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0000001737 00000 n
0000002546 00000 n
Seacoast Kit BAYSEAC001 BAYSEAC001 BAYSEAC001 Refrigerant Lineset 5 TAYREFLN3* TAYREFLN4* TAYREFLN4* 6 22-1772-03 . You may change your settings at any time. Our commitment to being #1 shows in the products we design, the programs we offer, and the dealers we select to represent our brand. X}YoWIbxrHI3}Sw9vkDe /|~ki)b*d\8^^\ZLc&_CtiV:$rr={rFZr5Rv{j{~.P}c^/}:-1Nr For additional Trane products and information please click here. This is why a copper tube/ aluminum plate fin coil has five times the corrosion potential of an all-aluminum coil such as Tranes, Withstands 1440 hours of 194 degree desert heat trailer
Learn more.
Protecting AC from Beach/Salt? - HVAC-Talk: Heating, Air Trane also field-tests units in real-world environments to monitor the harmful effects of salt spray on painted surfaces, Spine Fin Coils and electrical components. 0000003462 00000 n
As the original manufacturer, our compressors are remanufactured to the same tolerances and standards as if they were coming off the assembly line brand new. Trane American Standards - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free.
PDF ALLEGIANCE 13 - 4A7A3 - 5327329 Active Coil (Mix-Match) TRANE TRANE 4TTR5030E1 TRANE U.S. INC. 4FWH(A,F)030A* 1000 31400 13.50 16.00 1 RCU-A-CB 237 Yes . We only sell Trane Certified devices on our Products page. Something went wrong. They say theres no replacement for the original. Some units have Seacoast corrosion protection, which is a coating on an air conditioners coils that withstands corrosive agents such as salt water sprays. Through-the-Wall Air Conditioners. We also stand behind our products with industry-leading support and warranty coverage. TRANE Product Type W = Split Heat Pump T = Split Cooling Product Family Z = Leadership - Two Stage X = Leadership R = Replacement/Retail B = Basic A = Light Commercial Family SEER 0 = 10 3 = 13 6 = 16 1 = 11 4 = 14 8 = 18 Catalog Number BAYSEAC001. 0000000656 00000 n
Units with remote capability can be managed via Wi-Fi to allow centralized control of settings for one or more units. 0000167630 00000 n
Trane CenTraVac motors are remanufactured to meet the most current OEM standards from the industry leader in chiller manufacturing. 0000008490 00000 n
Through-the-wall air conditioners install into a cutout in an exterior wall. If you factor in the extra cost of a seacoast coating, the delay in getting the equipment and the aggrivation of having no AC while waiting, I think you'd be better off to just face the facts of life. ~>W+{Gjf~)O1k|y0Z|H]ac,fm7.Xkr0bX%$a%_{XD1QAo-e>:2{G8E&3k^9{a;k0hTY
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American Standard 4A7C3060D3000D - 5 Ton, 13 SEER, R410A - Gemaire They're commonly used where winters are mild and outdoor temperatures stay above freezing. Trane's furnaces overall feature: AFUE ratings up to 97.3%. Cookies enable Facebook to offer the Facebook Products to you and to understand the information we receive about you, including information about your use of other websites and apps, whether or not you are registered or logged in. Oversized units cycle off before properly dehumidifying the air, which is key to the cooling process. %PDF-1.6 Trane. Learn more. Full coil protection Airflow and sound tests are conducted in order to simulate product performance. 0000218717 00000 n
0000169911 00000 n
0000001369 00000 n
PHASED OUTTable SC-6-C Comfort ControlsTAYASCT501A56 .. . Refrigerant Type 2 = R-22 4 = R-410A TRANE Product Type W = Split Heat Pump T = Split Cooling Product Family Z = Leadership - Two Stage X = Leadership R = Replacement/Retail B = Basic A = Light Commercial Family SEER 0 = 10 3 . Click Here to Find Your Local Trane Dealer. This amount includes applicable customs duties, taxes, brokerage and other fees. 0000146012 00000 n
by . 0000002953 00000 n
The Trane XL 14i split system heat pump is an energy-efficient product with several brand-named components.
