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Let the adventure begin. So the only surface Ive seen work is concrete. My dilemma has been what product to put underneath. Its usually worth quite a bit of money. If you live in a climate that only gets occasional rain, or a short rainy season, then you may be able to just lay either a commercial-grade shielding fabric or a specialized plastic draingrid on top of the hard pan soil, then layer 2-4 inches of 3/4 inch minus pea gravel and top that with a 2-inch layer of 1/4 inch minus limestone gravel, or crusher dust. Walking Paths. I was at a different stable where the horses just pulled up the barrier after digging down to it. It permanently stains anything it comes in contact with (shoes, clothing, white horse feathers). I am curious as to what you went with if you could let us know. My horses are barefoot so seedy toe is a problem with any sort of grit. Divide your answer (cubic feet) by 27 to get the number of cubic yards you need. I think the three layer option seems to be the best. If I could add some thoughts based on my experience working in the sand-and-gravel business: One thing I noticed is that the 1/4 minus you initially used is a crushed drain rock rather than a quarried rock. When should you scrape down to subgrade soil? It forms from the accumulation of shells, coral, and other debris of marine organisms, as well as the precipitation of calcium carbonate from seawater. Required fields are marked *. And in a paddock entryway with 8 inches total of gravel/crusher. It also lasts far longer than mulch. We dont have as much rain as you all in the NW but we do have LOTS of hills and so we get drainage across our fields. If I had known I would need him, I would have had him spend 30-60 minutes removing that topsoil/grass layer first, before spreading the gravel. They also know WHEN to eat a plant some are not toxic at first growth in Spring and only become toxic as they approach maturity. Gravel cost per yard Granite Base. . As you can see from the 2 photos directly above, it is much easier to rake all the leaves off of the crusher dust. Thanks so much for your help! I know nothing about it, so Im just asking you questions to stimulate your thoughts/research. that would be cool . You now need to compact your paddock surface use a tamping/compacting machine and water the gravel between tamping to make sure it compacts down well. But then youre hooped, because you just wont be willing to scrape away $2,000 worth of gravel and start again with the Geotextile! Mitchell uses the Nilex 4551 Non-woven Geotextile when he builds horse trails in provincial parks. So instead of implementing what I know would be a great solution, instead, Im trying to figure out the most cost-effective way of making sure my horses dont get thrush and can maintain healthy hooves through this years wet, rainy Winter and Spring. So youre not looking at any wear from weather elements, just urine and hooves. This is where we can choose to support our horses in a wholistic manner. Ive never seen 3-inch woodchips for sale anywhere in the Vancouver area. When youre scraping the soft soil off (see step 2 below) try to grade the area so water will be encouraged by slope and gravity to flow where you want it to. We just had our stable built, with excavation down to the hard soil. That said, you pretty much have to see the different types and as was mentioned by someone else, you have to know how the surface below it will effect it. Live and learn! Some horses freak out and run around, others are curious and want to look inside the bucket and cab, but either way, once they start working the horses move out of the way. All of the rock based products are close to the same price being within 10 dollars a yard of each other. ), Mischief, Feed Dishes & Increasing Awareness, Absolutely Easiest Way to use Horse Manure to Create a Worm Farm, Guided Meditation to Connect with your Horse, Dog, Cat or Pet, Paddock & Pasture Permaculture Setup for Rainy Climate, Livestream: Despair, Shielding & Using Imagination to Create Reality, The Dead-Easy Simplest Way to Compost Horse Manure, Horse Herd Communication Energy & Body Language, The Treacherous Creek, Tree Ecosystems, Horse Wrestling & Smooches. You'll find that natural decomposed granite offers better drainage and is great for keeping plants warmer during the winter. We have used it both inside the barn and outside. He suggests you lay down 5-6 inches of a 3-inch minus rock layer first, to provide that hard layer and then put your gravel on top of that, or you will just have to dump the same amount of gravel every year, year after year, because it just keeps sinking. They are then free to honor their body wisdom and *listen* to their body because they are not in physical or psychological scarcity. As long as you keep their hay off the sand (hay nets with a large bucket or built in container to catch escaped hay underneath?) Its a shame that gravel/aggregate companies around the globe cant use the same, standardized terminology, that would make sharing information and understanding things a whole lot easier for those of us in the UK, Australia, Canada, USA etc! 6 inches equals .50 feet. Lets start with these pictures of my first set-up, where I self-boarded my horses on a friends property, and my adventures in paddock footing began. RECYCLED ASPHALT. Your email address will not be published. (from Kelmor in Chilliwack) We did not do a geo textile cloth (although I had one in my first hog fuel arena). I hear what youre saying though and why it would work well. And yes, your farrier is correct but that is