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A Family Holiday" in 2006. Dale the Whale Monk (TV Series 20022009) Tim Curry as Dale The Whale Biederbeck IMDb. On paper, the plot may have appeared to be traditional; yet, in practice, it is captivating and astute, and it has some pleasant twists. abteilungswechsel innerhalb firma. Monk pays Dale Biederbeck, still behind bars and now forced to survive in much less luxurious accommodations, a visit. "Mr. Monk Meets Dale the Whale" Biederbeck is the primary suspect in the slaying of a judge who issued a costly antitrust ruling against him. Dale "The Whale" Biederbeck | Villains Wiki | Fandom. Adam Arkin (born August 19, 1956) is an American television, film and stage actor and director. That's all I have. In Sharonas absence, Varla cared for Adrian. Theo Tonin | Villains Wiki | Fandom Dale "The Whale" Biederbeck | Villains Wiki | Fandom. His special meal deliveries and manicure appointments are cancelled, and he is reduced to sleeping in a cramped bunk bed, with only a wheelchair and prison food to distract him. He is also known for his gross obesity, hence his nickname. In the episode Mr. Don't make me laugh. Natalie Haynes's guide to TV detectives: #10 - Adrian Monk He topped out at 900 pounds about 11 years before the events of the episode, and has been bedridden ever since. A judge is murdered while placing a 911 call, but before she dies she names her attacker - notorious criminal Dale Biederbeck. It is surprising that in this episode, which serves merely to introduce him, one immediately loves him, despite the fact that his eccentricities and inadequacies might easily have been overplayed, and that he is also more developed than the majority of other programs eponymous characters at this point in time. Why is this spirit a stranger to Scrooge? Where was the Dayton peace agreement signed? Dale Biederbeck, known as 'The Whale' because of his size, is one of Monk's longest-standing enemies. who played dale biederbeck on monk. A year later, Monk visited Dale in prison and was upset to find that he had adjusted to life behind bars quite easily: as immobile as ever, he still enjoyed the use of his luxurious furniture, a television, racy photos on the wall, and an inmate to feed him mountains of specially delivered takeout food. That's where you'll find the man you're looking for. : Dale the Whale A habit that Trudy developed when she was in Spain was to include a stick of cinnamon in her morning cup of coffee. What is the answer punchline algebra 15.1 why dose a chicken coop have only two doors? As a plane headed east, Biederbeck smiled to himself as he was able to see it with his new window, "Bon voyage, Mr. Monk". "Monk" - Krimiserie | 20.03.2023, 17:55 Uhr | ZDF neo But after his mother died, he had a complete breakdown. In 2002, Biederbeck became the primary suspect in the slaying of Judge Catherine Lavinio, who had issued a costly antitrust ruling against him. In Mr. Monk and the Class Reunion, it is established that Trudy and Adrian met while they were both attending college. In each of his three appearances, a different actor portrayed Biederbeck, each one wearing a fat suit. List (Followed chronologically) Sharona Fleming was probably Monks closest assistant ever. Adam Arkin played Dale Biederbeck in Season 1 of Monk. Played Wizzo What is the labour of cable stayed bridges? Rickover and Trudys child had been secretly delivered to the orphanage. Adam Arkin played Dr. Julius Adler in Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. Why did they change actresses for trudy monk . Cameron was also represented by Trudy. Force Monk solve a murder he was framed for so he can get a window in his cell.Frame Monk for murder (both succeeded).Get pardoned from his prison sentenceAssassinate the Governor of Riverton (both failed). Trudy Anne Ellison Monk is a fictional character, who is the deceased wife of Adrian Monk on the television series Monk. Monk found and confronted Tennyson on his deathbed, finding that while the dying man was the one who directly killed Trudy by building and planting the bomb, he was not the only one responsible for her death. The fragrance Shalimar was Trudys go-to choice. What Does Vinegar Do To Jellyfish Stings? Tim Curry: Dale 'The Whale' Biederbeck - IMDb Unbeknownst to Monk, time would reveal that while Dale had told Monk the truth, it was not the whole truth. Monk visits Dale the Whale in prison and has another clue on his wife's killer. Biederbeck responded by suing her and the newspaper that published the story for libel, knowing that he couldn't win, just to torment her. No. Monks Nachforschungen fhren ihn schlielich undercover in den Knast: als Zellengenosse eines Verdchtigen. Arrogant, brilliant, and ruthless, Biederbeck, according to Adrian Monk, owned "half the city of San Francisco, and had a controlling interest in the other half.". Adam Arkin (Season 1),Tim Curry (Season 2),Ray Porter (Season 6) Several clues point to him, but this seems impossible because he is incapable of leaving his bedroom. Have you learned anything from this review? 