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1. If the video is missing from your photos app and wasnt saved to your phone prior to deletion, there is no way to get it back. On our website you can analyze and explore TikTok in a new and better way. When they upload many videos, video management may be a little difficult. The video can be found on an archive site, such as or, as well as on original sound - Keleani. How To Easily & Quickly Delete A TikTok Video After Posting - ScreenRant It became available in the United States after merging with on 2 August 2018. About Us How to Recover Unsaved or Lost After Effects Files? Next, go to Workflows and click Create a New Workflow.. Ltd. All Trademarks Acknowledged. You can reject cookies at any time in your browser settings. You may want to recover them. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. So, having a copy of the link really doesnt make any difference. . [Solved] What Is the Best Time to Post on TikTok in 2022? After deleting both her Facebook and TikTok last week, the young woman wrote: "If you don't like me, please unfollow. This post clearly explained how you could easily restore your deleted TikTok videos from the backup. Method 1 Restore Deleted TikTok Videos from Backup, if Available, Method 2 Recover Your Liked Videos on TikTok, Method 3 Stellar Photo Recovery to Recover Deleted TikTok Videos. On their feed, tap Drafts in the upper-left corner of their profile grid. (Its Not Just GPS!). This is because the video has been completely removed from TikToks servers. Let me know which ones are your favorite and see if you can guess in the comments below, which one(s) are deleted? Uploaded by Maybe due to this point, her articles are simple and easy to understand. For more information, please see our By the way,her special focuses are data recovery, partition management, disk clone, and OS migration. Fast forward the compilations because they can be very lengthy. Here is the guide: Some people also report that this method works for them. Archive sites function by downloading videos from TikTok in bulk and then rehosting them. Search On An Archive Site. So, if you are an influence there is a high probability you may get approached by them. - A TikTok Downloader, Archive, and Sharing Platform However, in our experience, most TikTok videos are available to download. Search for the video you are looking for under different associated titles and in other linked TikTok accounts of the creator. Plus, you guys have asked for a roundup of my favorites - so here's my TikTok Mas. Your email address will not be published. Next, scroll to the right inside the bottom menu, tap Delete, then confirm your action. But there is a silver lining with heavily liked or commented TikTok videos which got deleted. How to watch deleted TikToks in 2022? TechBriefly 98.2% of the deleted videos were spotted by . (As of writing this article, the site is working.). Probably, you may have set your phone to automatically upload videos to default photos app, such as Androids Google Photos app or iOS Photos app. (2023). Step 4: Select the SD card volume under Connected Drives from where you want to recover your lost videos, and click Scan. On your dashboard, go to Connections and click Add a New Connection. Select TikTok from the list of options when they appear. To remove the video from the Favorites folder, you need to go to Me and then click the bookmark icon beside the Edit profile button. Here is a post talking about how to delete videos on TikTok and how to recover deleted TikTok videos. Ltd. All Trademarks Acknowledged. A social media management platform that actually helps you grow with easy-to-use content planning, scheduling, engagement and analytics tools. TokyTiky is the best Tiktok Video Viewer on the Web that you can easily browse users, followers, videos, hashtags, popular contents, statistics and much more. By default, Android saves your uploads under a folder called "TikTok.". However we would recommend you to respect the privacy of the creator and to adhere to the rules and regulations of the app. There are several different things that you can try, so lets look over each one of them. All the video files are saved at your specified location. TikTok video from BrookeSocial Media Manager (@brookeyoursocialbestie): "TikTok stories expire after 24 hours but the story archive lives on Here's how to see your story archive + final view counts on those clips #tiktoktips #TikTokstories #tiktoktrends #tiktokgrowthtips #tiktokcontentcreator @brookeyoursocialbestie @brookeyoursocialbestie". Spice it up by incorporating TikTok quotes, experimenting with new hashtags, or using a different music track. Step 2: Connect the mobile phone's memory card to your computer. Step 3: Run theStellar Photo Recovery software. Search the history of over 797 billion You . You can select a video cover before posting a new video. Step 5: Once the scanning process is complete, a list of recoverable video files is displayed on the left pane. Video. There is a very high chance you will find the webpage which hosted the deleted Tiktok here. Online TikTok Viewer TokyTiky Archival: Every single TikTok mirror is hosted by us, so in the event that your favorite video is deleted you can always view it on If you enjoy the rest of their content, give How To View Deleted TikTok Videos - 5 Simple Hacks One of the most frustrating things is when you go to view an old TikTok that you liked, only to notice that its no longer available. The first option you can try out, is to search for the video or the creator on a TikTok archiving site. First, you'll want to open your TikTok app and locate the video you wish to delete. Nowadays, many people use TikTok to record their life and share it with others. Cloudflare ranked TikTok as the most popular website of 2021, leading Google. Even if you had a direct link to where the video file used to be, it will no longer be there when you go to play it. This method is very useful especially if the video has been deleted by the video uploader. To start, open up the TikTok to be deleted and then tap the three-dot button below the comment button. Adding a video cover . To remove the video from the Likes folder, you should go to Me > Likes folder, tap the video to open it, and then click the heart icon again. If the deleted video had something