172 CEER ratings allow comparison of energy efficiency between air conditioners with similar cooling capacities. Google Analytics uses cookies, which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyse how users use the site. trailer
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Electric heat allows use in climates with harsh winters where temperatures fall below freezing. Trane only offers remanufactured compressors, a more comprehensive and thorough process. 0000003702 00000 n
When you need to replace your compressor, rely on Trane OEM remanufactured compressors. X-brace construction enhances cabinet stability This compressor comes with a standard two-year warranty and a first-year system hazard warranty, excluding labor. Trane CenTraVac remanufactured motors are the best option for your chiller because Continuous improvement, cutting-edge technology, and superior materials help This amount is subject to change until you make payment. Plant Shipping Weight . 9}Gp/ey--MS:] xZ+4hu:P P=%LY$R3,YeJCqZR:+UB. \{h-y@x
b;ahJ2. Trane remanufactured CenTraVac motors stand out above the rest. Industry-leading engineering expertise guides the coils design, and thorough performance-testing capabilities help ensure years of trouble-free performance. endstream This amount is subject to change until you make payment. 0000076212 00000 n
Units for cooling only are used for seasonal cooling or for supplementing central AC systems.
Installes uie Seacoast Kit These Class 1, Division 2 air conditioners can be used where flammable gases, vapors, and liquids are handled or used within enclosed containers or systems, but are not normally present in concentrations high enough to be ignitable. Other technologies, including data we store on your web browser or device, identifiers associated with your device, and other software, are used for similar purposes.
Seacoast Protection Through-the-Wall Air Conditioners 0000112051 00000 n
Accessories Pumps, Cooling Towers, Evap Condensers, etc, Components Valves, Motors, Condensers, Evaporators, etc, Duct Systems Design, Installation & Practice, Piping Systems Design, Installation & Practice, Control System Design, Installation & Practice, Pro's Forum: National Electrical Code (NEC), Pro's Forum: Calculations & Electrical Theory, Pro's Forum: Electrical Business & Marketing.
Seacoast Kit for 4TWR6048H1000A Split System Heat Pump 0000000016 00000 n
Youll save time with our drop-in-ready products, plus youll save money when you use equipment operating at OEM design efficiency. Some AC units are for cooling only.
0000040719 00000 n
Trane 4TWB3 TYPICAL FIELD HOOK-UP DIAGRAMS - Commercial-grade air conditioners are made with robust components for use in office buildings and multiunit dwellings. 0000003112 00000 n
Galvanic corrosion occurs when two dissimilar metals in close proximity to each other are exposed to a conducting fluid, such as salt spray, acid rain or chemically tainted rainwater. 0000005853 00000 n
Note that passwords are case-sensitive. They use less energy than electric heat, but are less effective in extreme cold. Creates a near permanent bond between the steel and the paint. Sign In to access your account information. Trane Offers a New Option Trane Precedent units are available with the CompleteCoat coil-coating option. xb```f``zAX C
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The units need to be replaced every 5-7 years. 0000004671 00000 n
We are the only company that has the original unit specifications and in-depth manufacturing knowledge. 0000127825 00000 n
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PDF Trane Product Data - Split System Cooling 4TTR4-L Models Undersized units may run constantly without reaching set temperatures. This "kit" is rather lame (just a long sheet of thin black plastic with a magnetic strip at one end), so don't expect much actual protection from it, but Trane (aka American Standard) requires it for full warranty coverage on certain AC compressors near the coast. Trane has many features and benefits that separate it from its competitors when considering these environmental elements. <> By decreasing axial loads on belts by about 60%, they're subjected to significant reduction in wearing. % . 0000167302 00000 n
PDF Split System Heat Pump Product & Performance Data startxref
0000001016 00000 n
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OP should ask about the cost for the seacoast shield. 0000066779 00000 n
Manual Trane 4TTA | PDF | Air Conditioning | Thermostat - Scribd "_nt (69ojZ\j[%P!L0umYeMQEW@qYl^JI$Y#] vg 55 0 obj <>
Heating method describes how an air conditioner makes heat if it provides both cooling and heating. This advanced material is flexible, avoiding the thermal The Trane Company An American Standard Company For more information contact your local dealer (distributor) Literature Order Number File Number Supersedes Stocking Location Since the manufacturer has a policy of continuous product and product data improvement, it reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice. 0000004206 00000 n
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This policy explains how we use cookies and the choices you have.
