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"You just tried to kiss Umaclearly there's something there!" Zeus (Disney: Hercules) United States of Auradon (Disney) . Raksha | Megan | Plio | Community. Esmeralda | Up Heroes | Toby Turtle | Hobby She serves as the main protagonist in the Descendants film trilogy, the first three novels and the animated spin off series Descendants Wicked World. Elliott | Conrad Meacham | J.P. Spamley | Gummi Bears Heroes | Jennifer Scott | Cruella De Vil (2021) | Ichabod Crane | Ansem the Wise | 5. Pain and PanicCelia Facilier Megara (formerly) Mal sighed as she watched the back and forth between Ben and Zeus. Khan | Hector Barbossa | Dipper Pines | | Jill Young | Ted Johnson | Cobra Bubbles | Jiminy Cricket (2022) | Lulu Plummer | Evie tells Mal that she should stop using magic to solve every little problem that she has. Jaq and Gus (2015) | When the light was gone they could all see they were in a movie theater. Layla Williams | Charlotte La Bouff | Maleficent Bertha-Fairy (middle name unknown) ", In the Spanish version, her middle name is "Igna", making her full name Mal Igna, a wordplay for, Mal, Jay, Evie, Carlos, Ben and Jane are the only characters to appear in every installment of the. The BFG | Terence | Ethan Dalloway | Home ", Doug/Evie/Mal/Ben/Lonnie/Jay/Carlos/Jane Audrey/Chad/Leah Adam/Belle Aurora/Philip/Florian/Snow/Ella/Henry Jasmine/Aladdin/Repunzel/Eugene Dwarves/Hercules/MegaraRest of Auradon Rest of Isle. Treasure Planet Heroes | Realizing she is Celia's only hope, Uma combines her magic with Mal's to reignite the ember, Audrey is defeated and falls comatose, and the curses are lifted. Pumbaa (2019) | Harry discovers Mal's return and informs Uma. Interesting enough, this was the start of Dove Cameron and Thomas Doherty's relationship together. Meridian Clade | Bonnie and Stu Hopps | Ben presents Mal to his parents as his new girlfriend, much to their shock, on Family Day, when all the students' parents come and visit. Votes. Polly Plantar | Part 1: Son of Hades. Professor Miles Quigley | Peg Pete | Chief Benja | At the coronation, Jane takes the wand to make herself beautiful, because Mal's bullying and toxic/fake friendship convinced her that she was worth nothing if she didn't fit conventional standards of beauty. Phillip Hoffman | And that person - who just happens to be family - wants to meet her. Clarabelle Cow | Chip Potts | Rebecca Cunningham | Pecos Bill | Out of all of us, her mother was the most evil, the best thing to be at the Isle of the Lost. Wink | Jack Albany | Megara | Wahb | RedeemedRelated to Villain, Pumpkin, Darling, My Nasty Little Girl (by Maleficent)M (by Evie)Malsy (by CJ Hook)PoserLittle TraitorSnooty Little WitchLoserPrincess (by Uma)Traitor (by Harry)Lady Mal (by Auradon citizens)Mali, Little GirlMy Girl (by Hades)Bad Girl InfatuationOld Hag (by Audrey)Chicken (by Celia Facilier), Daughter of MaleficentStudent at Auradon PrepKing Ben's girlfriendFuture Queen of AuradonLady of the Court, DancingSpray painting graffitiDoing evil (formerly), Be as evil as her (formerly)Become good (succeeded), Hades (father)Maleficent (mother)Hadie (half-brother)Ben (husband)Zeus and Poseidon (paternal uncles)Hera (paternal aunt)Hercules (paternal cousin)King Lew (adoptive father), Carlos De Vil (close friend)JayFreddie FacilierJaneBen (boyfriend/love interest;)DougAudrey (currently)DudeChad CharmingAllyJordanLonnieDizzy TremaineCelia FacilierUma (second best friend)Harry HookGilUma's Pirate Crew, MaleficentCJ HookChad Charming (formerly)ZevonPuppet ArmyUma (former archenemy)Harry Hook (formerly)Gil (formerly)Uma Pirate Crew (formerly)Hades (formerly). Amilyn Holdo | She isn't the only VK with an ability of this nature, for Uma can turn into a sea creature like her own mother Ursula. Queen Elsa | A Bug's Life Heroes | Mal wastes no time in exploiting those insecurities to get information. She becomes close with Uma's crew, and even closer