one of the reasons I LOVE gravel; it allows the horses to self-trim. Were doing the paddocks now using your advice. Ill report back! 4 inch Dig 2 inches of lime stone compacted. Then, depending on their water tolerance, select plant species for each location. Another consideration: If you live in a dry climate with little rain, the dust particles in the crusher dust can work themselves deep into your horses mane and coat. Ideal for situations where you need it to pack together, crushed stone is the product you want for walkways & driveways, or anywhere you need a good, hard base. By the ton, the costs of crushed limestone will vary anywhere from $20 to as much as $30. When choosing rock for the top layer, choose "traffic bound" or "dense-grade" gravel. Like you mentioned, it has blunted edges and wont compact as well as a 1/4 minus quarried rock. The pea gravel has to be changed over to new, clean material every few years, I think. Damage Caused by Slowfeeders, Hay Nets & Metal Grates and Solutions! Well wool holds 40% its weight in water, so that makes sense. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. and I love the photos!!!! An easy way to tell the difference is that crushed drain rock is usually variegated (the grains will have multiple colors) while a quarried rock will mostly consist of the same color hue. Not only does this make them very hard to brush clean, but the particles are super fine dust that occasionally irritate the horses eyes and are certainly not healthy for you or your horse to be inhaling. This was an important step because without it the large 3 minus rocks will slowly start to surface to the top and will need to be picked before riding / turnout. Tip: When spreading the top layer of crusher dust or 1/4 inch gravel, I have it spread 6-12 inches away from all the walls or sides of the paddock. Remember that you need to remove all organic matter from the surface of your gravel to ensure it is kept clean and can drain properly. That cost me $840 including delivery. So for the 1000 lb plate compactor you rented was that a separate machine? Id love to see it in person. Thanks Margaret glad it was useful/helpful! The size ranges from 1 to 3 and ultimately best from a company that screens it for horse gallops (Dormit woodfibre in UK supplies a lot for arenas and gallops). I really appreciate the knowledge you shared. Crushed stone is the world's most basic mineral commodity. I like the fines so far for helping with the mud, but for sure am trying a longer term solution. This may seem like a small point, but trust me, it makes a huge difference to the time spent scooping manure AND the loss of expensive gravel that gets tossed out with the manure. This size rock resembles lemons or grapefruits and provides a firm base for the driveway. However, if you can get them small enough (usually 3/8 5/8) to filter through the tines of your manure fork, that will make scooping poop much easier and reduce gravel wastage. My 2 boys dont poop in their 24 x 36 paddock area so I cant comment on how much base I lose to a manure fork. Applying straw, pine shavings, or organic mulch to a muddy yard is an excellent temporary remedy. When its settled a bit , say 12 months add another layer of 20mm minus, crushed rock and out a roller or wackier over it. It would probably be fine in a drier climate but on the Wet Coast, it isnt ideal. Seriously, DO it. You may always install. I only bring this up because who would ever think that doing the right thing for your horses would be against the law. You then start to add layers of more crushed stone or rock, but the size of the stones gets progressively smaller as you get closer to the surface. Right now we have geo textile underlaymen, 5 1 1/4 gravel and 5 5/8 gravel. She said most of the time you can find sheep herdsmen to give you the fleece for free. To find out more, visit the limestone page on the website or, to get . Both areas were destroyed in a couple of months once the rains started the cloth was either sticking up all over the place (the other woman said her horses would then grab it in their teeth and pull on it we just cut it off), or it had disappeared into the muck. And yes, because horses hooves pound gravel and shift it around unevenly, eventually you will have spots where the geocloth is exposed usually at the edges of an area. So they tear around a lot, wrestle, lunge and pivot etc. I thought I could get a few friends out and spread the gravel using rakes, but when I looked at the size of the piles and realized how heavy the gravel was, I decided to hire a local farmer to come spread it for me. The question is: what should I put down on the surface of this paddock; what drainage materials will work best and not cost me crazy money? So another friend of mine who builds both roads and horse trails in provincial parks, says that you cant just put the 3-inch rock layer down. I have been considering french drains as well. One of the most important considerations for many people is the cost of the material, but there is good news with crushed gravel because it's one of the more affordable driveway options available. During my research, I also called BC Parks & Rec who commission the horse trails in the provincial parks here and asked them what they did, as their trails seem to stay in pretty good shape all winter long, with lots of traffic on them. Wish I had better news for you! Would love to know what works for your climate/conditions , Hi Jini, I too live in eastern Colorado and would love to try the paddock recipe youve provided for this area. (Aggregate = rocks; permeable = allows water to pass