Derived from the Greek word Arktos which means bear, From Arthmael, Old Breton for bear chief or warrior prince, Short for Arthur, which in Celtic, means bear-man, The Scottish version of the Celtic name Arthur, Means bear man, also means strong as a bear, A metaphorical expression in Old English that means bear, Shortened form of Bernardine, the feminine version of Bernard in French, Italian name meaning bear-spear, derived from the Latin name Berengarius, In Old German, ber means bear and ger means spear, hence the name means bear-spear, Means bold as a bear, feminine form of Bernard, Means bold as a bear in Anglo-Saxon and Norman French, Old High German name meaning bold as a bear, The modern form of Bjorn, also means bear, In reference to the cinnamon bear, a subspecies of the American Black Bear, Miwok, it refers to someone who walks like a bear, The Swedish name meaning divine bear, derived from Old Norse sbjorn, In reference to the glacier bear, a subspecies of the American Black Bear that has gray or silver-blue hair, A brown bear, this species is found only in the Gobi desert, In reference to the grizzly bear, which has a grizzled fur color, Derived from the Irish Gaelic name Mathuin, it means bear calf, From the Old Gaelic Mathghamhain, the name means bear calf, In Sioux, the name refers to a white bear, In Bulgarian, this is a pet name for a teddy bear, In Eskimo mythology, it refers to the master of bears; also means polar bear in Inuit, Female form of Orsino, an Italian name that means bear-like, Italian form of Ursus, the Roman Latin word for bear, Means she-bear in Italian, from the Latin name Ursula, Derived from Old Norman French, it means little bear or bear cub, Giant pandas also belong to the same family as bears, Shortened form of the Danish name Predbjrn, A Danish name that means magnificent bear, The Sun Bear is found in Southeast Asian forests, Old Norse, it means Thors bear or thunder bear, Danish name derived from Tarben, also means Thors bear, From the Latin Ursus, the German name that means bear, Derived from the Latin word Ursus, it is a Roman name that means bear-like, Derived from Ursus, it is a Roman name that means bear, A German name that means little she-bear, the pet form of Ursel. After three weeks of having been missing outdoors during a snowstorm in Big Bear, the lost dog has been reunited with her family. Consider female dog names like Angel, Baby, Rosie or Princess for your pretty pooch. Many of these bear words from other languages would make interesting and unique names. Sharjeel Sial is passionate about learning new things; technology, automation, and AI. Today well share distinctive dog names, inspired by quirky modern pop culture to eccentric high end trends. It is of Welsh origin. For those large ladies, pick girl dog names that will suit their size, like Athena, Duchess or Valkyrie. Dog names like Gryff (short for Gryffindor), Spark, or Buzz, are great choices for energetic, friendly dogs. You'll find excerpts from more of our top dog name collections here, and you can scroll down for links to even more awesome dog name ideas. OLIVER - Dogs named Oliver, sometimes called Ollie for short, are wonderful dogs. If your dog acts and looks like a lady, its only natural to have the urge to give her a cute, feminine name. Enjoy spending time with your furry friend? Cute Bear Dog Names Cloud Gummy Bear Huggie Silky Cuddlebug Medieval Spanish and Basque origin means bear. Some unique dog names include Pepsi, Stag, Plum, Zephyr or Eleven. Art- A Celtic masculine name meaning bear; champion. Break your search down into collections based on a theme. Menewa - For the great warrior your dog can be to protect his favorite human. Featured Famous Dog with a Name Meaning Little Bear Mishka Names that mean "little bear" are more common than you probably think. Send us a photo so we can share it on our social media channels! Just hurry before someone snatches the name before you do! Ancient Scandinavian origin means rock and bjrn bear. It sounds cool and funny, and reminds one of a brave character, just like your dog. English and Greek origin Means bearing Christ. Required fields are marked *. Share story = '100%'; More scientific dog names: Ben, Ash, Lou, Sam, Zeb, Moe, Max, Ned, Poe, or Ray for males, or Joy, Gia, Sky, Zoe, Di, May, Quinn, Gem, Flo, or Elle for females. You've successfully signed in. More nerdy dog names: Beetlejuice, Moony, Padfoot, Legolas, Chewy, Errol, Anakin, Dumbledore, Drogon (Viserion and Rhaegal too! They are also said to be able to distinguish between human behavior that is threatening or non-threatening. Shortlist only charming and lovely teddy bear dog names. Native American origin means bear. More unique dog names: Popcorn, Eclipse, Bitcoin, Fiddlesticks, Vagabond, Jamboree, Blizzard, Tequila, Highway, or Avo (short for Avocado, of course). Let your imagination roam free when youre wondering how to name a dog that warms your geeky heart! Spread the love. A TATTOO fanatic who appeared on the Jeremy Kyle Show has died. More dog names inspired by looks: Grey, Fluffy, Shaggy, Woolie, Sleek, Ebony, Jet, Charcoal, Freckles, or Spotty. And finally, pick one to which your friend shows the best behavior. You need to understand your dogs personality, behavior, appearance, look, and physical characteristics to name a dog. Dutch and Germanic origin meaning bear. Of course, AKC dog names are usually just used for show and official purposes. Read More, Your email address will not be published. To help you to start with the process of choosing a good name for your dog, weve handpicked comprehensive list of best teddy bear dog names for male and female puppies. Some of those words can be discarded when you make your shortlist. Or, maybe bears put you in mind of that wonderful childhood friend, the teddy bear! French and Ancient Germanic origin means brilliant hero, got from the Germanic components hun champion, bear fledgling and beraht splendid. 3. Japanese origin means to bear fruit. Baloo Chubby Ted Snuggabear Franklin Furby Mr. / Mrs. Softy Teddy Snowball Snuggles Bear Winnie Poof Grizzlee Fluffy Puffy Polar Cotton Kodiak Mr. Goodbear Shaggy Snowflake Alpaca Bob Cloud Puffin Ringlet Theodore Bella Whiskers Silky Curly Fox Furbaby Muffin Woolly Fuzz Nana Lush Furball Cozy Fuzzy Wuzzy Hairy / Harry Grizzly Barley Fuzzy Pom . We've gathered the [Read More] about 500+ Gangster Dog Names for Strong and Powerful Pooch 2023, Looking for girl and boy puppy names after car parts? She's the author of The Dog Adoption Bible, a Dog Writers Association of America (DWAA) award winner. Weve also got help for you if youre looking for something more traditional and are having a hard time coming up with something. Try Sophie, Genie or Prudence. var slotId = 'div-gpt-ad-namesfrog_com-box-3-0'; Nanook. Babe (as in the Blue Ox) Cleopatra. This theme could be a sport or hobby that you love. Because of their coat colors, which can be similar in some animals, and the overlap in their sizes, it can be difficult to tell the difference between an American black bear and a grizzly at times. I mean using science to name your dog! Estonian origin means fighting like a bear. Ben: Nickname for the German word for bear, Berchan: Celtic for sharp-toothed like a bear, Fyrsil: Name of Irish origin meaning bear-man, Vernados: Name of Greek origin meaning courage of the bear, Bernadette: Name of German origin meaning brave as a bear, Gertrude: German for strength of a spear, Trudy: Name of German origin meaning universal strength, Koda: Little bear(a perfect choice for a, Nanuq: Polar bear (a cute choice for a white dog), Otso: Name of Finnish origin meaning bear. Petfeed - Pet Care Tips, How-to Guides, Funny Stories, Comics, and Videos, Add a name that doesnt break AKC naming rules. For example, your Princess Cordelia grows up to be a little monster, feel free to change their name into Gremlin. So, choose the one that you truly love and enjoy saying it. Waya - Meaning "wolf" in Cherokee. More cute boy dog names: Beau, Lucky, Moose, Romeo, Benji, Gizmo, Leo, Jax, Simba, Elvis. Which teddy bear dog names you love the most of these: Your dog may be confused with a long name. Grizzly bears are found in the mountain west of the United States Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, and Washington. More girly dog names: Sugar, Lulu, Jasmine, Pebbles, Mimi, Allie, Gracie, Dakota, Sophie, Lucy. Cubs and even older bears enjoy playing. Now that you know your pooch cant have a name like Daenerys Stormborn of the House Poochgaryen, First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Pawleesi of the Great Grass Park, Breaker of Leashes, and Mother of Dragons, what kind of names are a good choice? Norwegian origin means winter voyager, and by expansion bears in mythology means whelp. A self explanatory name for any dog that is large enough to carry the moniker well. More big dog names: Lord, King, Butch, Hulk, Major, Thor, Ctzar, Beowulf, Balu, or Smokey for males and Sheba, Duchess, Xena, Harley, Voodoo, Alaska, Gypsy, Nera, Tessa or Shiva for females. If yes, then this article is for you. Enter your account data and we will send you a link to reset your password. If you're looking for the perfect name for your dog here's 500 of the most popular dog names to help get you started. