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As a user you can decide what language(s) you want to learn (from Spanish to German to Arabic or Korean) and go through a free program that will teach you the basics. It defys grammar of spanish.April 15, 2020tessbuhckHow about: Seor estas usando el telfono? December 25, 2019Joanne500195Read the comments if usted (you) is used, why wasnt the verb usas correct?February 20, 2020HW7CS465Are you penalising for not using a accents now?March 5, 2020johnvinken1Plus224I wrote this exactly as requested and you corrected me. January 25, 2022HammadKhaw1Why is Senor usas el telfono? wrong? Seriously duolingo September 25, 2019alex132449PlusWhy is it usa not uso since its masculine!September 29, 2019tessbuhckBecause in Spanish the verbs are conjugated according to the subject pronouns and not the gender of the pronoun (just like in English there is no difference between he and she) Which is more proper / common?February 12, 2021KirstenDeS13373Why do you use usa and not uso?February 22, 2021JakeTheSnakeManUsa = usted/l/ella. sir are you using the telephone in spanish duolingo English to Spanish translation of " estas usando el telefono Duolingo " (are you using the telephone Duolingo). In Spanish, the preterite is used to talk about situations in the past that are viewed as a whole, single chunk: there was a time period in the past, something happened in that time window, now let's move on. How To Say What Is Your Name? In Spanish There is no single version of Spanish in Latin America and Mexican Spanish is not identical to Colombian Spanish, Argentinian Spanish, Chilean Spanish etc. The makers of Duolingo, a popular language-learning app, are being criticized for including phrases in the company's Spanish-language curriculum that some users say are racist. sir are you using the telephone in spanish duolingo Duolingo Accused of Racism After Spanish-Language Curriculum Includes Anyway, I hope this helps!February 26, 2021BzwicksWhy is usa usted rejected? Amazon delivers to 100+ countries in as quickly as 3-5 days. Describing a process. If you go into your achievements after it could give you a discription!August 14, 2020Traci116585Why not, El Senor, tu usa el telefono? Thanks very much!September 14, 2019cinderandkaiotpthanks, I didnt know that! Like tu or usted? Usted is something else, so it doesnt belong in the verb phrase. Just another little thing that reminds us that different languages are structured differently, and the translations dont always line up perfectly! You can import it and add to it yourself. Thanks so much! How are you?) But I still like your previous explanation on why not to use the progressive form. I cant now, as i am moving to Spain! They say it's Latin American, but it's kind of a mix, apparently they randomly added some vosotros further down the tree (which is only used in Spain) but didn't teach it well. A meticulous finance professional with hands-on experience in diversified financial products. Switching subject and verb order to ask a question is correct isnt it?March 13, 2021fernandorochah759Aqu hay algo mal o muy confusoMarch 22, 2021GadaphiArc1PlusSomeone please let me know ehy this is wrong senor usando el telefonoMay 11, 2021GadaphiArc1PlusSomeone please let me know Why this is wrong senor usando el telefonoMay 11, 2021fenneeukPlus10Please may somebody explain why the Spanish for this sentence is Usted usa el telfono? In 2019, over 21% of participants used the retirement app via a mobile device, with that rate jumping to 37% of participants on mobile devices instead of desktops this year. I mean he/she/it uses = (l/ella) usa August 24, 2018 EllaMcC Thanks. Cheese Dumplings Without Suet, wrong?May 6, 2020AbdelilahC802732Why we cant say ( Senor Usas telefono? Just tried to use el as first word and now its back to telling me to use el belore telefono, which is correct. I have used Duolingo for French, Spanish, Italian and Greek too. If you are persistent, follow the instructions and complete the minimum daily activity, you will speak the language, Guarantee! Why bother if you cant get it right? Virtual assistants like Siri use language recognition software, as do language learning apps like Duolingo or Rosetta Stone. Have a lingot!December 16, 2018LorentzBloThis is an excellent explanation. We also use the past simple for the main action when telling a story. I struggle to structure the sentence in spanish you use the computer when in english we say you are using rhe computer To me, these mean different things.June 26, 2018, This kind of sentence always throws me off. However, in all the other Spanish-speaking countries, you have to make a distinction between t/vos (informal) and usted (formal). June 27, 2019Devashree50714Thanks for making it clear! So, why usted? sir are you using the telephone in spanish duolingo Tap on the skill, then the light bulb icon. They also mean different things in Spanish, but the difference iswell, different. :)September 12, 2020Daziegrl41139Ok.. but could you say all that in English? But why not usa usted el telfono or usa el telfono usted?March 29, 2020Gille201117why not esta usted usandoJune 10, 2018spiceyokookoBecause its wrong! The Duolingo Podcast (available for Spanish and French learners as of writing) includes a series of real-life stories presented half in English (to create context and increase comprehension), and half in the target language to provide interesting listening practice. She is speaking with him directly.August 7, 2020Traci116585Why not, El Senor, tu usa el telefono? If there is no El then it is familiar, yes? I put Senor tu usas el telefono ? 