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We were lifting in Canton, Ohio. Sign up for Patreon and get the exact programming Matt recommends for each modality. For example, Chuck Vogelpohl would do speed squats with 405-455 in a 3-week wave with one set of strong Jump-Stretch bands. He came to train, became very strong, and started a personal training business. Bodybuilding.com exclusive interview with Ryan! Essentially, grabbing the bar was a way to start shit. On the way to Tims, I had a talk about pain with Matt Dimel, my redheaded stepchild. The legendary powerlifter Chuck Vogelpohl used to perform rack pulls with over 1,000 pounds! This put him in a bad mood and after arriving home at 1:30 am, he went out to the gym and loaded 315 pounds on the bar and pulled it for 15 reps. July 2021. George started out at 275 lbs. Week 1 they used 430x3 sets of two reps. Jake was somewhat faster. Roberts came to Westside with a 2400-pound total and a 715-pound bench. camber. It would be an honor to break Oleksandrs total record and put it on the wall at Westside forever. Chuck Vogelpohl Leaves Westside | Powerlifting Watch Frank also ended up with a 2562 total and folks it will Chuck, in the meantime, was struggling. In 93, I wrote an article in Powerlifting USA, entitled Three of a Kind. But everyone had left the building. hybridstrength@yahoo.com If you keep moving, be aware you get no extra credit for doing a back bend at the top of your deadlift. This will happen at most four times per year. And, while he was holding the deadlift, after the down signal, he said in his witches voice, F you Louie Simmons. It was a great day for him and myself to see him make that lift, we will both remember that day forever. I dialed back because I had already learned by this time that when you get called out on shit like that, you stop squatting with compensatory acceleration; you just start standing up with 405. He made it possible for me to make a 1,885 lb. After a while, he stopped and I let go of two hands full of hair. He was gone. Generally speaking, though, don't be a douchebag and drop the bar from the top. Expert Insights To Get Stronger, Gain Muscle Faster, And Take Your Lifting To The Next Level. (The classic Westside template has two Dynamic days and two Max Effort days, one of each for both the upper and lower body.) Chuck Vogelpohl would eventually not only break world records, but do so in three different weight classes. If any of the above technical issues feel familiar, it's time to clean things up because unnecessary wear and tear adds up. squat at 264 lbs. These guys could bench about 600 lbs. I had to choose who to bet on it will be Ryan!! out a lifter who much has the biggest quads I've ever seen. sorry the quality is bad. This bodyweight move not only builds your forearms, it's a great way get ready for serious gymnastic-based training. This requires many workouts a week, not just four. They said yes. You're 40% stronger eccentrically than concentrically. 3) Perform your supplemental work in circuit fashion but still HEAVY. One of the things theyd do with dynamic work is grab the bar as soon as the other person lets go of it a signal that meant, Youre taking too long. That wouldve pissed off the person who just finished the lift. But they could not be psyched out. monster in strength. Only our top benchers were allowed to go to Tims to bench, the rest had to stay at Westside and suffer. Tony Ramos still holds the total and deadlift marks at Westside. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. George had a bad day but came through for some cash. In three years it was 2855, and his best was 2930. Everyone should know that the amount of force you produce in a lift is determined by multiplying the rate of acceleration by the amount of weight lifted. Chuck Vogelpohl (@chuckvogelpohl) Instagram photos and videos MONSTER BENCHER! On Max Effort day we work high intensity but low volume, basically 50 percent of the volume of speed day. I mean, Im probably the strongest at that point in time than Ive ever been. Expert Insights To Get Stronger, Gain Muscle Faster, And Take Your Lifting To The Next Level. He believes that strength and movement skill are part of a life well-lived. I remember, at The Arnold one day, we were leaving when I heard some young guy call out to me, Mr. In York, PA, at the IPA World Cup, Rob was lifting against Dave Barno, a strong competitor and friend. The Iron Man Chuck Vogelpohl Interview By Jim Wend At the same time, Steve made an 865 pull at 265-pound body weight. At 220 lbs. In Daytona, KP called for 722 but was miss-loaded to 821. dumbbells and does 20 reps dead cold. To see Chuck compete in person is a very visceral experience eliciting a sense of wariness in those that get close. Clicking on selected countries will show mapping at a regional level, Rank: Name are ranked by incidence using the ordinal ranking method; the name that occurs the most is assigned a rank of 1; name that occur less frequently receive an incremented rank; if two or more name occur the same number of times they are assigned the same rank and successive rank is incremented by the total preceeding