trane seacoast kit - Meet 1,000 hour salt spray test. 0000209633 00000 n
Cookies are small pieces of text used to store information on web browsers. 0000004127 00000 n
Others have an electric heating element or are heat pumps that switch from cooling to heating. I applied the Trane BAYSEAC001 (Seacoast kit) to hopefully extend the life of the new condenser. 11 0 obj<>stream
18-BC61D1-1 5, I. Seacoast Kit BAYSEAC001 BAYSEAC001 BAYSEAC001 BAYSEAC001 Low Ambient Kit BAYLOAM103 BAYLOAM103 BAYLOAM103 BAYLOAM103 Refrigerant Lineset 5 TAYREFLN5* TAYREFLN6* TAYREFLN2* TAYREFLN7* 1 Certified in accordance with the Unitary Air-Conditioner equipment certification program which is based on ARI Standard 210/240. American Standard 4A7C3060D3000D - 5 Ton, 13 SEER, R410A, Split System Cooling Outdoor Unit, 208-230/3/60FeaturesSEER up to 13.25Comfort-R mode approvedDuraBase base, fast complete drain, weatherproofEasy-Sess cabinet, service access and refrigerant co 123 0 obj
0000001696 00000 n
American Standard / Trane OEM / Service First Component Replaces / Supersedes: KIT-7908 , KIT7908 , BAYKSKT260A , CPT0091 , RLY-3148 , RLY3148 , RLY03148 Kit Consists of (2) Main Components: CPT00091 and RLY03148 speed set mortar working time of thinset; best choice products jeep parts; zulu social aid and pleasure club posters I.D. Product Type Seacoast Kit.
Trane Certified and Compatible Products - Trane Home Powder painted louvered panels 0000003955 00000 n
0000015874 00000 n
In this policy, we refer to all of these technologies as cookies.. Leak rate of .05% out of 12 million coils tested.
Tuffest Units on the Beach | Trane Rubber Isolator Kit BAYISLT101 BAYISLT101 BAYISLT101 BAYISLT101. 0000056686 00000 n
The Trane OEM belt tensioner services the very popular Precedent air conditioning units. BTW, Carrier and Bryant sold the "Coastal Coated" Units also. This Department of Energy (DOE) standard rates cooling capacity in BtuH against the average energy used in Watts while running and on standby. The #1 question asked by NEW MEMBERS. startxref
0000000944 00000 n
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Interlocking seams create a tight fit and finish v2*B *MCz{ Hb```a``~pk3 ,L2%700 ``=vKYD[&_R9 startxref
The outdoor environment in Brevard County is harsh, with dramatic swings in temperature, precipitation, wind and humidity. 0000128178 00000 n
0000171909 00000 n
We have been in the remanufacturing business since 1973, and have four businesses in our facility focused on supporting the aftermarket business and service. endstream
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Cookies are used to store and receive identifiers and other information on computers, phones, and other devices. 0000004657 00000 n
Aire Trane 4TTA. They're commonly used for cooling offices, retail stores, multifamily buildings, barracks, and dorms. Maximum amount of digits: 6. There are 4 main benefits of the belt tensioner: Life span of the belt: A properly maintained belt can last significantly longer than the typical year. Includes (5) Plastic Film with Magnetic Strip on Top and (1) Installer's Guide. 9 0 obj 0000001266 00000 n
Units with a slide-out chassis allow easier access for service and repairs than fixed-chassis units. Installed in. 74 50
TRANE mrodctType W = Split Heat Pump T = Split Cooling mrodct cam ily V = sariable ppeed M or B = Basic i eadership Two ptage A = iight Com m ercial . endobj They're commonly used to cool laboratories, control rooms, and storage areas. Leak and corrosion resistant and resistant to outdoor galvanic and crevice corrosion. 0000064232 00000 n
Seacoast Kit BAYSEAC001 BAYSEAC001 BAYSEAC001 BAYSEAC001 Low Ambient Kit BAYLOAM103 BAYLOAM103 BAYLOAM103 BAYLOAM103 Refrigerant Lineset (d) . 8 33