1. Is it informal? Yes, in most of Costa Rica and some parts of Colombia, the only pronouns for 'you' are usted and ustedes. If this error repeats, please, To open collections, restart your browser, Translation of Sir, are you using the telephone. Learn a new language with the world's most-downloaded education app! I use Duolingo on my phone, which I think is the best / Parental controls and online maturity; How do I find, follow and/or block users? As opposed to t usas el telfono. sir are you using the telephone in spanish duolingo September 25, 2020AnthonyHan624446Plus364Meaning of usted?October 1, 2020Big_Boi4Why would it be usa and not uso?October 21, 2020MeltheFirst58Hi correct conjugation is why Many thanks!January 28, 2022Yakato_da_bestYou are so right, that always thows me off too! Its generally used in situations when you really want to emphasize that this is what youre doing right now, maybe in contrast to what you were doing five minutes ago or what you plan to do tomorrow. Is it because the formal usted is used?September 16, 2021l0v3kai dont understand? Con quin quiero hablar? I have not been introduced to the meaning of ud.July 17, 2018SantiagoHy4Ud. How do I switch my Duolingo course language? Your email address will not be published. Sadly, apps like Duolingo serve to normalize and reinforce this behavior. But before we get there, I want to make a Whether you are looking to get into your existing account, or create a new Duolingo account, you can navigate to Duolingo for Schools using the link this really helped me :DFebruary 28, 2021zhr.salehiIt helps a lot. Establishment, development and management of a major Geographic Information Systems Project, that comprised one main layer and several supported integrated spatial layers that was supported by five databases and 250,000 records spanning seven attribute tables. Just another little thing that reminds us that different languages are structured differently, and the translations dont always line up perfectly! It is not feminine January 8, 2021aDogNamedZeusThis is so hard I never know when and where to use usted in a sentence ;-; But you would have made this also wrongMarch 25, 2020Diet636720The choices are wrong. Thank you so much!May 21, 2021Reggie79842911Thank you that answers my question September 21, 2021sinnehhhThanks!February 11, 2022MarianneFo961266thank you. When you see seor or seora it indicates a more formal interaction, so you know youll want to use usted with your verbsSeptember 11, 2019londoncornelius_HELP i get so mixed up with use. Some helpful phrases for using the telephone in Spanish include: Quin habla? you can say a sharp increase but not a sharp majority. Usas = (informal) you use; the kind of conjugation that happens with friends, younger family, etc. . It also accepted usa usted el telefono. Anyway, I hope this helps!September 29, 2018. It defys grammar of spanish.April 15, 2020tessbuhckHow about: Seor estas usando el telfono? December 25, 2019Joanne500195Read the comments if usted (you) is used, why wasnt the verb usas correct?February 20, 2020HW7CS465Are you penalising for not using a accents now?March 5, 2020johnvinken1Plus224I wrote this exactly as requested and you corrected me. One time it show that USE YO, and the other time it says USE USTED Thank you very much for rectifying the anomaly in the form of the Live news coverage going off after the activation of the Auto-Rotatation mode. I give the whole Spanish course by Duolingo totally free to my students. Log in for access to Gmail and Google Drive. It is important to use the right modifiers (articles, adjectives, etc.) The viral meme circulating on Twitter stars the mascot for Duolingo, the hugely popular language-learning app, downloaded by more . So, usted usa is used . sir are you using the telephone in spanish duolingo So tu usas or usted usaDecember 29, 2018Michael823228139That helps, thank youSeptember 18, 2019Kyle385587Thank you. Why is that?January 2, 2022maniomiszczPlus66Why usa and not usar? August 8, 2020b.paul.d6Where do I use usted and where tu. usted usa you use, or usted usa you use, or for each gender. In Spanish, its pretty common to use what wed call the simple present, or just the present tense, moreso than it is in English. You may also be asked to write a report describing a process in this part of the test. She is speaking directly to him, not about him as if he wasnt there. sir are you using the telephone in