4 Bitty Schram Sharona Fleming. He shared with Monk two pieces of information: first, that Trudy was, contrary to Monks belief, the intended victim of the car bomb, relieving Monk of his guilt that she took an attack meant for him; and second, that the man he was looking for resided in New York City and his name was Warrick Tennyson. Biederbeck is a rather despicable person, but he does have some golden lines, which Arkin relishes in such a manner that it is both amusing and terrifying. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Like Dale, he is a powerful criminal that the protagonist cannot put away due to his reputation. Varla Davis , Varla Davis stepped in to provide Adrian Monk with temporary nursing care when Sharona Fleming thought she was hallucinating as a result of being overstressed from work. The bomb consisted of ten pounds of plastic explosive, powered by ten 20-volt magnesium batteries, and was detonated remotely with a cellular phone by the criminal Frank Nunn, who watched Trudy enter her car from above and triggered the device. (The First Chapter of Mr. Mr. Monk And The Three Pies - 8.7. For the first three seasons Sharona Fleming was Monks assistant.Dale The Whale Biederbeck. Tools how much does adrian monk make. Verdchtigt wird Dale Biederbeck, der im selben Knast sitzt und Monk auf den wahren Mrder ansetzt. Im Gegenzug verspricht er Monk Informationen ber den Mord an seiner Frau. She was like a relative to Monk. Mr. Monk Meets Dale the Whale: Directed by Rob Thompson. is chicagoland speedway being torn down; is iperms down Dale reaffirmed that $1,200 was a paltry sum that he wouldn't bend over to pick up even if he could. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! Horrified, Theo helped Quarles to kill . He offers Monk a deal: find the killer, and Biederbeck will share what he knows about Trudy's murder. 6 Mr. Monk Is On The Run: Part 1 - 8.8. Comedy Jul 26, 2002 42 min iTunes. GitHub export from English Wikipedia. starring in the 2016 film Simon Says: Save the Climate! as the voice of Polar Bear Her role as Natalie Teeger on the television show Monk brought her a great deal of recognition and acclaim. His hold on Monk stemmed from the fact that he claimed to have information on Trudy's killer. Monk softly said, "Oh, yes, you are" as he and Natalie walked away, satisfied that Dale the Whale would clearly never be able to hurt anyone else again. Three actors played Biederbeck over . Just how Monk is considered the Sherlock Holmes of the present-day story, Dale can be considered the James Moriarty to him. jim croce plane crash cause; 0 comments. When asked if she would come out of retirement, she stated that she would consider doing so if the opportunity presented itself in the form of the perfect program. In the second season episode "Mr. Monk Goes to the Circus," a clown punctuates Monk's denouement by miming a pointed gun and shouting "Wocka Wocka!" In the sixth season episode "Mr. Monk Paints His Masterpiece . Stottlemeyer paid a visit to Dale in the midst of the investigation in order to interrogate him. In the television series Monk, Natalie played the role of Adrian Monks helper as well as his loyal companion. Tim Curry gives the finest performance out of the three actors that have portrayed this role, but Alan Arkin has the edge when it comes to the words he delivers. It is famous for being the first appearance of Dale The Whale Biederbeck, a character who appeared twice more in Season 2 and once more in the final season. Technical Specs, [looking at Biederbeck's luxurious jail cell]. In the first season, he was portrayed by . Still good fun though. Dale was hugely wealthy and just plain huge and confined to his bed in a prison cell. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. It seems prison agrees with you, Dale. : Dale was a very wealthy yet corrupt financier who at the height of his power, apparently owned half the city of San Francisco. As a result, all of Dale's privileges are revoked. (This is the second part of Mr. Mr. However, he didn't as the doctor turned state's evidence on Biederbeck, who was convicted of murder and sentenced to prison. In the episode "Mr. Monk Meets Dale the Whale," he is portrayed by Adam Arkin; in the episode "Mr. Nunn was given the assignment by Rickover. : Once you spread butter on bread, they're now inseparable, they'll always be together. In his first and second appearances, he weighs upwards of 800 pounds, or 360 kilograms, and is unable to leave his bed. Dale J. : In 2009, The Judge was finally identified and exposed. Dale put a call to the gatehouse to intercept him and requested to meet. How do you win an academic integrity case? What happened to the girl who played Julie on Monk? Dale is a very rich and well-connected financier, who is arrogant . Mr. Monk Meets the Playboy is the eighth episode of the second season of Monk. He is also known for his gross obesity, hence his nickname. in "Dogwalker" in 2004. Adrians attempt to solve the case of her murder is the shows longest-running plot arc, and her death left Adrian emotionally paralyzed. For this reason, Monk hated Biederbeck intensely. Monk Cant See a Thing is the title of the play. Why did they change actors for Dale the Whale on Monk? Is the singer Avant and R Kelly brothers? 2 Who played Dale the Whale on Monk Season 6? Well, there's the Adrian Monk we all know and love! Dale J. who played dale biederbeck on monk. Available on Peacock, Prime Video, iTunes . Dale "the Whale" Biederbeck, Monk's recurring Arch-Enemy, . Adam Arkin (2002) Tim Curry (2004) Ray Porter (2008). Dale was questioned twice before Monk was called to the prison to investigate the case, but once Monk learned that the victim was scheduled to die regardless, he attempted to flee the prison and get away from its unpleasant atmosphere. Ray Porter It turns out that Dale had been desiring to "trade places" with Monk, so he'd be free and Monk would be in prison. She decided to visit Adrian Monk and beg for his assistance because that was the second time her home had been broken into. Release Dates Fish triggered an allergic reaction in Trudy. But not before making like very difficult for Monk! These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Adrian Monk how the birds got their colours script. After the three years were up, he set a plot in motion that would free him from prison, tying it in with a plot that would see Monk arrested in his place. I remember what cards everybody was holding and how they were put away. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Monk found Tennyson on his deathbed and confronted him. Monk Meets Dale the Whale, he is portrayed by Adam Arkin; in the episode Mr. Monk's People Trivia Quiz | Television | 15 Questions : Who played Dale the Whale on Monk season 6? Adam Arkin leaves a strong impact as the villainous character Biederbeck. Biederbeck hiredFrank Nunn, the six-fingered man, to plant a bomb in a car carrying the Governor of California. The suit lasted a whole year, and the legal costs forced the Monks to sell their first home, which Biederbeck snapped up and used as a warehouse for his extensive pornography collection. What is error code E01-5 on Toyota forklift. I Who plays the really fat guy on Monk? - chroniclesdengen.com Now everyone is wondering how you managed to retire. Male I want to make you an offer Sharona Fleming Monk | Muppet Wiki | Fandom This is Thesecret1070. I mean, even if I could. She appeared in the show once again in the character of Natalie Teeger, co-starring with Tony Shalhoub as Adrian Monk, Ted Levine as Leland Stottlemeyer, and Randy Disher (Jason Gray-Stanford). As was mentioned before, some episodes of Monk are better than others, which is true of most programs, but that is true of many series; even the finest ones have episodes that are not so excellent, and even they, on the whole, are still superior to a great deal of shows even when they are at their worst. For as long as I can remember, Monk has been one of the shows I turn to when I want to be entertained, when I need to unwind after a long day, when I want a good chuckle, or when I want a way to spend a weekend doing nothing. ? AliveIncarcerated Monk and Natalie are left speechless. Its all really skillfully directed from beginning to end. What is Traylor doing at this very moment? It was a role previously played by Adam Arkin in the show's first season. A judge is murdered while placing a 911 call, but before she dies she names her attacker - notorious criminal Dale Biederbeck. : What character did Alan Arkin play in mash? - knowtheirworth.com Tonga Trench the 2nd Deepest Place on Earth. Several clues point to his being the killer, but . Known as "the Whale," Dale The part of Monk's recurrent Arch-Enemy, Biederbeck, is portrayed by