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what is a steep-sided and v-shaped deep depression on the continental slope? A high, often breaking wave generated by a tide crest that advances rapidly up an estuary or river. Flotation holds the instruments and their tether line upright in the water column and brings them to the surface on release. A region where water temperature decreases rapidly with increasing depth, and a transition layer between the mixed layer at the surface and deeper water. (BS(\*'"x ZtXyE|W~WI}|/_P53!6yu]/{8'kp+D&S(@E_/o9XSs Operates: At any depth on a cable or line by free fall (no messenger needed) (a) Determine the empirical formula of estradiol. Notes: Developed by Dr. W. Van Dorn, Samples: Water +comes from PRESSURE in confined aquifers forcing the water to the surface. But moving near to the polls the region of rain decreases and with less rain and more sunshine, evaporation increases. Microscopic, free-floating, autotrophic plant organisms that function as producers in aquatic ecosystems, An organism that gets its food from light, An organism that feeds on dying organisms, a moving ridge on the surface of the water. Operates: At any depth on a cable or line with a messenger, Samples: Water Freshwater in the form of vapor moves from the ocean to the atmosphere through evaporation causing the higher salinity. Animals that are free to swim through the water column. surface salinity of seawater is ______ (above or below) average where precipitation is high and many rivers flow into the ocean, surface salinity of seawater is going to be ______(above or below) average in desert areas where evaporation rates are high, In polar areas during the winter, the salinity of water under the sea ice_________, as pure water cools from 20 degrees C to 4 degrees C, its densitiy, A zone with a rapid change in temperature with depth, true or false: water temperature from 300 meters deep to the ocean bottom is relatively uniform, When you pour cold water down the side of a glass of warm water, the cold water will, When you add salt to water, its boiling point_____ and its freezing point_____, when surface currents converge, the area where the water sinks is called a_____, type of current where waves strike the shore at a slight angle (runs roughly parallel to the shoreline), the swimmer would be carried out to sea, away from the shore. %PDF-1.5 A result of constructive and destructive interference that is seen on shore when waves do not all appear with a uniform size. +high gradient = rapid flow of water stream or river which has a constant stream year-round during years of normal rainfall. a river or stream that flows into the lake, precipitation that falls into a lake, or groundwater recharge of a lake. As the ice melts, it exposes ocean water to sunlight, spurring photosynthesis in phytoplankton. When seawater freezes, however, the ice contains very little salt because only the water part freezes. A sudden, violent flood that occurs within a few hours, or even minutes, of a storm. The key answer is that the shape of the gyre is determined by whether the winds torque the water in a clockwise or in a counterclockwise direction. Horizontal distance between two consecutive wave crests or wave troughs, Vertical distance between a wave crest and an adjacent wave trough. a body of rock and/or sediment that holds groundwater. +the process by which Earth's crust breaks apart; can occur within continental crust or oceanic crust basically this just refers to a steep and rapid change in gradient; this is usually marked by a waterfall. From these measurements, accurate estimates of air-sea fluxes can be made. Affected by: A circular pattern of currents in an ocean basin c. A place where the river meets the ocean Seawater freezes at about 28.4F because of the salt in it. deep ocean water generally has high amounts of what element? Science Olympiad Questions & Sample Papers JFIF C An area of waterlogged soil that tends to be peaty; fed mainly by upwelling water; low productivity. +temperature What does oxygen% vary with in ocean surface water? The Science Olympiad consists of interscholastic competitions for students in grades 6th-12th. The saltiest locations in the ocean or the regions where evaporation is highest or in large bodies of water where there is no outlet into the ocean. #G@P endobj Multibeam bathymetric systems available on some of the larger UNOLS vessels generally consist of two instrument arrays attached to the ship's hull. definition of a catalyst: A catalyst increases the yield +transpiration = 10% of water vapor, the emission of water vapor from the leaves of plants, The water stored in the soil. Sediment sampling devices include a box corer that drops into the mud and brings back a block of near-surface sediment. List the three layers of neurons in the human retina, from the layer facing the inside of the eyeball to the layer that contacts the choroid. << /Annots [ 56 0 R ] /Contents 43 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Parent 61 0 R /Resources << /ExtGState << /G3 52 0 R >> /Font << /F4 53 0 R /F6 54 0 R /F7 55 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI ] /XObject << /X5 42 0 R >> >> /StructParents 0 /Type /Page >> do the northern coasts of north america and siberia have small continental shelves? This measurement of volume of water flow is equal to 1 million metres cubed per second. It checks its sensors as it descends and reports their status to the ship. Salt in the ocean comes from rocks on land. Drogued surface drifters used for current studies also report position and data periodically via satellite transmission. These tides result in little variation in the height of tides. Oceanography Science Olympiad Dynamic Planet Oceanography 2021 STUDY Flashcards Learn Write Spell Test PLAY Match Gravity Surface Currents Click card to see definition These transfer heat from tropical to