through.). I was all ready to order my gravel and tractor (my two new horses arrive at the end of April) until I read that you shouldnt do this work when the soil is muddy. I usually have my gravel delivered 2-3 days before the Bobcat/tractor guy arrives as my horses love playing on the gravel piles! That was a very interesting read! Should I let my horses have one season of muddy feet and wait till summer to do the work? Over the last two years we have found that the compacted chalk works well under a straw bed inside. Are wood chips the same thing that we call hog fuel or bark mulch here?? And I will move them to the field next to it. 2. And unfortunately, I have to report that my experience has been similar. #4 Gravel stone is made of limerock from 1 inch to 2 1/2 inches in size. What are 57s Judy? That's where limestone from Baker Lime can help. It can also be called quarter minus, or flume sand. Thanks again. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Especially Arabians, with their fine coats and sensitive skin, theyre not going to do well lying down on any kind of gravel. Only a few dont fall through. A couple of months ago (prior to reading this) I leveled the walkout paddock area and laid pea gravel 6 deep under the roof and 4 beyond which will be exposed to a lot of rain in winter. Gravel/Crushed Rock fills approximately 1/3 cu. Ok so Ive spent some time thinking about this, but I dont think youre gonna like my answer! Since putting the pea gravel down her feet have improved a lot as the little rocks act like ball bearings and roll around under her feet instead of sticking causing pain. Heres a full list of inch to feet conversions so you can figure out the depth of gravel you want for your calculation in step #1 above: 1 inch equals .083 feet It wouldnt be the most interesting thing Ive ever written, but it might be useful. So far so good. 3/4" Crushed Limestone Rock, 57 Stone. I live in a dry, desert region in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and I have purebred Arabian horses. Well, keep me posted if you can and let me know what happens! to see prices and products. So then when the ground shifts, it may develop sink spots, become wavy, etc but it doesnt matter since your mats are one piece. Thanks so much for sharing your experience. Might be a case of dont ask apologize later if you have to Some of those bylaws are aimed at developers though and they may not bother with small usage it varies though, some are more rabid dog about it. Because the 4 of gravel that was on top, has either been moved around by punchy horse hooves, or been thrown out along with manure that breaks down into tiny particle sizes. However, depending on the surface you lay the crusher dust on, it can also mix easily with the mud and be gone by the next rainy season. The other way to look at the weed issue is from a soil ecology perspective. So I want to lay down some kind of surface footing that will encourage water drainage and help keep my horses hooves drier, so we can avoid thrush and other hoof problems that are common in this rainy climate. I only had the farrier out once this entire year and even then one of the horses didnt need anything the rest of the time they either self-trimmed or I helped them out with a touch-up here and there. 3. How thick does each layer need to be? Scraped out dirt, put in drain, geotextile, big rocks, then 57s, then screenings. Occasionally if on slope older spent chips need shoveling up but they can go on ground, gardens, hardcore roads. This year added more 57s, more screenings. You need the jagged edges and different particle sizes for the footing to pack down well and not just slide around every time a hoof punches down on it. Congrats though and how exciting! The toxic effects of Russian knapweed and yellow star-thistle are cumulative, meaning that poisoning normally results when levels of the toxin build up in the body over time due to horses routinely grazing these plants. And repeat, ongoing. If you were to follow Dr. Swinkers advice, you could use pea gravel 0r 3/4-inch minus gravel on the bottom and crusher dust on top (crusher is really just tiny gravel with gravel particle dust), or limestone gravel and crusher dust, or limestone gravel and sand. It needs to be deep enough that the rock compacts and locks together so one layer (of 3 rock) is not enough. As the hogfuel ages and the acid leaches out, it turns sloppy and is a fantastic host for bacteria so again, another problem to deal with.. The cost per yard can start at $30 and go up to $45. I forgot to mention our new barn has 12 stalls, so this will be 12 paddocks. This dust forms a cement-like bond when compacted. Which Paddock Surface is Best for a Rainy Climate? Honestly, the best solution is concrete all the stables in the UK (same climate) use concrete for high traffic areas. I am considering using 3 deep of recycled 1minus concrete directly on top of the fresh scraped and graded ground compacted with his skidsteer and then adding 3 deep of crusher dust or sechelt sand to the top.. I wonder if he was eating the crusher seeking to address a mineral deficiency You can just offer the plain (unflavored, no molasses) basic Hoffmans Minerals in a feeder/bucket in a covered area and let them help themselves. Lastly, if you want to make your manure-picking way easier (more on this below), or have a bit softer surface for your horses, then add a 2-inch deep top layer of 1/4 inch minus gravel, on top of the 3/4 inch gravel. BLACK BASALT CRUSHED ROCK (1/2") Decomposed Granite. Its uses include: On Bike Paths. That is a good idea however I have an intense dislike