names, Ethnic group cannot necessarily be determined by geographic occurrence, Similar: Names listed in the "Similar" section are phonetically similar and may not have any relation to Vogelpohl, To find out more about this surname's family history, lookup records on FamilySearch, MyHeritage, FindMyPast and Ancestry. July 2021 8. We do lots of sled pull work with UFC fighter Matt Brown extra weight on the shoulders, up to a half-mile, sometimes farther. But after six months of no progress, he jumped on board and began to make great progress. But on that day, Rob beat Dave. It doesn't matter what your age is, whether you're natural, even your gender. Tribute to Chuck Schuldiner RIP w love. on your back again. Well, he brought me out of retirement and I made in the 7s, 8s and even 920 lbs. bench in his reverse grip style. Greg would do 9x6 repsdouble the volume. That's how we don't overtrain everything is governed by your maximum strength. When Louie Simmons talks, you'd better be listening. Dave was very explosive and also very crazy. I only ask you to train to your absolute strength. It was very profound when George said he learned a lot from JM and Kenny, but that they never learned anything from him. I know they tried to kill me, but I am still in good enough shape to be their pallbearer, you assholes. What a day. Breaking Training Plateaus | Westside Barbell So weights are not heavy or light they're slow and fast. I learned to train from some of the greatest coaches in the world, I trained . And then there's inverse curls, ab work, upper pec work, etc. No Powerlifting competitor has captured the imagination of the strength community like Chuck Vogelpohl of . JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Fire up your athleticism. He knew the gym was for trying new and improved ways to train, and we had the guys that could do just that. Like a window into their day-to-day life, Vogelpohl census records can tell you where and how your ancestors worked, their level of education, veteran status, and more. albert24bradley. He too will be going to 242 at the Show of Strength in Atlanta. The surname Vogelpohl is primarily found in The Americas, where 62 percent of Vogelpohl live; 62 percent live in North America and 62 percent live in Anglo-North America. lifter as well as Steve I see hitting 2500 mark soon. 25% of Vogelpohl men worked as a Farmer and 60% of Vogelpohl women worked as a Stenographer. Can you elaborate on the story about you challenging Chuck (Vogelpohl) and it turning into a 45-set dynamic day?. Joe McCoy was a young, great lifter at the time, winning a WPC world at 19 years old. Chuck was the one who explained Louie's "trick" to Dave. The thoracic extensors stabilize the spine during squats and deadlifts. sloth that drops dead, no one takes notice. It had to be the high reps in the deadlift. On speed-strength day you train with high volume and moderate intensity. STATS | Westside Barbell And that's just not how people get strong and then stay strong. The OpenPowerlifting project aims to create a permanent, accurate, convenient, accessible, open archive of the world's powerlifting data. This builds incredible strength in the glutes and hips, which is where punching power originates. You two scared me to death. I laughed. The Missing Half of Your Deadlift - T NATION He managed to break the squat record twice, broke the bench record three times George was lifting in their first big money meet. So set yourself up for success by mastering the fundamental concepts that have been hiding from you in plain sight. He measured his upper thigh and it was of an inch bigger. When the other persons looking tired, thats when you might try to up the ante (or the weights) and crush their spirits. He was a great training partner with his Zippy fired personality, along with Chuck V. who could never do enough in the workouts, and the two carried me along with them. Until after the workout, Mickey Tate says to me, Dont ever do that again. He said they hurt his elbows and we said it hurt because the tendons and ligaments must be conditioned to withstand the work needed to push a big bench. You came back and told me they had started the meet with the 242s. All three lifts began going up, but his bench was really moving up fast. world get a chance to compete and make a decent living at it. Free Shipping with a $69 qualifying order. Dave Waterman was one of our top rivals at money meets. After a couple of sets, Dave thought, I have this motherfucker. Much like a rabbit in track. How much is too much band tension? I did not think we would get out of that town alive. North German: topographic name from Middle Low German, Do not sell or share my personal information. His competitive best lifts include a 905-pound squat, 775-pound bench press, and an 804-pound deadlift. Like many, George was convinced that board pressing was the key to a big bench. Some can find a way to overcome a training plateau, while others cannot and stop training forever. For assistance work, we train certain single-joint lifts with high volume. Kenny Patterson was the youngest to hold an open world record at 19 years old with a 716 lb. Well, that's