with a certain pirate. The Emperor of China | Fred | Nick Parker | Rafiki (2019) | Jane unveils a stained glass display Ben commissioned to show his affection for Mal, who realizes he loved her for who she was all along. Figaro | Family Tree | Riordan Wiki | Fandom afters ice cream cookie monster Destroy The Obvious - Perseia . Dixie | Kingdom Hearts Heroes | She can turn into a dragon-like her mother, but she didn't know she could. Hercules Heroes | Ventus | The Emperor of China (2020) | Elsa Van Helsing | James Henry Trotter | They even pushed back the date of their engagement party, something Evie was all . Ugly Sonic | More. Bonkers D. Bobcat | Ki | Merryweather | Strange World Heroes | Bradley | descendants fanfiction mal is a goddess He is then invited by Zeus to live in Olympus, which was indeed originally his wish, but he decides rather live his life on earth as a mortal with Megara. For twenty years, I've been trapped in the Isle of the Lost. Cyril Proudbottom | Prissy | She is also friends with Uma, daughter of Ursula, Harry, son of Captain Hook, and Gil, son of Gaston. Company Information; FAQ; Stone Materials. Notes: So I was rewatching Descendants earlier today and thought that the family day scene with queen Leah needed Mal and co. sticking up for themselves, with some added stuff from the first book. Uma speaks with Ben, angry that the Core Four got to go to Auradon while the rest of the Isle kids were left to rot in false imprisonment and poverty when they had done literally nothing wrong. Evie Autumn, like almost every other nineteen year old was just your average, unassuming, everyday girl. Reuben | Tuk Tuk |
descendants fanfiction mal meets zeus - ricepharmacy.com Shimmery Twinkleheart | Valiant | She decides to close the barrier to the Isle forever, which will hinder any supplies from getting to the Isle, meaning that every person there will die. Pongo | Jane | Jim Douglas | Pip | Ratso | Prime Merlinean | Baylene | Angela | MacGregor Houghton | She is the daughter of Hades and Maleficent and the love interest of Ben. Billina | Thus Hercules, while mortal, retains his god-like strength and spends his life on Earth. She is focused on her goal of getting the wand and breaking the barrier. Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! characterized by or involved in the practice of engaging in multiple romantic (and typically sexual) relationships, with the consent of all the . Nala | Potions, Dresses, and Hair, oh my Myles Miller | Monsters, Inc. Broadway | Winston | Olympian Gods (Poseidon, Aphrodite, Apollo) | Baboons | Published by at June 10, 2022. Chapter 4: Hades, a descendants, 2015 fanfic | FanFiction Mal sat there after dinner, as Ben did his Kingy job as Mal affectionately called it. Becca | Aramis | In some media, Maleficent's last name is Faery (another spelling for "Fairy" in some cultures) if this is true then it is possible that Faery is Mal's last name as well. This book contains Descendants and . Yo Yo Flamingo | Elizabeth Swann | dr nowzaradan clinic. Chapter 9: My "First" Date. However, Jane accidentally removes the barrier from the Isle of the Lost, thus making it possible for all the villains to invade Auradon. Chapter 10: WORST SKYPE TIME EVER. Audrey (former archenemy)MaleficentCJ HookChad Charming (formerly)ZevonPuppet ArmyUma (former archenemy)Harry Hook (formerly)Gil (formerly)Uma Pirate Crew (formerly)Hades (formerly) The Black Cauldron Heroes | Mal decides that this will solve all of their problems because they won't have to deal with villains anymore. Parts 2. Ben convinces her to give the wand back by telling her that he's following his heart. Hades is the Greek god of death, the former Lord of the Underworld, uncle of Hercules, Brother of Zeus, also Mal's father and Maleficent's ex-husband (he left Mal and Maleficent before Mal could walk). Vixey | Roger Rabbit |
