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Beach Bum, Blogger, Cook, Baker,Bottle Washer, Fisherwoman, Crafter, Photographer, Domestic Goddess, Wife and Mother! Its a just a little low dose topical progesterone in Vitamin E (with a few critical essential oils) so wed say sure no problem. So I? To help with this, add a few drops of Cedarwood to your shampoo. Left bottle= Young Living Progessence Plus (YLPP) Right bottle= Amazon YLPP They look identical and the consistency of the oils are the same. $44.00. It features some of our most-loved essential oils, including Frankincense, Bergamot, and Peppermint. The following chart from Dr LeAnne Deardeuffs website can be a helpful guide for us to know when to use more of PPP. This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. **Natural constituents of essential oils. Hi ladies. Unfortunately, the law does not differentiate between synthetic and natural hormones. Young Living - Progessence Phyto Plus (15ml) I'm not sure, cause I just started using it daily once I got it. It will make them sleepy but when they wake up they will be a lot happier! Can a cancer patient use Progessence Plus? Wild yam extract has been studied and used traditionally to support women's health, especially around the . Ive heard its good for all women to use! Please specify a reason for deleting this reply from the community. Therefore I am not ovulating. There is no need because you usually have high levels of progesterone when you are pregnant. Jual Young Living Oil - Progessence Phyto Plus 15Ml - Peralatan Click here to see Young Living Australia in the media! Research has proven that synthetics are cancer causing and if you are using synthetics, it would be too easy for doctors to point the blame at the natural product. a wanita lah kan, mcm i sendiri 3@4 bulan lepas ada masalah haid yg t Progessence Plus | Savvy Oilers What guy reads a blog anyway right? Can Progessence Plus be taken with thyroid medications? Follow what the instructions on the bottle say however; I say take as much as you feel that you need. Now I'm scared to stop taking it as I would hate to miscarry (I'm 13 weeks) but I also don't want it harming my baby. Customer reviews: Progressence Serum by Young Living (15 Adding it to your daily routine can promote feelings of relaxation, harmony, and balance. Beauty: Add a few drops into your daily lotion for a youthful dewy glow. We usually advise these patients to use more push their progesterone levels higher. I am experiencing the same thing right now. can i use progessence plus while breastfeeding Are you ready to make a life changing step in your health? Young Living has a Progessence cream, which also carries the required Prop 65 statement on the tube. progessence phyto plus for pregnancy - can i use progessence plus while breastfeeding Uncategorized I've read that it can help regulate cycles and hormones but would it help with ovulation? The idea is to "START LOW & INCREASE SLOW". That's me - just get me my stuff already lol! Ya fella's, not an oil for you. Progressence Serum by Young Living (15 Milliliters) Brand: Young Living 424 ratings | 26 answered questions $8499 ($169.98 / Fl Oz) FREE Returns About this item WOMEN WELLNESS: Featuring some of our most-loved essential oils Frankincense, Bergamot, and Peppermint Progressence was formulated to support wellness specifically for women. I know from the literature and our experiences that the top teaching hospitals advise all kind of hormones for their patients (like testosterone) and progesterone because it is thought to be quite beneficial in remyelinating nerves. Wild yam extract and vitamin E support your skin in looking its best, while Frankincense smooths the look of fine lines. If you study natural products like essential oils, you will learn that they work to bring balance in our bodies, which is so much better than trying to synthetically dump stuff in us to try to achieve balance! 2005-2023Everyday Health, Inc., a Ziff Davis company. And I'm in my mid 30s! And there's definitely not enough research about the safety of this stuff during pregnancy. This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. Progessence Plus is, technically, a highly micronised bio-identical (human) progesterone that has a natural Vitamin E base with a set of special essential oils like Frankincense, Copaiba, and Sandalwood. Women's Health Progessence - DR. SABINA M. DEVITA Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. Progessence Plus Serum is an alternative to synthetic progesterone designed to reduce symptoms like low libido, hot flashes, mood swings, low energy and a number of others. Along with wild yam . She Hey friends, I used to visit this group often. No thyroid improvement or adjusting is necessary with progesterone (appears to be an old wives tale) though it helps balance estrogen levels (when you have an estrogen dominance problem). Weve found that it usually does help. buy the roller balls that young living sells and I? Want to know how to get Progessence Phyto Plus and other Young Living Essential Oils? Myrrh - Clears obstructions