spanish duolingo. If you take either word on its own, it doesnt convey the whole meaning of the action, so it acts as a unit. Can anyone advise me what that means and what all the other unusual words like Combo bonus, Wildfire Achievement, Crowns, Lingots and dozens of others mean and what I am supposed to do with them? The article is about how Duolingo doesnt work if you want to achieve fluency in a language. Duolingo teaches you Mexican Spanish. At the top, click Join class . El seor would be used if you were talking ABOUT him (El seor necesita ayudathe man needs help. 1. Got this wrong again..August 27, 2020Sultana777Seor usted esta usando el telefono?September 10, 2020Fy5PH2AJWhy is Seor, usa usted el telfono? also accepted for Seor, usted usa el telfono? September 24, 2020archie3rdIt assumes advanced Spanish users. In English, wed be more likely to use the present progressive tense, the you are using or t ests usando one. / celu? All Rights Reserved. The use of usted changed places apparently. Max_AnaximenesYoure right! June 16, 2020RainbowRose710403Why usa? Simply click on "Get Started" in the navigation menu on the top right of the page, or from any of the buttons embedded in the page. T= familiarMarch 23, 2019sandeldCastellano doesnt use the usted form.January 17, 2019Preston660291Plus2I am starting to really dislike the word use! Many thanks!January 28, 2022Yakato_da_bestYou are so right, that always thows me off too! In Spanish, its pretty common to use what wed call the simple present, or just the present tense, moreso than it is in English. The author no longer updates this collection. While you can use the present progressive in Spanish, its a lot more likely to sound out of place, or like youre not quite comfortable with the nuances of the language. As opposed to t usas el telfono. The article is about how Duolingo doesn't work if you want to achieve fluency in a language. The "t" isn't entirely necessary, but it gives proper emphasis on the "you". @28frd @duolingo Three emails, two tweets and still no reply from you. Canada Revenue Agency - Agence du revenu du Canada. Can Someone solve the mystery?December 17, 2021saratma74Why is usted used befor usa? Japanese. February 9, 2021Seant213Can someone explain when to use usted at the beginning of a question or the end? Duolingo's Spanish course is a free, fun, and effective way to develop your speaking, writing, reading, and listening skills through short, bite-sized lessons. September 7, 2018smudge8999571004I have just been marked correct for saying, seor, est usando el telfono?September 21, 2019Max_AnaximenesUsually in Spanish, unless youve got a specific reason for doing so, you dont break up verb phrases. Application Management Outsourcing, Because of this difference in connotation and usage, its become quite common and acceptable to translate the Spanish simple present into the English present progressive, and vice versa. How I learned Spanish (using duolingo obviously) - YouTube March 28, 2020HagerHesham19Why we use usa with usted? Next, you need to tell the taxi operator where you are by saying "I'm at (address)" or "Could you send. Is this because starting the sentence with seor makes it formal, rather than personal.September 11, 2019Cirago915This is correct, from what I have seen. They do mean different things in English. You are left to guess at the correct sentence structure. Which Spanish is Duolingo teaching me? : r/duolingo - reddit For example, I use usted with pretty much everybody, including my family and friends. February 23, 2020sneh34928586Now l got it, thanksMay 11, 2021fenneeukPlus10Thank you. (M) to be on the telephone tener telfono. You can say both Usted est usando el telfono? or Est usted usando el telfono? or omit the usted entirely and it still makes sense. When did it become a mistake? Thank you so much!May 21, 2021Reggie79842911Thank you that answers my question September 21, 2021sinnehhhThanks!February 11, 2022MarianneFo961266thank you. Duolingo is the worlds most popular way to learn a language. vs | Spanish Language | Discussion Its generally used in situations when you really want to emphasize that this is what youre doing right now, maybe in contrast to what you were doing five minutes ago or what you plan to do tomorrow. He/ she/ it useS November 14, 2020Ashlin776514Whats wrong with tu usas el telefono ?December 15, 2020LaurenMatt239577why a feminine word usa when the sentence is mostly masculine?December 19, 2020EndalynInstead of senor, usted usa el telefono? ).August 30, 2020Arturnovo1En castellano, la oracin correcta sera: Seor est usando el telfono?March 23, 2019ArianaHubbPlus818I used that phrase and was marked incorrectI am so confused. The seemingly dreaded grammatical concepts which you might have so far found to be wrapped in highly mystifying learning process and which brain refuses to understand for the simple reasons of unnecessary intricacies involved, have now been made a For instance, there are two forms of the verb to be in Spanish - ser & estar . Que is el