descendants fanfiction mal meets zeus - ristarstone.com Calvin Fuller | Ben was sitting in the corner of the two-seater with Mal curled up . 10. Sparky | Celia Facilier | Bridget | Adira | Teaser Descendants. The Gump | A lot of her character is hinged on, "she's evil because of her mother." Joe Farrier | Meet The VK's Evie | ZeusHerculesMegaraGods of Olympus They almost got caught when Jay activated the alarm, but they escape because of Carlos' quick thinking. Fix-It Felix, Jr. | Rapunzel | According to this we have 3 movies and 2 seasons to watch, so let's begin shall we. Friar Tuck | "Harry, be grateful it's Mal and Jay marching you two away to talk," Harriet called. Meeko | . Gwen Piper | QUESTION Sarafina | El Chupacabra | Wolf | Persuasive, hot-tempered, mysterious, wrathful, evil, cruel, funny, uncaring, sarcastic, cynical, manipulative, ruthless, envious, greedy, rude, pompous, argumentative, two-faced, selfish, laid-back, mean, mad, talkative, cunning, sadistic, brazen, conceited, meticulous, exploitative, comical, cool, slick, sly, charismatic, carefree Anastasia Tremaine | The Nokk | Let's Go Luna! Fife | Buck | As Mal and Uma are thawing towards each other, Audrey traps them in Evie's house; they reverse Audrey's spell by combining their magic, and they all reunite there. Frank Wilson | At Ben's coronation, she wears a lavender dress that is short on the front but long and regal looking on the back. After the barrier is finally brought down for good, Hades crosses the bridge and asks his daughter and Ben if he's invited to their wedding. Audrey breaks up with Ben and gets a new boyfriend just to cover how hurt she is. Physical description Grandma Tala | The Glowworm | Olivia Flaversham | Grace Meacham | Lieutenant Mattias | Prudence | Jane Darling | Glinda the Good Witch of the South | Chapter Text. Oscar Diggs | Cj Logistics America Locations, "What did you two witches do" Queen leah yelled, pointing at the two uniquely haired girls. Pause for BLM She serves as the main protagonist in the Descendants film trilogy, the first three novels and the animated spin off series Descendants Wicked World. Nathaniel | Please consider turning it on! In the third movie, Mal is irrational, selfish, stubborn, power-hungry, and legitimately homicidal. Bolt | Wasabi | China Girl | Lady Olivia | Skeeter Valentine | Olive Oyl | Preston B. Whitmore | Part 2.
descendants fanfiction mal meets zeus - drsujayabanerjee.com Maleficent Bertha also known as Mal is the main protagonist of Disney's Descendants franchise. Louis | Mal's Older Sister (CURRENTLY EDITING) Fanfiction. The theft and Hades' escape attempt has the citizens panicking. Mal says a spell and turns Maleficent into a lizard, which would not have been possible without Evie, Jay, and Carlos. Mooch | Mal gives him a sweet that will make him speak the truth, but his dog, Dude, eats it, and now magically speaks the blunt truth in English. Goose | Blue Fairy | Lucky Jack | Atlantis Heroes | Detective Ellie Steckler | Fandom Mercury | Periwinkle | Rolly | Lampy | She was the Daughter of Hades, abandoned and kidnapped. Colette Marchant | She was sort of like our leader of the five of us. Origin 6 Traitors Dynasty in the past. Frou-Frou | Alan Bradley | junio 3, 2022. by .
Mowgli (2016) | Mal, Ben, Uma and Audrey are the only ones with more than one solo. She is the only child daughter of Hades and Maleficent, Evie's best friend and the love interest, girlfriend and later wife of Ben. Belle and Beast look to Mal, as future Queen, to decide the best way to protect the subjects and restore peace. Kiara | The first thing they had done was arrange the meeting, actually. Bianca | Jane Porter | Gabriella | "I want people to know you are mine." Balthazar's Eagle | Blue Fairy (2022) | Grammi Gummi | He is potentially the most powerful Disney villain since he is a god and his ember is claimed to be more powerful than even. When Mal meets Audrey's grandmother Queen Leah, Leah mistakes her for Maleficent because she looks so much like her mother. Fu Dog | She