a new actor in each of his appearances. Adrian Monk The writing is another one of the programs shining stars. After some time had passed, Biederbeck was able to see an airplane flying east from his new window, and he thought to himself, Bon voyage, Mr. Monk. He grinned to himself as he did so. Sharona Spies On Dale The Whale | Monk - YouTube The reason becomes clear in the two-part episode "Mr. Monk Is On the Run", when Monk is framed for murder of Frank Nunn, the six-fingered man who hired Tennyson. Adrian MonkTrudy MonkLeland StottlemeyerRandy DisherSharona FlemingNatalie TeegerWarrick TennysonRay CaspoWarren Christie IMDb shows Tim Curry in the role of Dale The Whale Biederbeck from the television episode Monk Goes to Jail, which aired in 2004. Outraged, Dale filed lawsuits against the paper in question as well as against Trudy herself. Dale "The Whale" Biederbeck is a recurring villain, appearing in 3 episodes so far. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. He is a crooked, very wealthy financier and long-lasting adversary of the brilliant detective Adrian Monk. Mr. Monk Meets Dale the Whale - Monk (Season 1, Episode 4) - Apple TV Three actresses played Trudy Monk: Stellina Ruisch for the first two seasons, Melora Hardin for all appearances from "Mr. Monk and the Game Show" onwards, and Lindy Newton for flashback scenes with a younger Trudy in "Mr. Monk and the Class Reunion". Dale made a light-hearted joke to Monk about whether or not he had made any promises to him prior to Monk keeping his half of the agreement. who played dale biederbeck on monk. The investor then offered Monk an offer that he could not refuse: if he would remain at the prison and solve the murder, Dale would tell him all he knew about the man who killed Trudy. However, we worked at such a, you know, a high level, and I dont want it to sound snobbish at all. Dale knew he couldn't win the cases, but out of spite he kept the lawsuits going for long enough that Trudy and her husband Adrian were forced to sell everything they had to pay their legal bills, including a nice starter house they had recently acquired. Despite this, she did have disagreements with Monk on occasion, just like Sharona did with their relationship. Dale Biederbeck III or "Dale the Whale" appeared in several episodes as Monk's rival. 1 Jason Gray-Stanford Lt. Randall Disher. He is a crooked, very wealthy financier and long-lasting adversary of the brilliant detective Adrian Monk. Dale the Whale . He offered Monk a deal to find the killer, and Biederbeck would share what he knew about Trudy's murder. Friends This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. 8 Mr. Why did 3 actors played Dale the Whale? The episode forces Monk to compare Sharona and his new nurse and assistant, Natalie, played by Traylor Howard. As a result, the two protagonists did not end up getting married. This is despite the fact that Andy Breckman stated that Monk holds a special place in his heart for Trudy. Played Dale in "Truthus: II Legal costs force the Monks to sell their first home, which Biederbeck purchased to store his collection of pornography. It plays an important role in determining the shows success or failure, and in this case, the show is a winner. If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Played Dale Calandra in "Frances: A Mother Even though Sharona tells him not to, Monk takes the case on the off-chance that Dale is telling the truth. In the second season, he was portrayed by the . Who played Dale Biederbeck in the series 'Monk'? Then Rollins killed Nunn and framed Monk for the crime, sending the detective on the run, with Biederbeck expectingthat Monk would eventually be caught, convicted, and imprisoned as he had been. Engagement" in 2007. In season 1, he is played by Adam Arkin, in season 2 by Tim Curry, . Biederbeck: Wow, it's been a long time since anyone's called me THAT. Other than an episode of Monk from the year 2020, Traylor Howard has not appeared in any current productions. In Monk's words, Biederbeck wanted them to know he had done it and gotten away with it, but he didn't. He is a crooked, very wealthy financier and long-lasting adversary of the brilliant detective Adrian Monk. Dale "the Whale" Biederbeck, Monk's recurring Arch-Enemy, is played by a different actor in each of his appearances because the role is too large for one guy to carry. . Since the Governor had refused to commute Biederbeck's sentence (even before the assassination plot), it was unclear when, if ever, Dale would be eligible for parole. Dale is revealed to be the mastermind of the plot, and of a simultaneous plot to