in the womb, regulates scanty periods, and contains phytoestrogens. Proposition 65 is placed on anything brought into the state of California that contains hormones. Potom je nalievan . Common retail oils are just for home scenting, and often are mixed with or extracted with harmful chemicals that will make you "think" you are helping yourself but are actually just a form of room freshener - one that doesn't really do anything physically, and may actually harm you. Today, most women are high in estrogen. Take a look at our essential oil intro video class, featuring our best selling, deeply discounted starter bundle. We respect everyones right to express their thoughts and opinions as long as they remain respectful of other community members, and meet What to Expects Terms of Use. Is the information given at correct? Clary sage is also a uterine tonic and is best paired with geranium. I have low progesterone. Progessence Phyto Plus PROGESTERONA NATURAL !! Beneficios de la No, the symptoms are a result of your hormones adjusting and as I sometimes call it, a fighting back of sorts (we dont know what else to call it but we see it on occasion in our office). including Help Me Oil With Young Living!. Each of us is different, and we are learning to listen to what our unique body requires for optimal wellness. I brought the Progessence Plus to a doctors appointment with me and my OB said that it was fine to use that and that it has the same ingredient as the creams. Every Woman's BFF - Progessence Phyto Plus - Life by the Waterside Massage: Dilute a few drops into 10 ml of Young Living V-6 Enhanced Vegetable Oil Complex for a deeply soothing massage. Progessence Plus Serum | The Cultured Oil Q: I see that Progessence Plus has a cancer warning on the back, what's the deal? Progessence Plus by Young Living - VitalityEDU A Group Leader is a What to Expect community member who has been selected by our staff to help maintain a positive, supportive tone within a group. Clary-Sage - Stimulates the pituitary gland which produces estrogen. the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information. Ultimately, Seed to Seal is infused into everything we do. Apply this blend of monk pepper oil and essential oils to your face during the day or evening for a radiant complexion. I have hot flashes/night sweats can Progessence Plus help? Ive had blood clots from birth control pills is Progessence Plus safe to take? Can Progessence Plus make my hair loss worse? Is there a maximum amount a day that I should use? Progessence Plus is a serum that provides natural progesterone derived from wild yams. Combine 1 drop with 1 Tablespoon of carrier oil and apply . *you can skip this one and replace it with something else too! Progesterone lowers blood pressure (by relaxing arteries) this is why, if you have just started using Progessence Plus and have had years of low progesterone you should not use Progessence Plus in the morning (start at night until your body gets used to it again). How would you recommend taking this serum? I'm currently 5weeks pregnant now. I hope this helps you! I was on the team that helped formulate this product at Young Living and I know with great confidence that Progessence Plus will help women of all ages. Research continues to prove that natural or human progesterone will connect to that progesterone receptor and cause apoptosis (see my book on Progesterone for more details) or destruction of the cell. The government fails at researching a lot of medications on pregnant women since it isn't ethical. Well, usually progesterone does clear up skin dramatically but on occasion, some women break out when using it. Could it possible exacerbate this problem? Continuing the month of Love - who doesn't love a Valentines Flash Sale!?! 9727 AJ Groningen Dr. Dan Purser- si-a petrecut viaa profesional cercetand i educand att medicii cat si femeile cu privire la pericolele terapiei regulate cu hormoni. Order this book from Here is what they said " Progessence Plus contains 15 mg of progesterone per milliliter or 1 mg per drop." So for that little bottle being 50 bucks, your really not getting a lot. Maybeand it definitely wont hurt to try Progesterone Plus, especially if you have symptoms of low progesterone. If the docs can't explain your infertility, a holistic healer may be able to!!! We all deserve to be healthy and vibrant! Praying you all receive a healthy baby SOON!I know when youre trying advice and this worked for me is not usually welcome. We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. Sometimes women using Progessence Plus experience an increase in hot flashes and that sometimes indicates an increase in application of Progessence Plus is needed before they subside. What to Expect supports Group Black and its mission to increase greater diversity in media voices and media ownership. Young Living's Progessence Plus.. does it work? vindecarea e in tine: PROGESSENCE PHYTO PLUS - Blogger Proposition 65 is placed on anything brought into the state of California that contains hormones. If a woman makes progesterone in her ovaries