of the noise of leaf blowers! Horses must consume relatively large quantities of the green or dried plants before the toxic threshold is reached. Also be sure and check out our French Drain post as that worked brilliantly and may replace your trench: SO pleased for you!! If you are putting it over mud, you arent going to get the positive results that many of us see with it. If we have low-sugar hay in slowfeeders/haynets available 24/7 then our horses do not have to eat toxic plants to assauge the acid in their gut. Excellent article, and appreciate the before and after pics. A friend of mine who builds roads in the Vancouver area and whose father builds horse arenas told me that you can go down 6 feet and you still wont hit any kind of hard soil or anything that would provide a barrier to your gravel sinking away. Typically, a gravel driveway will cost about $1.25 to $1.80 per square foot, taking into consideration that the driveway is . I have lost so much gravel from throwing it out with the manure, I highly suspect well need to put down a load of crusher dust after scraping/grading this year. 20 Results Brand: Merola Tile Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor Clear All Sort by: Top Sellers Get It Fast In Stock at Store Today Cumberland & nearby stores Next-Day Delivery Please choose a rating 1.0k $406 /sq. Among the other options are crushed stone #411, quarry process, pea gravel, jersey shore gravel, marble chips, and river rock. will disappear and every year youll be laying new gravel. Im on year 4 of doing that and it just keeps disappearing into our rain-soaked soil. When I showed it to my friend Mitchell, he said the two problems with what I did were (a) I did not use industrial-grade geotextile, and (b) I did not put enough rock and gravel on top of the cloth. BUT mine have extensive gravelled areas so depending on the area you gravel it may not have much effect, or, it could reduce your farrier bills . From what Ive seen in my research, I wouldnt want to use them in a super muddy area unless they went on top of geotextile and road base otherwise, the mud would just ooze up through the grids as the horses walked/ran on them, so youd be continually cleaning the mud off them, or the mud would be mixing with your crusher fines. Bridges of Kentucky > Blog > Uncategorized > crushed limestone for muddy yard. After scraping down to compacted subsoil, put a commercial-grade barrier material on top of the hard pan soil. This work can be done with a shovel, but it is laborious work. Or should I risk making even more mud and do it now? Touring the world with friends one mile and pub at a time; best perks for running killer dbd. A couple of extra tips; A power tiller is the preferred tool. Gravel for paths is sold by type and size. Should I do the same thing, or should I do something different like sand or pea gravel? Its holding up well though and perhaps they will only need to re-do it every 3-5 years now; since theres such a good base on it now. Or for sure you will be re-doing every year. Heres what it looked like after the two truckloads of 3/4 inch gravel was spread out: I was happy with this for a few days, and then I started fretting about the fact that there really wasnt much room for them to move around and exercise, yet stay on the gravel. I guess it goes back for centuries in the European countries and the lady that wrote the list was from Scotland. Crushed Limestone Gravel - Prices, Purchase, Deliv; Crushed Granite Delivery and Prices; Testimonials. This should be perfect. My horses are surrounded by toxic plants not one of them has ever become sick. Of course you can always start with that and if its not enough, then add more on top. If you need to install a drain or culvert heres my handy step-by-step guide to install a French drain. Buying gravel in small quantities costs more than $100 per ton. The process involves breaking of collected rocks down to the specific sizes with the help of different rock crushers/machines. See the video at the end of this post here from a woman who also has 2 acres:, Or, this permaculture system: Can be used for landscaping, back fill and mixing concrete. With my crew, I need to add a layer of fresh 1/4 minus every Fall. Slope the ground surface 5% away from the stable and divert surface and groundwater away from the stable site (Figure 8). More importantly, you should know that the kitty litter will need to remain in the yard for at least a day or two before it is completely soaked in and then it needs to be removed. Foundation for buildings, roads, parking lots, railroads, etc. If you can maximize drainage OUT of your gravel areas (using sloped land, French Drains, etc), then it might last a lot longer. Note: Some people like to put a layer of crusher dust as their top layer, but Ive found the fines in crusher really interfere with drainage, as they form this solid packed layer on top of all the gravel. I have found your article here really helpful! Sand tends to overwear the feet but of all the footings for paddocks, it tends to be my second choice because at least their feet stay dry. Rip rap is large nearly boulder-size crushed stone. While you could use a number of materials to make your parking area, using gravel is a cost-effective option that provides you with a structurally sound end product. In the middle of the worst rains of winter, the 3/4 inch gravel has the best drainage and keeps the surface drier, even during a full day of rain: On the same day, heres what patches of the 1/4 inch crusher dust look like you can see how the mud and soil underneath has been churned into the crusher dust.