all the news from the sport of powerlifting and even though 2002 Free Shipping with a $69 qualifying order. Here are some of our success stories: Jay Fry came to Westside to train under George Halbert, a multi-class world record holder. rack pulls from just above the knee and a good box squat with 885 lbs. Rob was also very strong in all the powerlifts. A short story about Dave: when lifting at the APE Nationals in Chicago he passed out doing a heavy deadlift. We hated him, but at the same time, loved him for his talent and for being a great competitor. In just four meets he made the fourth highest total ever made. Here's a great rowing variation to use if barbell rows are too tricky for your cranky lower back. A good rule of thumb is that it shouldn't take you any more than two times as long to set it down as it took you to pick it up. Look at it this way: Assuming you're not a contortionist, forgetting to squat down will exhaust your range of motion at the hips before the bar has touched down. The result was a large number of new records being set at Westside. EFS: First, thanks for letting us do this interview. Matt uses 365 pounds strapped around his waist and he'll walk with it on for five minute rounds forward, backward, and to the side. Louie used to do that lactic acid threshold training in front of newer Westside lifters but never tell them that he was standing up with less weight. see the first man to surpass 800 on the bench, which has not been done as of He had position problems in the squat and deadlift. Orders shipped out within 1 - 5 business days. putting me third in the Open World plus fourth in the total, at 50 years old. This was not an easy task as the worlds best lifter at the Arnold Classic. He has not officially commented on the reason for his move. He made a 625 lb. This quick warm-up will you get you ready for just about any type of upper body training. Click. After thinking very deeply for a long time, Jonathan realized there are no limits if you believe fully in yourself and if you dont worry about what others think. It didn't work. It was a great time and we talked about a lot of good times that we had been through and some not so good. Dave is gone now, but he was a good friend. George Halbert was his name. Improve your form and get a mechanical advantage boost. I had no warm-ups and bombed out. I remember, George had just got off work and was in his work jacket when he came in the gym with the blacked-out windows. Childress dominated his Neospartan August 18, 2007, 8:53pm #24 [quote]SkyzykS wrote: When you are a 350 lb. And when you look at what Chuck has been through and done in this sport, then you will understand what a true expert is. Dave Hoff came to Westside as a 15 year-old high school football player. I took Chuck Vogelpohl to his first meet. Build your shoulders. For other possible spellings of this surname click here. a couple weeks before he pulled out in the warmup room at The Arnold. That makes things less efficient and compromises your ability to move some real weight around. He was the greatest squatter of all time. out of the best shirts. J.s bench was going no where the first year at Westside. J. M. Blakely also benched with us. wide, and the head ref. Note: During the BFCM sales period all sales are final.Thus, no returns will accepted. Sprinkle in a lot of coaching time with Louis Simmons, Dave Tate, Steve Goggins, and Eddie Coan, and JL turned into a professor of the deadlift. Some less common occupations for Americans named Vogelpohl were Carpenter and Saleslady. Doug Heath, a long-time Westsider, had shoulder pain starting in 1975 while benching on a flat bench. How To Get The Most Out of Your Westside Bands. It's sports science. Or so I thought. In 1880 there were 49 Vogelpohl families living in Illinois. WATCH: Chuck Vogelpohl's 1100-Pound Squat Laughing, Coan and Tate reflect back 20 years ago when everyone was trying to emulate Chuck with their beanie hats, popped collars, and cocky attitudes. Dave was the youngest person ever to total 2400, 2500, 2600, 2700, 2800, and 2900. Just ask Westside. So he'll go 100 feet down, 100 feet back, perform a series of jumps, and then repeat. Throughout the years, Westside Barbell has produced some of the strongest bench presses in the Building a strong, fast, and resilient athlete calls for a coach to leave no stone Over the past week, I have covered the basics of max-effort training. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Chuck was one of the strongest men I ever trained with. In 1940, Farmer and Stenographer were the top reported jobs for men and women in the USA named Vogelpohl. The ones that hate to lose are the ones you should fucking be the most afraid of.. Not there long after, Chuck stepped into the bare-bones Westside gym. By placing the bands on the barbell, they gave a more even displacement over the entire range of motion. Can Jujimufu Complete Vogelpohl's Most Extreme Squat Workout Ever? Quad-dominant people love to do this, but shooting your knees forward is a sign of a weak posterior chain and it's a good way to hurt your back. world record at SHW in the 80s. We told him he had to do triceps extensions. I started Kenny Patterson at 14. Then, his new training partner, Chuck Fouks, broke it with his monster deadlift, making 900 lbs. This was good experience for Fusdog. Chuck Vogelpohl Powerlifter ATWR Holder, Strength and Conditioning Coach. An unusually short lifespan might indicate that your Vogelpohl ancestors lived in harsh conditions. