HIST 1102China, Japan, and Europe3 Credits, Attributes: DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, INEL International Studies / International Business Elective. Previously RS 0252. Students will focus on the social integration and identity adjustments of refugees in their host communities and/or country. RLST 2555Catholic Social Teaching3 Credits, Attributes: CARS Catholic Studies: Religious Studies, DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, PJST Peace and Justice Studies, RSTH Religious Studies Theology Track. C. Barlow Road entrance, 1942. Counseling Services Guided Meditation Resources. His research and teaching interests include: sociology of race, race in higher education, sociology of hip-hop culture, urban sociology/international sociology, and criminal justice and reentry. Vice President for Equity, Inclusion and Leadership Development, Don C. Sawyer lll is leaving Quinnipiac to join Fairfield University on July 1. MUSC 1132Critical Issues in American Popular Music: Blues to Hip Hop3 Credits, Attributes: ASVP American Studies: Visual and Performing Arts, BSAH Black Studies: Arts and Humanities, BSCC Black Studies Component Course, DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, UDIV U.S. Diversity, VPCH Visual and Performing Arts Core: History Course. Don Sawyer brings deep academic and leadership experience, and a commitment to the transformative power of education to this new role leading Fairfields institutional and cultural growth through diversityand inclusive excellence, said President Mark R. Nemec, PhD. Each touchstone work will be grouped with a number of subsequent literary texts responding to and/or revising the earlier work. The course traces this tradition's history from Phillis Wheatley's role in defining American poetry and Olaudah Equiano's Interesting Narrative, to the narratives of enslavement by authors such as Harriet Jacobs and Frederick Douglass, to the New Negro Renaissance, the Civil Rights Movement, and contemporary African American fiction and poetry. This course presents a general view of Spanish-American civilization from pre-Columbian times to the present. 52 Diversity Equity Inclusion jobs available in Fairfield, CT on Indeed.com. The course includes a special topic covering the globalization in Latin America and its impact in the 21st century. Attributes: DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, LCEL LACS Minor: Elective, LCSC LACS Minor: Spanish Culture and Literature, MEVP Magis Core Exploration: VPA, VPCH Visual and Performing Arts Core: History Course, WDIV World Diversity. We look forward to his contributions as we continue to advance the Universitys Jesuit Catholic commitment to creating and supporting radical hospitality and inclusive excellence in our teaching, learning, scholarship, and service.. Attributes: DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, ENDE Digital Journalism Elective, GDFT Graphic Design: Film and Television, INEL International Studies / International Business Elective, MWAC Magis Core: Writing Across Curriculum, VPCH Visual and Performing Arts Core: History Course. Attributes: DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective. We recognize that viable solutions to enduring problems emerge when people with diverse backgrounds and skills work together with mutual respect, toward common goals. We aspire to be an inclusive, welcoming community that is representative of an ever-changing and diverse global populace. The same founding principles have guided our community over time as we continue to work towards a more inclusive and diverse campus. With a particular focus on international art cinema, this course gives students the historical context and critical tools to appreciate and analyze diverse cinematic styles. D. University Faculty, 1947. We can do so by examining the encounters between the West and other parts of the world and by beginning and ending the story of the rise of the modern world not in Europe but elsewhere. How do local, national, and global cultures and events affect the way authors fashion their texts? We deepen our understanding of why we categorize people, how we label them, and who decides. Attributes: ANMC Asian Studies Elective, DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, INEL International Studies / International Business Elective, RSST Religious Studies Major Track, WDIV World Diversity. Previously AY 0052. View More Dolan News Read Full Story Whether on or off campus, we always strive to integrate intellect with action for justice. The Center for Academic Excellence supports innovation and scholarship in teaching and learning across the University. The PDF will include content on the Requirements tab only. The course focuses on the role of empires, imperialism, and colonialism in shaping world history. Please contact Marcy Haley at mhaley1@fairfield.edu to set up an appointment or request more information. Whats more astounding is that this is happening within mere weeks of several other such occurrences. Through a comparison of selected Asian, Middle Eastern, African, and Native American societies, this course explores the ways that culture can mold the biological facts of sexual difference into socially accepted behavior, creating two, and sometimes more, genders. The focus on race, class, and gender enables students to engage with historically challenging questions about equality, freedom, individualism, republicanism, liberalism, and American exceptionalism from alternative perspectives. This course is an introduction to the discipline of history through a survey of American women's experiences from the pre-colonial era to the 1960s. Skip to job results. ANTH 2100Culture and Inequality3 Credits, Attributes: DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, INEL International Studies / International Business Elective, PJST Peace and Justice Studies. Prerequisites: ECON1011, ECON1012; or INST1053. Hours Monday - Friday: 9:30am - 6pm Saturday: 1pm - 5pm Sunday: Closed Community City . In his last role, he served as an adjunct instructor and director of the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) in the universitys Center for Graduate Preparation & Achievement. The annual Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration is a week-long series of events that seeks to engage students, staff, faculty, and our local communities in a dialogue about justice and the recognition of all human dignity. Note: This course counts as a natural science core but does not satisfy requirements for the biology major or minor. Erica E. Hartwell and Stephanie Burrell Storms (with Kirsten Cole, Sarah K. Donovan, Ruth L. Greene, and Theodora P. Williams) are contributing authors, "Breaking Down Silos: Teaching for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Across Disciplines in Higher Education," Chapter 1. 55 Silliman Street, #55, Fairfield, (University), CT, 06824 is a property listed for-rent at $5,000. Students learn to understand, discuss, and differentiate between stylistic periods and their historical relevance to American culture. Students will begin with classic texts in social theory, examine how this theory informs contemporary debates, and look to small-scale societies in the Global South for an intimate, ethnographic perspective of our global era. This course is a survey of Muslim life and religious movements connected to Islam in North America. Students keep a journal in which they reflect on the literature and develop strategies for changing themselves and the world around them. SOCI 1130 Feminism, Gender, and Everyday Life 3 Credits Attributes: ASGW American Studies: Gateway, ASSO American Studies: Sociology, DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, PJST Peace and Justice Studies, WSGF Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies: Gender Focused This course provides an introduction to the study of gender through a feminist lens. Previously HI 0205. Does it victimize the poor? The capstone course, "Diversity in the Workplace," will provide students with the opportunity to integrate the content and context they have learned into their understanding of modern business and economic decision-making. Many of the changes in cities have been influenced by racial-ethnic and economic dynamics. These case studies include international migrants, such as refugees, labor migrants, and undocumented migrants. Enhancing the richness of cultural diversity through student clubs and organizations is the cornerstone of the multicultural college experience. Gillespie and Maurice Nelson, Sacred Heart's chief diversity and inclusion officer, recently did an on-campus presentation about the university's commitment to diversity and inclusion as part of the mission to affirm its values and goals across the entire campus. Fairfield is committed to shaping a community of learners from diverse social, economic, racial, cultural, national, and religious backgrounds. ANTH 1125Sex, Gender, and Sexual Orientation3 Credits, Attributes: DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, INEL International Studies / International Business Elective, WDIV World Diversity, WSGF Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies: Gender Focused. Major works of art and architecture will be examined to understand the respective cultures and traditions of these regions. In these ways, Fairfield University strives for the magis (the more) in a way that defines modern Jesuit Catholic education. Finally, students bring this knowledge to a final capstone course that focuses attention on diversity in the workplace. Center for Social Impact Receives Grant for Partner School in TanzaniaApril 17, 2020. Dear Colleagues, Yesterday, I had the privilege of participating in a discussion organized by Racial Justice is Social Justice (RJSJ), a grassroots coalition initially formed by students. The EdD program is a three-year, hybrid, low-residency program. Fostering inclusion and understanding across the many human differences that often divide and marginalize, the Fairfield community is united in its reverence for the human dignity of every person. Learn More About Affinity Clubs Apply to Diversity and Inclusion Manager, Chief Diversity Officer, Program Associate and more! (203) 254-4000. 4 jobs using the terms 'diversity, equity, and inclusion' to view and apply for now with The Chronicle of Higher Education Jobs | by Relevance. Following a national search, Don C. Sawyer III, PhD, a visionary academic leader with more than 20 years of higher education experience leading university-community partnerships and diversity and inclusion programs, will join Fairfield University as the new vice president of diversity, inclusion, and belonging, beginning July 1, 2023. Gerry Blaszczak, S.J. A final project asks students to consider ways to raise awareness about a social issue at the University or in the larger community. ECON 3235Economic Development3 Credits. We explore essential questions related to difference that all human societies have encountered over time. AHST 1103Art of Africa, the Caribbean, and the Americas3 Credits, Attributes: BSCC Black Studies Component Course, DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, GDAH Graphic Design: Art History, INEL International Studies / International Business Elective, LCEL LACS Minor: Elective, VPCH Visual and Performing Arts Core: History Course, WDIV World Diversity. Previously PH 0263. In 1942, Fairfields founding allowed the Jesuits to serve the often marginalized local Catholic