also invalidates Carlos' trauma from the Isle by rolling her eyes at him. Jim Hawkins | Ember Lumen | Wooster | King Gregor | Baloo | Domovoi "Dom" Butler | Of course, her dad's last contact with Hestia had been in Ancient Greece timeso it was written in . "You're more than welcome to stay with Hadie and I while Mal goes off to the Isle, sir." Tanana | Diaval | Maleficent transforms into a dragon when Mal doesn't want to go with her. Nick Wilde | Emperor Kuzco | Max Keeble | Jake | Dylan Piper | Chance | Morgana Macawber | When Hades didn't physically appear to help his Roman daughter like the other gods did for their children, Zeus grew . Ongoing. Benjamin Clawhauser | Foaly | Her favorite class is "Remedial Goodness 101", stating that she just thinks of what her mom would do and pick the opposite. Amba | Greg Heffley | Work Search: Behind her, Hadie and Mal slowly moved away from the scene because sure, even if Zeus was a god, hell hath no fury like a mother whose children were . Raffles | Ben | Big Red | In the prequel book, it is revealed she had a dream set near the Enchanted Lake, where Ben and Mal eventually go to on their date. Spot the Killer Whale | Honey Lemon | She recognized Ben and Audrey instantly. When Ben is about to reveal the fact that Mal has been lying the whole time, she admits that she plans to seal off the Isle permanently. 6 Traitors Dynasty in the past. 11. Mrs. Potts | Call Us Today! She's trapped under glass on her pedestal . Junior Heffalump | Chapter 16: I Try To Uncover Jason's Memories. Only problem, Mal doesn't know, so she gets quite a shock when Hercules shows up and wants to talk to her on Family Day. Maleficent Bertha also known as Mal is the main protagonist of Disney's Descendants franchise. . Mrs. Potts (2017) | Skin color Commander Tung | Cleo (2022) | tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. Chapter 1 Jim Craig | Grace | Anita Radcliffe | Trusty | Unfortunately it was no longer working, so Maleficent charged her with stealing the Fairy Godmother's wand to recharge it. Judy Hopps | Sergeant Calhoun | Leslie Burke | Zugor | Protagonists Celia gets Mal into Hades' lair, but he thwarts their effort to steal the ember. Beast | Herc agrees, as long as Meg will be safe from any harm. Georgie Banks | Rajah | baja fresh queso recipe; Tags . Chapter 49. This story takes place during family day, beginning with Mal's meeting with Sleeping Beauty's mother. Strelitzia | Cogsworth | Meg remains trapped as a slave to Hades, and he uses her beauty, charm, and intelligence as an advantage to persuade monsters to join his army. Rafiki (2019) | Richard Schuyler | Hunter | Milo | Mrs. Ladybug | The Descendants are finishing their junior year of high school, and summer is coming fast. Roger Radcliffe | Annie Hannah | Maleficent Bertha also known as Mal is the main protagonist of the Descendants franchise. Vanellope von Schweetz | Underdog | "This meeting is very important to my brother and my whole family. Data-Riku | Geppetto (2022) | Heroes. Who Framed Roger Rabbit Heroes | Descendants: Wicked World (cameo) Yao, Ling, and Chien Po | Pintel & Ragetti |
King Richard | Occupation Clara Stahlbaum | Murgatroid the Snake | Zarina | Upon visiting the Fates, he learns that he could succeed by releasing the Titans in eighteen years, but if Zeus' son, Hercules, is to fight Hades, he will fail. He would often bring paperwork home to read, while they sat together. Sara Jean Reynolds | Rat | Jenny Foxworth | Nikki | which action is legal for an operator of a pwc? The firstborn daughter of Poseidon. Urchin | Addison Wells | After he set Mal down he moved to the side and let us greet the rest of his family. Carlos, wishing to ask Jane to the upcoming Cotillion dance, turns to Mal for help with honesty. Perdita | Although we don't see it, we can assume that Mal lied to Jay and Carlos as well. Mona | They even pushed back the date of their engagement party, something Evie was all .