of value to you and you liked it or pinned it, there are ways you can still find it. Here is the guide: How to Check Your TikTok Analytics to Track Video Performance. A word of caution:Stop using the SD card immediately after a data loss incident (such as video deletion) to prevent permanent data loss and video file corruption due to potential overwriting. This method requires some technical know how. Plus, many phones have built-in image recognition, allowing you to type in words and pull up related media. Repeat the same steps to connect your Google Drive account to have both services linked to People may reupload it to their page in the event that its been deleted. Then, others can view these videos, add them to the Favorite list, and even download them. TIK TOKS Best Girl Tik Tok #NSFW - Videos - Metatube TikTok creators with large followings get far too many notifications and messages to likely even see yours at all, let alone take the time to do something for just one person. Like its fellow social media apps, users can also follow, like, and comment on everything they see. TikTok Apologizes After Deleting a Video That Criticized China Some people report that this method works. I love talking to you so much, so please follow me and interact with me on Social Media! suggested videos, and click the username on the ones you like. You will need to have a phone number tied to your TikTok account in order to send direct messages. The first option you can try out, is to search for the video or the creator on a TikTok archiving site. P.S. Your email address will not be published. It works I was able to see a video from 2 days ago that was deleted today. affiliated with Tik Tok. Select each file you want to restore, or select Select All. The above-mentioned solutions will definitely work for you. The America's Got Talent judge's TikTok account has many posts . . Copyright2023 - James McAllister Online. Here is what we know about it including restoration disappeared content. Though it is possible to get back the deleted TikTok videos on an Android device, there is a piece of advice for you - always take backup of your videos as the same can happen to you in future also.. Lastly, I would like you to share your queries . How to Find Deleted TikTok Videos | Step-By-Step Guide [2023] By default, Android saves your uploads under a folder called TikTok. On iPhones, just tap See all to view all saved TikTok videos. If they no longer want the video to be available, we should respect that choice. Your email address will not be published. Megan Guthrie @megnutt02 If you have any other questions about TikTok, please ask them using the comment form below. If you know any more tiktok archive sites please lmk. Tap on the video you wish to recover and it will be loaded. How to Recover Deleted TikTok Videos - Stellar Data Recovery If you havent backed up your videos, try using the next method to recover deleted TikTok videos. Or skip ahead and try our paid plan to scale your social media efforts. Determine the appropriate niche and the topic first. Click the Heart icon to open your liked videos on TikTok. In general, using TikTok to record a video is like using any other camera app to record a video. Instead, a better alternative is to check out substitutes of the deleted video. Step 6 Click on Save video option. Step 9: Click Save. TikTok videos get deleted for a number of reasons. You will be able to find the information, or whichever element you were looking for (in the originally removed TikTok,) on other sources, like YouTube shorts or Instagram and Facebook reels. . Unlike other tiktok downloader sites, we keep a copy of every downloaded video so they are viewable even if they get deleted on! If you want to connect with James, follow him on your favorite social networks! To put it plain and simple, TikTok is here to make social media fun again. Try AI Assistant powered by ChatGPT today! Be sure to select Upload Video as your workflow action and create a new folder to make your videos more searchable on Google Drive. The Draft option means that you are saving the file on your mobile storage in order to retrieve it later . Social Media Analytics. First, it makes it easier to recover TikTok deleted videos in the future. This is the easiest way to download a TikTok video, because you can instantly do it on your mobile device, right from within the TikTok app. Help? In fact, people arent just uploading compilations, but individual TikToks themselves (if they are viral enough.) In addition, if you have encountered problems when recovering data using MiniTool Partition Wizard, please feel free to contact us via [emailprotected]. Now, you need to find the deleted TikTok videos. *The trial edition scans the media and shows preview of all the recoverable videos. Tap the draft again (this time you should press it for a longer time), and then tap the, If you want to delete a published video, please tap the video to open it. TokyTiky is the best Tiktok Video Viewer on the Web that you can easily browse users, followers, videos, hashtags, popular contents, statistics and much more. Create a workflow with TikTok as your source and Google Drive as the destination. In some countries TikTok is banned and hence creators put all their media files on other competing programs like Moj, Triller and MxTakatak. Terms of Use. 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Once your videos have been deleted (either by your own actions, or by TikTok moderation), they will no longer be available within the app. Step 2: In the newly-opened Data Recovery tab, select the memory card and start recovering. Tip: Always Download Videos You Want To Keep! It is bad for the algorithm. One person even recreated the images in Minecraft. Deleted Tiktok Videos Archive + My Weekly Favs You Asked For Discover social conversations to better inform marketing strategy. Most TikTokers, like other content creators, always keep their files safe. #1. You can browse our archive Analyze social media performance and create reports. To delete a draft or a published TikTok video, please open the TikTok app and go to Me > Works folder. Also, check your gallery apps recently deleted folder to check if the videos are there. If youre wondering how to get my TikTok videos back after being banned (or, if your country bans TikTok), saving posts to