and develops a pituitary tumor or brain tumor, doctors dont start ripping out ovaries usually (hopefully never). I have been using it twice a day 2-4 drops on my abdomen. I do Doterra and even though all of their . I got pregnant right away after starting it. Progressence Serum by Young Living (15 Milliliters) .more .more Ready to learn more right now? If you were my patient, I would say that because of your experience with cancer, that it is even more reason to use a natural progesterone product. Yes. Making an exclusive Essential Rewards monthly order? **Previously published article. Is Progessence Plus safe to use with my regular BHRT (Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy)? Add it to your daily skin care regimen and fall in love. What if I am currently being treated for breast cancer? Im an M.D. Anyone have any input? Its unfortunate that a lot of docs dont read the research or literature, but instead let drug companies influence their opinions on medical issues. Just. Here is a short video regarding P+ and Progesterone: Are you ready to start and want to just get your hands on these amazing products?? It does not need to be rotated on different areas of the body or cycled throughout the month. This was appalling. The idea is to START LOW & INCREASE SLOW. Progessence Plus Serum Natural Progesterone Supplement is an all natural balancing oil made with essential oils and wild yam extract that supports overall women's wellness*. How does Progessence Plus compare to oral or sublingual progesterone my doctor gave me? Could we still use the chart to know if we need to give more support to the Pituitary Gland, Thyroid or Adrenal during days 10 though 14? Its interesting to note that for centuries, European nuns and monks have used vitex for hormonal balances (probably PMS issues!) When in your cycle did you start using the pro +? I have really high blood pressure that is difficult to treat is Progessence Plus safe to take? And it's what my team and I LOVE to do! But MPA is not the human P4 or bio-identical progesterone made from natural yam products that we use in Progessence Plus - the generic chemical names are just similar. I really believe the pro + balanced my natural hormones. How is low thyroid related to menopause? Yes, they are very safe to take. Progessence Phyto Plus Share Progessence Phyto Plus was thoughtfully designed specifically for women. Progessence Plus is formulated with a careful balance of wild yam extract and vitamin E to support healthy-looking skin, while pure Frankincense essential oil smooths the appearance of fine lines. All rights reserved. Come over here. Remember though to talk to your doctor first. To become a Young Living member click on the "Become a Member" link at the top of this page. This is because synthetic medroxyprogesterone acetate (which is found in so many products made for women) along with the synthetics in the various birth control pills, have all been shown to cause cancer. Essentially You Challenge- Using Oils to Support Hormones Progessence Phyto Plus is portable, has a pleasant smell and is easy to use! Whats up with that? Life is truly better when our hormones are in balance! Sure these are probably early or pre-menarche PMS symptoms so give her a little to see if she benefits. If so, you may have started to here chatter on this amazing serum called Progessence Plus, or P+ for those of us who get sick of typing the whole thing out lol! If or when you develop blood clots or breast cancer from the synthetics we dont want Progessence Plus to be associated in any way or on the radar screen of possible causes when your attorney is looking for culprits. Progessence Phyto Plus & Progessence Plus Serum I actually contacted Young Living a couple of weeks ago to find out how much progesterone was actually in Progessence. But if curious, get your doctor to check levels before and after. However, Dr. Purser always says, Start LOW, and go SLOW! In other words, it is better to increase slowly even though many women need far more than one drop to bring their progesterone levels back into the normal range. But please ask your doctor first. It's a balance of the two main hormones for females - estrogen and progesterone. So they created the idea of cycling. Is it wheat germ? (According to Dr. Purser, progesterone is what gives pregnant women a glow.). However; you should still talk to your doctor and get their approval to use Progessence Plus if you have any questions about it. Yes, progesterone has been shown to reduce crazy heavy bleeding this is why gynecologists use synthetic birth control pills to control this kind of periodic bleeding, so try the natural progesterone instead safer and equally beneficial results. put a rollerball on the bottle. I have menstrual migraines is Progessence Plus safe to take? Young Living is extremely reputable. It is best applied over the carotid arteries on both sides of the windpipe, beginnning with 1 drop every evening at bedtime. Promotes feelings of relaxation, harmony, and balance, Contains Frankincense, Bergamot, and Peppermint essential oils, Plant-based