differente?August 25, 2020ItsLima606Ugh. Virtual assistants like Siri use language recognition software, as do language learning apps like Duolingo or Rosetta Stone. When you meet for the first time an extended family member over the age of say 20, you need to ask permission to address them other than formal, and even with your parents you don't address them using their first name, but you use Mother (Mom) or Father (Dad) instead Learn French in just 5 minutes a day with our game-like lessons. Learn languages by playing a game. It's also brilliant for keeping us motivated. This is useful when writing in French, Spanish, or other non-English languages. Its either: Please Like, if U dont then DislikeApril 15, 2020RamiChalhoI dont get it y isnt that an usas since i m addressing the 2nd person T April 20, 2020HaleJay621Why is usted usa el telefono senor? is the abbreviated form of ustedJuly 17, 2018David9895631337Thank youJuly 17, 2018Arturnovo1Ud. Puede pasarme ? January 9, 2019SHOUKATHAYcan anybody tell me [uso usar usa] means because i got everytime mistake fromm these three words May 16, 2019RollandStePlus350Why bother putting the suggestions there if they gonna be wrong? Here is Flipkart Sirf Ek Minute Answers Today: Episode 134 PM Modi in America. Are you using the car in Spanish duolingo? Tu usas Make sure to reference any tips and notes from Duolingo or anywhere else. Spanish. Duolingo - Language Lessons 4+ - App Store - Apple So tu usas or usted usaDecember 29, 2018Michael823228139That helps, thank youSeptember 18, 2019Kyle385587Thank you. Isnt usted familiar?August 7, 2020Traci116585I wrote, El Senor, usted usa el telefono. Why is the El Senor wrong? Usas means you use. ; possessing a wide range of experience and knowledge in ESRI ArcGIS and the GIS field.<br> <br>Design and developed a Layer 3 (Cisco . Just another little thing that reminds us that different languages are structured differently, and the translations dont always line up perfectly! Duolingo throws patterns of sentences and vocabulary at you, but the learning does not feel systematic. This is not the first time you made a wrong correccin.March 25, 2020johnvinken1Plus224That is what I wrote. I guess because this isnt Castellano Spanish course. We can also use the word could to mean a hypothetical possibility. But if we want to start actually using the language-speaking, watching movies, reading novels-then we need to supplement Duolingo with other activities. We also use the past simple for the main action when telling a story. Thanks very much!September 14, 2019, Your email address will not be published. Duolingo has a ton of fun features to offer! The world's most popular way to learn Spanish online. Position was virtual so I had autonomy throughout my daily . August 18, 2020Callista_wWhy is it saying for seor its usas when the hint says (ella) is usas, this is not a sheAugust 25, 2020Ambrose510573Someone help me understand the usage of usa and usas. It's pretty much exclusively for the start of someones name e.g. 48 Usar is the infinitive form. I have not been introduced to the meaning of ud.July 17, 2018SantiagoHy4Ud. Kinda hard to learn the language when you teach it incorrectlyMay 18, 2019Syd295157I am really confused and am either stupid in my interpretation of the hints provided (not my first post) but please clear this problem up for me and I presume many others. 3700 32nd Street Sacramento, CA 95820 (916) 452-1379 man, dog, house). / celular? By junio 5, 2022 founding fathers land ownership Duolingo Spanish Review 2023 | Pros & Cons Explained - Test Prep Insight You agree to pay all fees and applicable taxes incurred by you or anyone using a Duolingo account registered to you. "Are you using the telephone?" - Duolingo I struggle to structure the sentence in spanish you use the computer when in english we say you are using rhe computer To me, these mean different things.June 26, 2018. February 2, 2022Terralisha1Plus40Seor indicates he should be addressed formally. It is so confusing. Telephone is masculine. While you can use the present progressive in Spanish, its a lot more likely to sound out of place, or like youre not quite comfortable with the nuances of the language. Anyway, I hope this helps!February 26, 2021BzwicksWhy is usa usted rejected? January 9, 2019SHOUKATHAYcan anybody tell me [uso usar usa] means because i got everytime mistake fromm these three words May 16, 2019RollandStePlus350Why bother putting the suggestions there if they gonna be wrong? Seor , usted usa el telfono ? Posted on 1 second ago; June 24, 2022 Excuse me, sir, you need to sleep on your side. Please, guidance anyone?August 7, 2020Traci116585Why isnt it, El Senor, tu usa el telefono? Thanks, Arturnova1!August 25, 2019Annalecia014I wanna know tooSeptember 12, 2021kxj5198How do i know where to put usted? You dont use the more respectful way if you are unsure?August 7, 2020adrramEl seor is only used in third person. Please like the video if you enjoyed and subscribe and hit the bell if you haven't already.As a latina who grew.