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It is also the name of a saint from the third-century, Ursus from the Theban Legion who was martyred with Saint-Victor. Whatever you choose, bears have many fascinating qualities and we hope that you and your dog find the perfect name. Greek origin means most lovely or fierce. Some dog name generators offer the possibility to choose if the list of dog names will be inspired by a book or a TV show, or even by your favorite meal. What are some of your favorite male dog names? They can see in color and have vision similar to human vision. Your email address will not be published. Sometimes you have a firm idea in your head which is squashed by other members of the family, leaving you floundering. Required fields are marked *. 300+ Fluffy Dog Names: Fun Name Ideas For Your Floof! Bear. Ajej (Moroccan Arabic for sandstorm) Amell (German for power of eagle) Amir (Hebrew for powerful) Barrett (German for bear strength) var pid = 'ca-pub-1387622271799709'; Dog Name: Bo Meaning: "Living" Personality: Outgoing, Tough About This Name: The most popular dog named Bo is former "first dog" Bo Obama, a Portuguese Water Dog belonging to former U.S. President Barack Obama and his family. Southern and proud? Here are some famous bears that may become your best buddys namesake. window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId, 'adsensetype', 1); If you dont have an idea for any good puppy names and your dog naming muse has left you struggling with dog name meanings, a name generator might be the answer to your prayers. You are to use your teddy bear dogs name the most. If your best Buddy has a bear-like personality, one of these names is bound to capture his spirit. While we provide information resourced and canine education, the content here is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. Makwa - The Algonquin word for "bear.". We have special categories for dogs, cats, exotic pets, and house pets. If you have a dog that has some of these bear-like qualities or that reminds you of a bear in some way, there are many good names you can choose. All Rights Reserved. So we want to help you. Breton French Breton and Brythonic origin means bear and mael ruler, clan leader. At PetPress we love our pets of all shapes and sizes. Make it a family event. does not intend to provide veterinary advice. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to In fact, there are a number of these names that are used all over the world, including pop culture characters. While black bears are a respectable size (200-300 pounds), they usually are the smallest of the three kinds of bears found in North America. It can be difficult for dogs to the tell the difference between similar sounding words. Required fields are marked *. Charlie was number two for boy dog names and number 44 on the list of girl dog names. Then check out our alphabetical list of dog names below, You'll find below, more lists of names in popular categories, From gender to color, size, and much more besides. By How do you know what kind of impression you are trying to make? Celeste: A French name derived from the Greek root word for celestial or heavenly. Kayi. While you probably wont see a polar bear in the lower 48 states, its not uncommon for hikers and others to see bears. It is also a famous name in Indian culture. However, some black bears can be very large, weighing up to 800 pounds. Buck Deer, Cowboy Spike Stingy or pointed. English origin means god and beorn bear. Ancient Irish origin means bear. Just check the list and have fun! German origin means striking and strong as a bear. Sharon Wood Your account is fully activated, you now have access to all content. Bear Dog Names Here are some catchy and unique bear names for dogs to inspire your mind: Basil Baba Keenai Cherry Pebbles Boo-Boo Cotton Kevin Chubby Gummi Penny Ling Muk Tenderheart Share Bear Claws Choko Puffy Rocky Dusty Lazy Bear Kit Cloudkicker Caramel Harmony Bear Breezly Fleecy Barnacles Pooh Snowbell Bear Peter Mayor Fluffington Sunny Rex, Spot, Fido or King have been popular boy dog names for decades and with good reason.