Descendants Fanfiction Stories | Quotev Bonzo | 15. Henry Casey | Bruno Madrigal | She refuses to leave anyone behind. Make her mother proudBe as evil as her (formerly)Become good (succeeded) Unlike Evie, Jay, and Carlos, she does not have a pet. Mortimer Mouse | Mal, Evie, Ben, Uma, Audrey and Freddie are the only characters to have solos. Taylor McKessie | Pacha | Ron Wilson | In front of them, on the floor, sat Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos. Minnie Mouse | Mal has something to say to Queen Leah. She tries to convince Evie, Jay, and Carlos that they should go back to being evil, but they are content with their new lives in Auradon and do not wish to return to the Isle of the Lost and dredge up their trauma. 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How will a born goddess princess grow up to be a pirate and raised by the best pirate the world has ever A retelling of the myth of Hades and Persephone -- A Twisted Tale Heroes | He knew he would do anything to protect her, she was his everything. Sometimes love You are the daughter of the most feared villain if all time, and no I'm not talking Maleficent she doesn't even come close to your father, the Chernabog. Freddie Facilier | Pistol Pete | Legacy | Riordan Wiki | Fandom After a long night of playing games you threw yourself on your bed letting out a deep sigh. Writers of this book; Tara_Nova and Shade_Storm. Angus MacBadger | Sign up with Email . Disney Fairies Heroes | Tito | Jack Skellington | Agustn Madrigal | The fireplace illuminating the room with a warm orange glow. X-Men Movie Heroes | Turning Red Heroes | When the barrier is opened for the new VKs, Hades, the god of the underworld, attempts to escape, but Mal beats him back in her dragon form. When Zeus had arrived he picked Mal up and swung her around like a toddler. Milo's Mother | 0. Tummi Gummi | Darkwing Duck | Sally Inwood | left kudos on this work! Neewa | The Prince | Penny | Travis Coates | Gyro Gearloose | In the first movie, Mal is rebellious, determined, sarcastic, manipulative, and indifferent. Ready to carry out their plan, Mal says that she wants to break the love spell. Announcement 2 Blackbeard | She claps her hands together happily. Ryan | Hades is the Greek god of death, the former Lord of the Underworld, uncle of Hercules, Brother of Zeus, also Mal's father and Maleficent's ex-husband (he left Mal and Maleficent before Mal could walk). Aladdin | Antonio Madrigal | George Knox | She manipulates Ben with a spell, causing him to fall in love with her. The junior novelization and prequel book reveal some additional details about her. Principal Powers | Hop Pop Plantar | Silvermist | Sour Bill | twilight fanfiction bella and aro mates lemons. descendants fanfiction mal meets zeus. Persephone gave Mal a big hug while Hercules and Meg came to greet my parents and I. Master Eraqus | Before the girls could even respond the door in the right opened, letting in Fairy Godmother. Cassandra | resultados elecciones 2020 puerto rico cee, Lego Marvel Superheroes 2 Medusa Double Jump. Ludwig Von Drake | Christopher Robin (2018) | Knowing that he can't stop Hercules in his path, Hades begs the hero to try and ease things with him and the other gods, but Hercules angrily punches Hades into the River Styx, where he is swarmed by unidentified souls and dragged to the depths where he is trapped. Emira Blight | Announcement In the film, it's revealed that her middle name is "Bertha. Hades sends his minions, Pain and Panic, to kidnap baby Hercules and give him a potion that would render him mortal, in order to kill him. Magic Carpet | Ben, Evie, Jay, and Carlos learn of Mal's departure and sneak onto the Isle to find her, but Gil recognizes them. Goliath | Balthazar Blake | Persuasive, hot-tempered, mysterious, wrathful, evil, cruel, funny, uncaring, sarcastic, cynical, manipulative, ruthless, envious, greedy, rude, pompous, argumentative, two-faced, selfish, laid-back, mean, mad, talkative, cunning, sadistic, brazen, conceited, meticulous, exploitative, comical, cool, slick, sly, charismatic, carefree, Hades' Best Moments Compilation Descendants 3, Dove Cameron, Cheyenne Jackson - Do What You Gotta Do (From "Descendants 3"), Descendants Remix Dance Party FULL Special Descendants, Cheyenne Jackson - Set It Off Remix (From "Descendants Remix Dance Party"), It's Goin Down Dance Battle! With the existence of Mount Olympus, Hades is one of the villains thought to be imprisoned on the Isle of the Lost. He does, but Meg's lover ungratefully dumps her for another girl shortly afterward. Ranjan | Bruno | Jewel, Daughter of Aladdin and Jasmine, is Prince Ben's best friend. Zeus (Disney: Hercules) United States of Auradon (Disney) . Kim Possible Heroes | So, last night I was lying in bed, bored, when I thought, What if the parents day scene in Descendants had been a bit different? The Snake | Maurice | Dr. Doppler | Hades arrives and revives Audrey, but reveals the double standard by which Audrey is immediately forgiven because she is not considered a villain. Maleficent (formerly) Mal's main color is purple, symbolizing power, which is a recurring theme with her mother Maleficent. Sven | Jiminy Cricket | They are caught by Lonnie, Mulan's daughter, who blackmails them into letting her come, having previously been rejected from Jay's sports team based on her gender. Cartoons Only problem, Mal doesn't know, so she gets quite a shock when Hercules shows up and wants to talk to her on Family Day. 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