polar regions, distribute nutrients, scatter organisms and influence weather and climate. Welcome to Dynamic Planet! Also known as wave steepness. Skip to content. (See image), an underground boundary between the soil surface (zone of aeration) and the area where groundwater saturates spaces between sediments and cracks in rock (zone of saturation). what happens if a swimmer gets caught in a rip current? This event is typically run as either a station event or a sit down test. dynamic planet science olympiad 2021 quizlet - Regarding animal communication, the answer may be yes as well, but I havent done a ton of digging into it yet, so Im not totally sure about details. process by which water on the ground surface enters the soil. the only light at this depth, and lower, comes from the bioluminescence of the animals themselves. Maximum ratio of wave height to wavelength seen in the open ocean. Process in which sediment is laid down in new locations. Currents flowing on surface in opposite direction to main currents. Find the number of sheets that need to be inserted. l*IPQtw%0IPq:@ G>olu. Receipt of data in "real time," that is, as it is being taken, enables researchers to monitor the performance of equipment in the field (and send a ship to service it, if necessary), to make decisions about an experiment underway, and to distribute data quickly. When the water level in an area is rising, its called a _____, when the water level in an area is falling, its called a _____ tide. what is produced when a crustal plate moves over a stationary hot spot? is a hydroacoustic current meter similar to a sonar, used to measure water current velocities over a depth range using the Doppler effect of sound waves scattered back from particles within the water column. stream A smooth, nearly flat region of the deep ocean floor. It depends on wind patterns in the atmosphere. Here is another useful resource:, the maximum load of sediment that a given body of water, ice, wind, etc. +salinity These tides occur when the earth, moon and sun are in a straight line. A basin structure in which the streams converge toward the center. Igneous form from the cooling of magma deep inside the earth, often have large crystals Vz[wR:\hkDW Temperature changes the greatest in this zone as this is the zone which contains the thermocline. der Checkpoint Charlie. Extending from 660 feet (200 meters) to 3300 feet (1,000 meters). A breaking wave in which the upper section topples forward and away from the bottom, forming an air-filled tube. Sometimes called the abyssal zone, it extends from 13,100 feet (4,000 meters) to 19,700 ft. (6,000 meters). =marine dumping Trajectories of individual floats show how the water moves horizontally, and trajectories of groups of floats show how the water is mixed by eddies. :pX9-; IYl4!jHQNsTRo%VrnLiK5a?67TNXJ\p'q qjfK56_2]8}dL3p`d8T(o5X:o;;)GdC@=e!/, -+?nj?tRcy{;t-S*4dNTjQOSNV%gjyfU? der Reichstag. Notes: Any type of bottle can be used to capture surface water, Samples: Bottom sediments (mud or sand) Data from the 10,000 XBTs U.S. oceanographers launch annually are a major source of physical oceanographic information. From Sea ice also plays a fundamental role in polar ecosystems. This zone is saturated with water. 42 0 obj b. The eyes of the fish are larger and generally upward directed. When the ice melts in the summer, it releases nutrients into the water, stimulating the growth of phytoplankton, the center of the marine food web. Dynamic Planet Topics - Wiki! - Surface ocean, thermocline, and deep ocean. The sensor package includes the capability to telemeter some data on a regular basis via satellite to a central data facility. =number of years recorded / number of events, Zone in soil that is not saturated with water and that lies above the water table; the upper soil layers that hold both air and water Science Olympiad Questions for Class 1 Science Olympiad exam is taken on an International level that help the young students to develop their mind. Dynamic Planet Science Olympiad 2021 Flashcards | Quizlet Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Ocean basins, Sediment, Oceanic heat budget and more. Flow generally occurs only during the wet season (50 percent of the time or less). 2 Trans Am Plaza Drive, Suite 310, Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois 60181 A mathematical equation stating that a volume of water, passing through a specified area of material at a given time, depends on the material's permeability and hydraulic gradient. JFIF C emissions of gases, non-explosive lava emissions, extremely violent explosive bursts that last many hours; volcanic eruptions, a process by which glaciers form and spread; the forming, existence, or movement of glaciers over the surface of the earth. reaction., Select the correct answer, and write it on the line provided. High score wins. (see image), Layers below the zone of aeration; the soil or rock located below the top of the groundwater table. These robots, used for many years for simple oceanographic tasks, are increasingly sophisticated. +this calculates the curvature of the body. A kind of sinkhole that tends to develop gradually where the covering sediments are permeable and contain sand. the process of eroding or being eroded by wind, water, or other natural agents. << /Filter /FlateDecode /S 137 /Length 142 >> When ice freezes, the underlying water gets saltier and sinks, mixing the water column and bringing nutrients to the surface. Points are awarded for quality and accuracy of answers. Type of pollution characterized by unwanted or potentially damaging sound. a cascade of water falling from a height, formed when a river or stream flows over a precipice or steep incline. These boundary currents are shallow and broad with boundaries that are not well defined. Uninterupted distance over which the wind blows without significant change in direction. +caused by heavy