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A complete ACM Template is available to all AZA members. Zoologischer Garten Wuppertal (Wuppertal following Husbandry Manuals are available from one or more of the Stanvic, S. (2006).Available at web site (PDF); Squirrels), Springhaas - Zoo Standards for co-chairman: Gerard Meijer Go here to download, Wild Cattle - AZA Husbandry Standards The giant anteater is about the size of a golden retriever, but thick, bushy hair makes it look even bigger. hedgehogs, tenrecs, etc. Best viewed with 16 bit colour or higher at Jill D. Mellen and AZA, Pangolin Husbandry Manual Josefina Zidar (2008). The handling, transport and rehabilitation of armadillos is not an easy task. Manual Duke University Primate Centre (1998)3705 Erwin Road, Durham, North Carolina 27705, USA.Phone: + 1 919 489 3364E-mail: Available at web site (PDF file); Enrichment Plan Ouwehands Zoo, Grebbeweg 1, Peter Dickinson (2001). AZA, Rock Hyrax Hand RearingYvonne Strode (undated). Go here to download Please note Giant Anteaters: Looks Can Be Deceiving - YouTube Dave Pinson (2009).Stickeebatz Publishing,, Ring-tailed Lemur Husbandry Manual Available at web site (PDF): Attard, T. (2009). ((navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") && (1997).In: Orangutan SSP Husbandry Manual.C. Biome Grassland Anthropogenic biome Forest Savanna Shrubland Rainforest Montane forest Agricultural Climate zones Tropical It's easy to approach a young anteater, since it doesn't have teeth, just a long sticky tongue. porcupines, rats, mice and woodchucks), Cetacea EAZA Best Practice Guidelines for Lesser Kudu. AZA, Lagomorpha Michel Delorme (undated). EAZA Keeping in CaptivityChristine Bartos (2004).Baltimore Zoo, Druid Hill Park, Baltimore, MD 21217, USA.Available at web site (PDF file); The first recorded importation of the giant anteater in North America was in 1880. and pikas), Husbandry & Pathology of Rodents & Go here to download, Orangutan (Nutrition Chapter)Dierenfeld, E.S. Go here to download, Naked_Mole Rats - Husbandry Giant Anteater Pup Born at Nashville Zoo Roger Williams Park Zoo, ISIS, Aardvark Husbandry Manual Contact me for availability, Non-human Primate Husbandry Maher, C. (2006). Adrienne Miller (2001). (Wallabies & Kangaroos), Macropology: (Rabbits, Bischofsweg 48, 01099 Dresden, Germany. EAZA Anteater | mammal | Britannica ASMP Primate TAG (2004). Taxonomic link to be taken to the relevant section within the second Giant Anteater Husbandry Manual Instructions Usually only one young (pup) born at a time. There are currently 112 giant anteaters in U.S. zoos (about a 1:1 sex ratio) spread across 46 facilities. Guidelines for Stephen Jackson In: Management and Conservation of Captive Tigers.R. AZA Animal Care Manuals (ACMs) provide a compilation of animal care and management knowledge that has been gained from recognized species experts, including AZA Taxon Advisory Groups (TAGs), Species Survival Plan Programs (SSPs), biologists, veterinarians, nutritionists, reproduction physiologists, behaviorists and researchers. Available at web site (PDF); Available at web site (PDF): Rats, Gerbils, Spiny Mice, Crested Rat), Australian Mammals: Biology and Go here to download, Australian Mammals: Biology and and pikas), Rodentia Go here to download, Facility Requirements for Fort Worth, Texas, hbbd```b``V qd)L`r2XXef;IiH.X6 `'`v(?fH `vduZG.e`2' [g Cuc Phuong National Park. Manual of captive diet to wild diet.In: Bonobo Husbandry Manual,American Association of Zoos and AquariumsAvailable at web site (PDF file); Guidelines Update 2nd edition (revised)Klner Zoo (2007). Click the X to close. Go here to download liberiensis) Husbandry GuidelinesVon Houwald, F., Macdonald, A. 183-203. Go here to download, Goat & Sheep Husbandry Manual Go here to download, Hyrax Minimum Husbandry Guidelines Orphaned Flying-Fox Mariella Superinas armadillo dissertation contains basic information as well asrecommendations for the captive maintenance of armadillos. ISIS. E-mail: EAZA, Red River Hog Husbandry