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Ryan bombed out and Fusdog broke the 308-pound world record for his first world record. You'd train at 50-60 percent for speed strength with a bar speed of 0.8 meters per second. Gary Drago, a power-house 220-pounder, would do the same and had a 550 raw bench. He made 495 close, but afterwards missed 515 close. On Friday he set a new box squat record on a 13-inch box. benchers, wow it has come a long way. Explosiveness is maximum velocity, but you don't develop that by lifting you develop it by jumping. Some of these stories have led people to believe that he is some kind of crazed lunatic. The truth is, many people fake hip extension by cranking on their lower back. Vogelpohl Name Meaning & Vogelpohl Family History at - Ancestry The fact we always kick their asses might have something to do with it. Because Mickey had been in jail for shooting someone. ironhercules@hotmail.com Vogelpohl Surname Origin, Meaning & Last Name History - Forebears One reason he was having a problem was that he needed to gain more size on his legs. No gym in the world has two 2,700 pound totals. Brandon Lilly is the creator of the Cube Method, he is also a Elite level powerlifter having best lifts of 1,008 in the squat, 832 in the bench, and 804 in t. View Census Data for Vogelpohl | Data not to scale. We noticed Phil squatted fairly close when he broke his teammate Arnold Colemans 181 record of 854 with a half kilo 856 pounds. Here's how. Regardless of the sport Make your morning email scroll and coffee stronger. Mendelson buckled down though and managed 782 easy. http://zap.to/maxfusion, YES, I WANT TO READ LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip Chuck Vogelpohl Made - Elite FTS While this His work is to make those qualities accessible to everyone. As with any squat, the knees and butt must move down. Chuck Vogelpohl would eventually not only break world records, but do so in three different weight classes. raised it even further winning his class with a deadlift of 931!! The name statistics are still in development, sign up for information on more maps and data. PART TWO OF MY JOURNEY | Westside Barbell It's not a great trade-off, especially since it'll compromise your next dead-lower before it's even started. Wes McCormack came to Westside with an 800-pound squat, a 515-pound bench, and a 560-pound deadlift to total 1880 at 165 body weight. The SSDI is a searchable database of more than 70 million names. But, with our three world record holders plus JM and Mickey Tate winning the Masters, we took home all the cash. And btw, Chuck Vogelpohl competes at 220 and squats in the 1000s[/quote] Which is just ridiculous . A Sit Down Interview with Chuck Vogelpohl | Westside Barbell was expected out of him this time around. serious vengeance and was lifting as if he was totally different lifter. The deadlifts are done on all four major workout days and done as fast as possible in touch-and-go style. Here is how it was accomplished. And so we named it the JM Press. Then it came804. Jonathan said in amazement, How did you do that?, The elder seagull named Chang answered, Perfect speed is being there.. Most injuries happen on the eccentric phase, but highly trained athletes can sustain these forces. The result? himself for the other two lifts, but his focus was so intense it could light up He began to break all-time world recordsnot in just one weight class, but in three. Geoff Girvitz is the founder of Bang Fitness in Toronto. I didn't make the rules, I have to follow them. My Horns Broke my Halo. I need to be challenged. He had to retire early due to personal obligations and Ryan went on to become one of the greatestif not the greatestbench presser of all time breaking all-time world records and ending with a mind-blowing 1075. For the veterans among your Vogelpohl ancestors, military collections provide insights into where and when they served, and even physical descriptions. This was a setback, to say the least. A poster at the AFBoard shares a story from the weekly EliteFTS email about one of powerlifting's most popular competitors, Chuck Vogelpohl.. NOV 2002 This was the second year that EliteFTS had hosted the IPA Nationals. Matt will also carry a 100-pound med ball in a wrestler's clinch for interval training. Chuck Vogelpohl, a long-time Westside lifter who won his first National in 1987, was strong from the start, especially in the back and hips, but he had to overcome two plateaus. But soon he thought there must be limits to how fast a seagull could fly. Gerry O was to win a national championship. The Adventures of Chuck and Friends The Adventures of Chuck and Friends E013 - Sleep-Driving Chuck - Chuck-Atomic. Chuck was the one who explained Louies trick to Dave. The most Vogelpohl families were found in USA in 1880.