your device is also a foolproof solution. For better or worse, TikTok has been cracking down on these unofficial archives however, meaning that they are no longer as prevalent as they used to be. Copyright MiniTool Software Limited, All Rights Reserved. antiops/tiktok-downloader-and-rehoster - GitHub For Android devices, look for the Gallery app or something similar. Were there any other archive sites like Before and or after Madeleine McCann latest: Video deleted after girl who says she's Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. How To Delete A Video On TikTok [ Ultimate Guide 2022 ] This video will always be available on our site, even if the original . On the page, report your problem to TikTok Team carefully and tell them you want to recover the deleted video. HA6Bots / TikTok-Compilation-Video-Generator. Saving backups of TikTok videos on your device is a healthy habit for active TikTokers. TokyTiky is not Use the devices photo gallery app to find the TikTok folder where all uploads are saved automatically. There are other archive sites specifically for TikTok media, like Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Some creators will add them all to a playlist, making it easy to go through all of them quickly. Here's my deleted TikTok Videos Archive and the only place you'll see them! Step 4 From the screen that appears, click on the deleted video. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Music is an influential medium on its own. How to access your TikTok LIVE video replays How to download a TikTok LIVE replay How to delete a TikTok LIVE replay Why does TikTok save LIVE videos? Now, the video creator has deleted this video and you want to watch this video again. This Teenager Rose To TikTok Fame. Then Her Old Underage Nudes Started TikTok creators can choose if other users are allowed to download their videos. With a 15 seconds video, the content . Therefore, the best thing you can do is always to save videos yourself, when the option is available. Still, this is better than nothing. Whether they end up getting taken down for violating TikToks community guidelines or the creator just decides to remove it, it can be frustrating when it was one that you really loved. The easiest way to do this is to use the search tool and enter the keyword TikTok.. How to Restore Pictures from a Password-Protected USB Drive, How to fix the error cant rename an SD card.. NOTE: If you cannot find the needed TikTok videos in the list, switch over to the Deep Scan function by using the toggle switch at the bottom of the screen. Unfortunately, this strategy seems to work best with smaller creators. No speed limits, download limits, and no annoying ads. Disclaimer: We do not guarantee any percent of uptime of this api service. Use our free plan to build momentum for your social media presence. Hopefully if you have not cleared the cached files from your device you will be able to recover the video. Find the video (s) you want to 'unfavorite' and tap on them to open them. The comedian recently shocked his followers on the social media platform by showing a video of a person with a prolapsed rectum. Just like vine compilations became so popular back in the day, the same thing is happening now with TikToks. Due to how we handle requests sometimes it might return an empty 'Collector[]', just refresh the page. Then, click the Data Recovery feature at the top section. TikTok's transparency report also revealed: The 49 million deleted videos represented less than 1% of videos uploaded between July and December 2019. Asking Mid-tier and Macro influencers for their deleted TikToks might not work. Other than that, here are three additional tips to remember, Ready to give your content workflow and posts a major upgrade? But is there a way to watch deleted TikToks, and if so, how can it be done? In the right pane, select the deleted TikTok video and click Save to recover it. While not all videos have downloading enabled, you can still save these using your phones built-in screen recorder if you wish. 10:21. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. TikTok, a popular short-form-video app owned by Chinese tech company ByteDance, is facing more scrutiny from US lawmakers as national security concerns about the app continue to grow. How to See Others Deleted TikTok Videos. How To Fix The 0 Views Glitch (2023 Update). When you first open the app, youll probably feel Click Done to finish your workflow and get back to the dashboard. In total, 20,000 likes and 20 comments have been posted. Steps to Recover Deleted Videos from SD Card by using Stellar Photo Recovery Software. You will be able to search the creator and the channel by the username in their search bar and if you are able to locate the deleted video, you will even be able to download it. We do not host any of the Tik Tok videos or images on our servers, all rights belong to their respective owners. TikTok downloader & sharing platform. This application will help to recovery all deleted video, Recover your deleted videos now with this simple android. If none of these works, the devices TikTok app may have the Save to device feature disabled, which means you cant recover deleted TikTok videos this way. Ever find a TikTok link that is 'Currently Unavailable'? Rather than posting or scheduling TikTok posts yourself, save them as drafts and have your client give the final go-ahead. Search the history of over 797 billion Can You Archive A Tiktok - WLFA Tiktokder and . Step 1 : Download, install and launch the trial* version of Stellar Photo Recovery on your PC or Mac. Check out this article to learn effective search techniques on the net. #cake #cakedecorating #isitcake #kitchen, Do you want to order one #magicstaff #toy #magicgift #tiktokmademebuyit #girl, This might be the greatest single assist ever (@.thadsy), #pet #cat #cats #dogs #dog #cute #animal #animals #funny #funny #funnyvideos #funnyvideo, Samsung S23 Ultra Clear Metal Case #Ghostek #SamsungGalaxyS23 #SamsungGalaxyS23Ultra #SamsungGalaxyS23Plus #S23Case, What Moms are made for #tiktokcomedy #funny #laugh #mom #money #foryou, Thank you, next! For other articles related to TikTok check out our TikTok page. David Adler is an entrepreneur and freelance blog post writer who enjoys writing about business, entrepreneurship, travel and the influencer marketing space.