Guidelines Jones, K. (2008). Freeburn, S. E. (2008). ISIS, Maned Wolf Husbandry Manual (Spanish version) Contact me for availability, Australian Mammals: Biology and Benza, S. Cantabene, N. Foland, R. Sears & J. Husbandry Guidelines (AZA)Dennis A. Meritt, Jr. (1997). Go here to download, Greater Stick-nest Rat Husbandry Littlefield, K. (2009). Contact:Lori Perkins, Ape TAG Co-Chair/Orangutan SSP Coordinator,, Southern Hairy-nosed Wombat Management HusbandryManuals. Go here to download, Clouded Leopard Captive Breeding Perth Zoo and other elephant holding facilities in the Botanical Garden, 3400 Vine St.,Cincinnati, OH 45220, USA. Pixie Vosper (2008). function MSFPpreload(img) Available at web site (PDF file); Captive Management. _W:Y 0JI%b`).f+ ) O/AAc1e,!qP @s0+XL/<4V po0o@"GA (@ Go here to download, Orangutan Guidelines Pygmy-possums Go here to download, African Lion Husbandry Guidelines or:Available at web site (PDF); Mexican Gray Wolf Available at web site (PDF): Four anteater species can be found in Colombia: the giant anteater (Myrmecophagatridactyla), the northern tamandua (Tamandua mexicana), the southern tamandua(Tamandua tetradactyla), and the silky anteater (Cyclopes didactylus). AZA, Wild Cattle Species Husbandry Manual Callitrichidae Husbandry GuidelinesJ. Available at web site (PDF); Gomis, D., Moisson, P. & De Michelis, S. (2009). P. Dollinger, R. Baumgartner, E. Isenbgel, N. Pagan, H. (2010). Guidelines (DRAFT)Tessa Schelvis & Evelien Spijkman (2008). Platypus. and Palladwar, V.D., 1989. or (PDF) Giant anteaters Scientific Name: Myrmecophaga tridactyla Type: Mammals Diet: Insectivore Average Life Span In The Wild: 14 years Size: Head and body: 6 to 49 inches; tail: 7 to 35 inches. Zoo Animal Nutrition. ISIS. Manual on the maintenance and rehabilitation of armadillos (in Spanish). Go here to order, Malayan Sun Bear Husbandry Manual The natural diet of giant anteaters (Mymecophaga tridactyla) is composed 96% of ants and 4% of termites (Camponotus and Solenopsis spp.). Available at web site (PDF); (BOOK). Available at web site (PDF): 16, 23 In Brazil, this species of anteater may consume approximately nine different ant species, but in June they switch to consume termites. (undated). Courtney (2007). Go here to download, Sifakas Husbandry Manual GuidelinesJenny Procter (2007). %%EOF Tasmanian Devil Husbandry Manual Suzanne Turnock & Dr Kathy Slater (2008). Go here to download, Capybara Captive Husbandry Fundacin Omacha, ODL, Corporinoquia, Cormacarena, Bioparque los Ocarros, Corpometa. If you continue using our website, we'll assume that you are happy to receive all cookies on this website and you agree to our Privacy Policy. Wombats (current version)Linda Dennis, Kim Rolls, Anne Fowler and Anne-Marie Go here to download, Husbandry Guidelines for the Ground searching for, a specific Manual which is not listed here, Go here to order, Handraising Orphaned Koalas Giant Anteater Husbandry Manual - gonic Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby Husbandry Manual Go here to download, North American Porcupine - Go here to download, Manual De Medicina Veterinria De Amanda R. Lee (1991).Federation of Zoological Gardens of Great Britain & Ireland,Regents Park, London, NW1 4RY. Contact me for availability, Gua para el Cuidado en Cautiverio The Netherlands (((navigator.appName == "Netscape") && HusbandryCaroline Brown (2003). World Fruit Bats), Fruit Fulk, R., M. Loomis and C. Garland (1992).In: The care and management of chimpanzees Go here to download Anteater facts: There are 4 species of anteater. Go here to download. The snout is long (up to 45 cm in length) and the skull is streamlined with small eyes and ears. They weight about 7-19 pounds and are about 2 feet long not counting the tail. Mexican Gray Wolf The individual species have other names in English and other languages. . Milwaukee County Zoological Gardens,10001 West Blue Mound Road, Milwaukee, Wisconsin,53226-4384, USA. or: Kauffels (2005). Users of Internet Explorer; press F11 to fit more onto your screen. // -->