rainfall, the average time between successive geologic events such as earthquakes, floods, landslides, etc. You can expect the highest spring tide when sun, moon, and Earth is in____? =micro plastic t6X>rF>5$mgRKnZ['>(i%KLF[i2P/KMmw-]"K6} 1\IVV }RMWGKo287V#|RS( This creates sediment, Fragments of rocks or minerals ranging in size, Clasts that are less than 0.0039mm in size, Clasts that are 0.0039mm - 0.0625mm in size, Clasts that are greater than 2.0mm in size. Sometimes called a node. Dynamic Planet Science Olympiad 2021 Flashcards | Quizlet when the amount of sediment becomes greater than the carrying capacity of the force that is moving it; sediment from eroded materials settles. Such floats have been tracked for years by moored sound receivers to provide a long-term look at ocean currents. what tide is when there is a high water-low water sequence that is repeated twice in one day? Operates: In relatively shallow water on a cable or line triggered with a messenger The reference level (0.0) from which tidal height is measured. Operates: At the surface by hand when high water rises above a river's banks and overspills them. (See image), the volume of open spaces in rock or soil; the percentage of the total volume of a rock or sediment that consists of open spaces. The deepest zone of the ocean, it extends from 19,700 feet (6,000 meters) to the very bottom at 35,797 ft. (10,911 meters) in the Mariana trench off the coast of Japan. Precise modern navigation allows ship motion to be subtracted from the data. These are usually found along hillsides and cliffs. the earth magnetic polarity sometimes______, the process by which collision of the earth's crustal plates results in one plate's being drawn down or overridden by another, localized along the juncture of two plates, two tectonic plates moving towards each other, two tectonic plates sliding past one another. a single channel that winds snakelike over the area it covers. A wave that surges ashore without breaking. The largest water bottles, called Gerard barrels, collect 250 liters. What does constructive interference result in? Fans formed by landslides or the downward movement of sediment. Waves with ___________ wavelengths move the fastest. 136 0 obj Tema 6: Qu dice el camarero? =landfills, =burning of fossil fuels S;xMx /S Sophisticated data processing reveals the effects of temperature, density, and currents on its travel time. Subjects . Equatorial currents are driven by the___? the action or process of forming or depositing sediment. Blended Finance: Operates: At any depth on a cable or line with a messenger Other profilers, including some that measure sound velocity and microturbulence, are dropped from a ship to free-fall to the seafloor, adjust ballast, and return to the surface for retrieval. -As the plates alternately jam and jump against each other, earthquakesrattle through awide boundary zone-Natural or human-made structures that cross a transform boundary are offsetsplit into pieces and carried in opposite directions c.Types of Plates Continental Plate - Tectonic plates that lie under surface land masses - Thicker, less dense Depth, ecosystem (plant life), sediment type, outflow source/s, inflow source/s, Importance chemicals to lake life: nitrogen and phosphorus A depression produced in a region where soluble rock has been removed by groundwater, A kind of sinkhole that forms when water dissolves the surface rock, creating a depression; they occur in areas where limestone is exposed at the surface or is covered by thin layers of soil or sand. The drainage pattern developed in this case is called _______ drainage. << /Pages 152 0 R /Type /Catalog >> There is a nick point here. :tRqwZnD7%jI$|B|1GV,-#r b0q{fv+~$}-06vW,By~z5[!X q8RzTSyajQXVJp Zpw$c^m]#u|Run:pFjqfX>jYKvN+zCn)ksNqIC IR>>}2|%DianTRT Dynamic Planet 2023 NC State University. The Gulf Stream is an example of this type of boundary current. Slowing and bending of progressive waves in shallow water. +ecosystem This type of tidal cycle is found commonly in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Science Olympiad - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Science Olympiad Division B - Green Generation, Applications and Investigations In Earth Science, Dennis G. Tasa, Edward J. Tarbuck, Frederick K. Lutgens, Project Team Orientation: SAP SuccessFactors. ..spread non-biodegradable materials and air pollutants around the world. 2021 BirdSO MiniSO Invitational B/C (2020-21 season) 2021 UMichigan MiniSO Invitational B/C (2020-21 season) 2021 UT Austin MiniSO Regional B/C . Oceanography Learn with flashcards, games, and more for free. Operates: At any depth on a cable or line with a messenger that makes bottle rotate 180 degrees while trapping water and closing For example, are the gyres in the Atlantic and Pacific different types of ovals? Doisy burned 5.00 mg of this precious sample in oxygen and found that 14.54 mg of CO2CO_2CO2 and 3.97 mg of H2OH_2OH2O were generated. In addition to the resources on theEvent Supervisors page, Dynamic Planet Event Supervisors should be sure to use the following resources: 1999-2022 Science Olympiad Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit A drainage pattern in which streams follow a roughly circular or concentric path along a belt of weak rock, resembling in plan a ringlike pattern. Notes: Bottom cores over 100 feet long are taken during oil exploration, Used: To wash bottom sediments free of material less than 1/2 mm 2 Juli, 2022 . of a reaction by lowering the activation energy, but it This change in the suns position from winter to summer means that more energy's reaching the ocean and therefore warms the water. c. The study of transport across oceans d. The worst event in Science Olympiad 2. +Water always flows downhill perpendicular to the contour lines. Sound is also used for geophysical exploration of the seafloor and the layers beneath it.