ingredients nourish and moisturise skin, 100 percent plant-based, naturally derived formula, Formulated without parabens, phthalates, petrochemicals, animal-derived ingredients, synthetic preservatives, synthetic fragrances, or synthetic dyes, Copaiba, Sacred Frankincense, Cedarwood, Bergamot, Peppermint and Clove essential oils. Lavender - Balances the endocrine system and regulates scanty menstruation. Its a balance of the two main hormones for females estrogen and progesterone. Secondly, move along now As for how it works and why, that I am not at liberty to say, but I have some great video's for you to watch by people that say it better than I! That was when I started using Progessence Phyto Plus (PPP) as I knew low progesterone levels were a cause of recurrent miscarraiges. Feb 19, 2021 | Beauty, Hair & Skin, By Symptoms, Essential Oil References, Hormones, Uncategorized | 0 comments. Definitely not, (though I guess anything could) and many studies have shown that women who have been deficient in progesterone will typically have more luck re-growing their hair when they use progesterone. think twice before sharing personal details, foster a friendly and supportive environment, remove fake accounts, spam and misinformation, delete posts that violate our community guidelines, reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts. And, will the Progessence Plus help with both thyroid and hormonal adjusting? They are taking out the uterus probably because with endometriosis youre bleeding and are miserable. Progessence Phyto Plus - Fuller Life Wellness I also have unexplained infertility. Always ask your doctor first before adding anything to your routine, but we, of course, would encourage you to use Progessence Plus (as long as they approve). PO Box 7707 Im 60 years old and still having periods can I use Progessence Plus? Young Living has a Progessence cream, which also carries the required Prop 65 statement on the tube. Do you REALLY know what you are getting from the random various CBD suppliers out there? She started taking progessence plus to get pregnant, and is still taking it now at like 24 weeks and baby is doing great. 111 views, 0 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from YL Gyms - Distribuidora Independiente: Progessence Phyto Plus PROGESTERONA NATURAL !! Price with VAT depending on your country will display once you log in. It looks like the skinny cousin of the radish and tastes like mushy potatoes. Aug 17, 2019 - Here's some helpful info about Progessence Plus Serum. They just are not a therapeutic grade oil. Have you recently started using Young Living Essential oils? Sure, why not? Just because something is "natural" doesn't make it safe. The educational health content on What To Expect is reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts to be up-to-date and in line with the latest evidence-based medical information and accepted health guidelines, including the medically reviewed What to Expect books by Heidi Murkoff. The Tonic Theme by Note that once you confirm, this action cannot be undone. These products are only available to purchase by Young Living members. Use more PPP on the days of your cycle when progesterone are needed more and add other essential oils for estrogen support on those days when estrogen is needed more. Young Living Essential Oils Progessence Plus - 15ml - eBay The implications are really goodand so I suggest taking more. Didn't really bother with where I was in the cycle. We respect everyones right to express their thoughts and opinions as long as they remain respectful of other community members, and meet What to Expects Terms of Use. Ive had progesterone receptor (PR+) positive breast cancer; can I take Progessence Plus? My daughter is 12 and suffers with severe PMS and migraines how should I use Progessence Plus with her? It also helped me ovulate at a more regular time and did increase my lp by one day. I used progessence plus and got pregnant the first month trying. The response and enthusiasm for this product has been phenomenal. Check out our list below for oils to support your hormones! A womans body has trouble assimilating synthetic hormones effectively and the side effects that result are often much worse than the original problems being treated. I just started using it last month! Thank you for the great question.. I was so excited to try this Progessence Plus that I put ten drops on at convention (10 drops every hour!) I've been having cramps like I'm going to start and have been feeling wet down there but it's just CM. But California government still requires the Prop 65 statement on the bottle.Let me be clear Progessence Plus and progesterone will not cure you of cancer, nor do I want to give you any idea that it will. You will love it!! If this happens to you or anyone using this product, please advise them to do the same and/or have them see a doctor experienced in the use of hormones to obtain larger doses of sublingual or oral progesterone (they may also want to be evaluated for some other more serious cause of their headaches wed advise it).