Commercial-Grade Through-the-Wall Air Conditioners Cooling Only, sorted by Cooling Capacity, ascending, Commercial-Grade Through-the-Wall Air Conditioners Cooling/Heating, sorted by Cooling Capacity, ascending, Residential-Grade Through-the-Wall Air Conditioners Cooling Only, sorted by Cooling Capacity, ascending, Residential-Grade Through-the-Wall Air Conditioners Cooling/Heating, sorted by Cooling Capacity, ascending, Hazardous Location Through-the-Wall Air Conditioners Operation Mode - HVAC: Unspecified, sorted by Cooling Capacity, ascending, Hazardous Location Through-the-Wall Air Conditioners Cooling Only, sorted by Cooling Capacity, ascending. <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Length 3711>> An air conditioner's coverage area may be reduced by higher-than-standard ceilings, sunlight exposure, and the number of people and heat-generating appliances in a room. Yxg@W8xvZ_AF Wq^yop@?Fkwk`u K^n3^L sICm8@,8CKSa$]TT:xR 2{12\Kv9$bh3Z%STo. 0000001627 00000 n
These through-the-wall air conditioners are made of residential-grade materials and have a decorative front grille that blends in with home interiors.
Trane XL14i Heat Pumps - 0000001275 00000 n
And that youll be able to do your job right the first time. Aire Trane 4TTA. The unit's exterior is coated with a glossy, corrosion-resistant finish and the unit is topped with a XL seacoast shield. Units with heat provide cooling and heating from a single unit for year-round use. Your choices will not impact your visit. I recommend the 803 or HW Mdl 8321 thermostat. %%EOF
Defrost Control Kit All Heat Pump Models 1 BAY24X045 ID Fan Delay Relay Kit All Heat Pump Models 1 TAYASCT501A1 5 Minute Delay Relay All Heat Pump Models 1 BAYKSKT260 Start Kit 2.5 - 4 Ton Models 1 BAYECMT001 Extreme Conditions Mounting Kit All Heat Pump Models 2 BAYSEAC001 Seacoast Kit All Heat Pump Models 1 55 18
Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services related to website activity and internet usage.
Trane American Standards | PDF | Air Conditioning | Thermostat - Scribd 0000005227 00000 n
0000034867 00000 n
Thats why were putting the Trane name on all our OEM parts. Air conditioners are most effective when sized for a space. This part is specifically engineered to meet our strict operation parameters: When compressors are replaced, they can either be remanufactured or rebuilt. Trane 4TWB3 TYPICAL FIELD HOOK-UP DIAGRAMS . 0000212838 00000 n
Tranes reliability tests exceed industry standards. HW[o8~7G+\pL74m'^CS,TG5sw.9yuU'g_9;wwN+F5xk//NYgIpH]iqS\^X+6cZjM=T]
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The more dissimilar the metals are (for example, copper and aluminum), the greater the potential for corrosion. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Googles behalf. Why Does Your Furnace Make Your House Stink in Rockledge, FL? how to withdraw money from skrill; south dakota state football roster 2007; chicken breed identification app; slow cooker ham and potato casserole skinny recipes SEAC-IN-1 If YOU want change, YOU have to first change. G90 galvanized steel construction 0000167328 00000 n
0000001754 00000 n
They cool a single room and install in a wall sleeve, which provides a permanent, stable platform for the unit. Rust resistant "Better tell the sandman to stay away, because we're gonna be workin on this one all night.". We use cookies if you have a Facebook account, use the Facebook Products, including our website and apps, or visit other websites and apps that use the Facebook Products (including the Like button or other Facebook Technologies). Lower operating temperature - provides extended life, Matched resistance - improves temperature uniformity. With Trane OEM parts you know youre getting the right parts for the job. Please return to service infor-mation pack upon completion of work. ELECTRIC HEATERS, M. TROUBLESHOOTING, C - Cooling H - Heating P - Primary Causes S - Secondary Causes * - 3 Phase Only, DEFROST RELAY DEF., SOV COIL DEFECTIVE, RES. Trane Certified Products are both Z-Wave and certain Wi-Fi devices that have passed Trane's rigorous testing for advanced integration to ensure a reliable and streamlined user experience. 0000166868 00000 n
