 2011 bottom in October. Wodehouse books. Frequent commodities pundit for CNBC and other business TV; self-made trader. Lives in New York City. 5-foot-1 tall. Well, they are well-compensated as evidenced by these ten richest CNBC anchors. CNBC contributor, prominent value investor, education agitator. Jennys firm is long AAP, ABBV, AIN, AMBP, APTV, AXAHY, AXP, BAESY, BASFY, BGS, BMY, CARR, CODI, CSCO, CWEN, DBSDY, DEA, DIS, DOW, DPSGY, DTEGY, DVN, EPD, ET, FCX, FISV, FTAI, GSK, GXO, HLN, HLPPY, HTGC, IBM, INTC, IRM, IX, JBLU, KB, KCDMY, KGFHY, KMI, KMX, KSS, LAMR, MAR, MATV, MDT, META, MITSY, MMM, MMP, MTRN, NEE-P, NGG, NGLOY, NNN, NOC, NRDBY, NYCB, OKE, PANW, PFE, PKX, PSTL, PXD, RE, REGN, RIO, RXO, SBLK, SBRA, SHEL, SKHSY, SLG, SMFG, SSREY, STX, SWKS, SYY, T, TATYY, TELNY, TER, TM, TMO, TTE, UBER, UL, UMPQ, UPMMY, URI, VEOEY, VZ, WMB, WU, XPO, ZBH, ZURVY. Earned M.S. Bernstein in 1995-'96 was deputy chief economist at the U.S. Department of Labor while Reich was Labor secretary. Distributes Kerr Commodities Watch Newsletter; has edited Resource Trader Alert and Outstanding Investments for Agora Financial. Active public speaker, says speeches involve "a very active engagement of the audience using a state of the art 'audience response system'." Melissa Francis Married Feb. 12, 2005, in Key West, Fla. Has attended "Bikini Boot Camp." Began career as housing analyst at Kidder, Peabody in 1972. Accomplished equestrian. Book called "as compelling as it is entertaining" by former CNBC host Melissa Francis. Table of Contents show. Made partner in charge of research, 1976. Serves on advisory board of Paulson & Co. Has taught at Clemson, UC-San Diego, and in Thailand. Likes P.G. Maria Bartiromo, "Inside the Mind of Google": Best thing that ever happened to Paul Bond Boots Get this delivered to your inbox, and more info about our products and services. February 15, 2023. Jack Bouroudjian Graduate, Phi Beta Kappa, economics, Boston College, 1976. Once advised former Congressman Dick Armey. Native of upstate New York. Economist, former Senate candidate. A Division of NBCUniversal. "Fast Money Halftime Report" is on the front lines of CNBC's market coverage; host CNBC's Scott Wapner and the Street's top investors get to the heart of the action as it's happening and help set the agenda for the rest of the day. Attended Stuyvesant High, N.Y., class of 1958; graduate of Columbia, 1962, majoring in political science. Engagement to Antonia Simpson reported in New York Times, 1964. Recommended getting out of stock market entirely based on U.S. debt concerns before August 2011 meltdown, then called banks buys during dismal autumn 2011. Associate Producer at CNBC (October 2021 - Present) - Pitch, research, interview, script long-form news explainers. Indices Trade In The Green, Nifty Around 17,550, RIL, ITC, Bajaj Finance Positive Contributors CNBCTV18; Russia-Ukraine Conflict: China Steps Up Rhetoric Against U.S., . Chief Technology Officer, Cisco; formerly Motorola. Frequently comments from CME on "Squawk Box;" also has been regular on Bloomberg TV. Born 1941. Ron Insana, How to Make a Fortune From the Biggest Bailout in U.S. History: Schadenfreude victim rallies late Left in 1983, worked for Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch in 1980s. Data is a real-time snapshot *Data is delayed at least 15 minutes. Launched DoubleLine Capital with longtime associate Philip Barach; sued by TCW; found liable September 2011 for breaching fiduciary duty but ordered to pay nothing; jury decided TCW should pay him and team $66.7 million. Holds B.A. Youve got to give men what they want. Maria Bartiromo Her commentary begins at the 4:01 mark. Heard on several CNBC shows. Married Diana Robin Hartstein, a lawyer, Oct. 25, 2003. David Faber, And Then the Roof Caved In: Fine writing, too much Greenspan, lacks protagonist Weiss is short RIVN, QQQ, XLI. Lives in Boston, Pa., with wife, Susan, and seven children. Najarian is also a contributor on CNBC's "Halftime Report." In 2005, Najarian co-founded TradeMonster, a highly rated and leading online brokerage firm, that ultimately was sold in 2016 to E*TRADE Financial Corp. for $750 million. Kimberly Guilfoyle