assassinate the state governor. Monk | Donnerstag, 17.15 im TV | TV-Programm | TV TODAY : Monk eventually realizes that Dale was behind this. The central murder mystery revolving around a pie contest at a small town fair is . Natalie shot and killed a home invader in self-defense when she was working as a bartender at a dive. However, just before they were going to start construction, Ray Kaspo was murdered. According to the plot of the program, Sharona departed because she had remarried her previous spouse, Trevor Howe, and had moved to New Jersey after doing so. An odious, gluttonous putrid freak of nature. The entire period was described by Trudy as the worst year of her life. 7 Mr. Monk And The Garbage Strike - 8.8. "The Whale" Biederbeck III is a major antagonist of the USA series Monk. Trivia Stellina Rusich played Trudy throughout Season 1 and Season 2, but Melora Hardin eventually took over the role after the showrunners decided they needed an actress who could handle playing in more intricate flashbacks and hallucinations. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Adam Arkin was replaced by Tim Curry and then Ray Porter for those subsequent appearances, and the first appearance was a fantastic one. Dale J. Biederbeck III Theo discovered that Robert Quarles's father was a heroin addict who forced him to have sex with other men. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. After a condemned prisoner, Ray Kaspo, was poisoned to death less than an hour before his execution, suspicion fell on Biederbeck, to whom the dead man owed one thousand and two hundred dollars. Before being arrested, he then tried to strangle Monk in revenge for foiling his plot, but his immense girth left him unable to reach up to Monk to do so. Adrian Monk : That's very poetic, Dale. Following that, Sharona resumed her role as Monks assistant in its previous capacity. Oceans. She was the first assistant to be introduced in the series, and she also served as its protagonist. Chicken cacciatore was Trudys go-to dinner dish of choice. . : "The Whale" Biederbeck III is a major antagonist of the USA series Monk. Can the Constitution be changed by the president? He was . The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Read more about this topic: List Of Monk Characters, Secondary Characters, The only difference between a man and woman climbing the ladder of success is that a woman is expected to put it in the closet when shes finished with it.Barbara Dale (b. A series of tie-in mystery novels began in 2006 and continued to 2013. "Monk" Mr. Monk Meets Dale the Whale (TV Episode 2002) - IMDb List of Monk cast members - Wikipedia Monk Meets Dale the Whale is at its weakest during the scenes between Biederbeck and Sharona, a situation that was more than unlikely, and there is one bit where our revolted reaction mirrors Sharonas own exactly, even though she in full view of it we more than get the drift. Kamel played Monk's impossibly kind therapist, Dr Kroger. It is also revealed in this episode that Monk harbors a severe hatred of Biederbeck, who sued Trudy and her newspaper after her article profiled him as "the Genghis Khan of world finance". Have always cherished the perfect harmony between the humorous elements, which are frequently really funny, and the sorrow, which are heartfelt and moving. Adrian Monk (Tony Shalhoub) finally discovers his wife Trudy's (Melora Hardin) murderer after twelve years of searching, concluding a seven-year, eight-season long arc. Dale 'The Whale' Biederbeck from Monk - Carbon Costume You said it was important. wikipedia.en/Adam_Arkin.md at main chinapedia/wikipedia.en Dale the Whale The problem is, "Dale the Whale" is over 800 pounds and hasn't left his bed in years. Monk (TV Series 2002-2009 . Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Verdchtigt wird Dale Biederbeck, der im selben Knast sitzt und Monk auf den wahren Mrder ansetzt. Mr. Her parents severed their relationship with her after she made the decision to marry a normal man named Mitch Teeger. Biederbeck even harrassed Monk's wife Trudy prior to her death after she wrote an unflattering article about him. Rusich appeared in the pilot and one subsequent episode. Poetry was Trudys favorite genre to compose. The problem is, "Dale the Whale" is over 800 pounds and hasn't left his bed in years. In Dale's final appearance, a few years after that, Monk is framed for the murder of the six-fingered man, Frank Nunn, who was involved in Trudy's death. Theo Tonin is a major antagonist of the TV show Justified. Dale not only knew of the six-fingered man already, he also knew the mans identity.