0000004544 00000 n
TRANE 2TEH AIR HANDLERTRANETEH AHTrane Profit-abilitySell-abilitySuperior performance and appearance4-speed fan motorAir-Tite TMcabinetPrecision engineeringSound reductionMatched systemsInstall-ability6-way convertibilityTonnage 1.5 to 5Recessed screwsExternal . Remanufactured to original equipment specifications (OEM), Trane remanufactured compressors are the gold standard. xref
&3\ All commercial grade and residential units have a leakage current detector interrupter (LCDI) that senses current leakage and interrupts a circuit to help prevent injuries and damage to equipment or surroundings. Will not crack, rust, or corrode; color will not fade. 0000027965 00000 n
0000086750 00000 n
0000000827 00000 n
0000052537 00000 n
0000002697 00000 n
Hazardous-location through-the-wall air conditioners have a sealed motor and solid-state relays to prevent sparking while cooling potentially hazardous environments. %%EOF
After 100 years, Its still Hard To Stop A Trane. The Trane OEM belt tensioner services the very popular Precedent air conditioning units. 33 0 obj
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For over 100 years, Trane has led the heating and air conditioning industry. You can trust the quality because they are built to original equipment specifications. . AY28X084 Evap. hbbbc`b`` h
For additional information, see the Global Shipping Program, Trane / American Standard BAYSEAC001 sea coast kit for AC compressors. 0000008542 00000 n
0000040896 00000 n
From there, the two metals act as a battery, in which one metal sacrifices itself to the other. Learn more. Please enter a valid email address for yourself.
trane seacoast kit Heat pumps are reversible heating and cooling systems. 0000016851 00000 n
Learn more. 0000002952 00000 n
Our OEM Parts are guaranteed to fit and work right the first time, reducing installation costs.
PDF Installer's Guide Condensing Units - Abt Electronics Required by UL, safety tests consist of electrical component temperature and pressure testing. ONLY THE STRONG SURVIVE! 0000002622 00000 n
These help protect your coils against galvanic corrosion. Components Coils, Heaters, Motors, etc. 0000001315 00000 n
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Seacoast Kit BAYSEAC001 BAYSEAC001 BA YSEAC001 BAYSEAC001. xb```f`` ``rB ea"i &u@Z"].MMXh[n%Fi-#`{1sS/ oY
Learn more. VerticalScope Inc. All Rights Reserved. Homeowners know that the Trane name stands for reliability, innovation, and quality. %PDF-1.4
They cool a single room and install in a wall sleeve, which provides a permanent, stable platform for the unit. Units with a timer can be programmed to set cooling times to manage energy usage.
BAYECMT001 BAYECMT001 Seacoast Kit BAYSEAC001 BAYSEAC001 Low Ambient Kit BAYLOAM103 BAYLOAM103 Refrigerant Lineset 5 . 0000006028 00000 n
They have an e-coated coil and powder-coated steel cabinet to resist corrosion. 0000012763 00000 n
Base and Cap 4" High 4" Extension Evap. Post photos, respond to polls and access other special features. Rust resistant screws. Withstands 100 ft/lbs of impact in 35 degree arctic cold Which cookies and scripts are used and how they impact your visit is specified on the left. 0000004968 00000 n
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Access My Account, Order History, Lists and more here. 0000167147 00000 n
Jun 29, 2022. ogden clinic cardiology . Product Specications, A-weighted Sound Power Level [dB(A)] .