population of Bridgeport, Conn. and the surrounding areas, providing new educational opportunities for many first generation immigrants and returning WWII veterans. The course traces the history of Islam on the continent from the Atlantic slave trade to the post-9/11 era. We embrace, support and celebrate the unique characteristics of diverse identities and cultures. As a modern Jesuit Catholic University, Fairfield was built on the principles of outreach and social justice and a 500-year tradition dedicated to the life-transforming power of education. This course introduces major monuments of the arts of Asia, including architecture, painting, sculpture, ceramics, and prints. PUBH 1101Public Health and Social Justice3 Credits, Attributes: DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, PAPH Public Administration Public Health. SOCI 2110Race, Cities, and Poverty3 Credits, Attributes: ASSO American Studies: Sociology, BSFC Black Studies Focus Course, BSSS Black Studies: Social and Behavioral Sciences, DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, EDCG Educational Studies Cognate, PACG Public Administration City Government, PJST Peace and Justice Studies, UDIV U.S. Diversity. Provide leadership with community partnership opportunities that will foster the University's environment for diversity and inclusion. Art of Caribbean islands and the influence of the African diaspora will be explored. Fairfield University named Don C. Sawyer III, PhD, the new vice president of diversity, inclusion and belonging on Monday. Connecting community and campus to create high impact academic opportunities, the Center for Social Impact addresses local, national, and global challenges and develops individuals committed to creating a more just and equitable world. Prerequisites: SPAN3245, junior standing. In his new role, Dr. Sawyer will serve as chair of the Presidents Working Group on Diversity and Inclusive Excellence, and will be an advocate, mentor, and resource, developing and implementing diversity initiatives that support a learning and working environment where all community members have the opportunity to thrive and succeed, and where students are prepared to enter the global workforce. Top Stories, 1073 North Benson Road Events in United States history such as the emancipation from slavery and the Civil War Era, the Harlem Renaissance, Jazz Age, Great Depression, Civil Rights Movements, AIDS crisis of the 1980s, and the Los Angeles race riots of the 1990s are used as context to understand black art and culture. SOCI 2300Sociology of Education3 Credits, Attributes: BSFC Black Studies Focus Course, BSSS Black Studies: Social and Behavioral Sciences, DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, EDCG Educational Studies Cognate, EDDV Educational Studies Diversity, UDIV U.S. Diversity. How Much Does Fairfield University Cost? It's not just about making opportunities available to all; we believe by doing so, we enrich the lives of all. This course will familiarize students with basic and applied social psychological research on stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination, and minority experience. Crosslisted with HIST2235. In addition to studying the migrants and the reasons for their international movement, participants have the opportunity to discuss opposing perspectives on the immigration policies of developed countries. Students complete exams, oral presentations, written papers, and a final paper. Moreover, the relationship of race to power is also a central analytical theme. Bosnia, Somalia, Guatemala, the Holocaust: The notion of human rights and accusations of human rights violations are a constant presence in our political environment and in the formulation of U.S. foreign policy. This course surveys the musical and social trends that resulted in the emergence of rock and roll as an important musical and cultural force in America. RLST 2795Islam, Race, Power3 Credits, Attributes: DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, IWHU Islamic World Studies: Humanities. What are the primary goals of American education? RLST 1601Religion in the United States3 Credits, Attributes: ASGW American Studies: Gateway, ASRS American Studies: Religion, CARS Catholic Studies: Religious Studies, DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, RSST Religious Studies Major Track, UDIV U.S. Diversity. Sawyer will become the first Vice President for Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging at Fairfield, according to President Judy Olian. Dr. Nemec shares some reflections on the importance of honoring June 19 as an annual University holiday. As widespread violence and unrest grip the United States over the killing of yet another unarmed African-American man, the countrys Catholic bishops condemn the act saying, racism has been tolerated for too long. The course uses readings, exercises, and real-world projects to formulate the following: a definition of diversity; an awareness of its impact on businesses and their managers; the identification of the challenges that diversity presents and the opportunities it allows for even more productive workplace interactions; and the necessary skills, attitudes, and patterns of critical thinking needed for effective leadership in this important area. Topics to be discussed include the construction of race, slavery and its abolition, the Black American Muslim experience, and Muslim theologies of liberation and resistance. This course is research and writing intensive. Diversity and Inclusion | Quinnipiac University Skip to main content Academics Back to main menu Your Tools for Success At Quinnipiac, we provide the knowledge and resources you need to make a tangible impact on your chosen field. While the increased visibility of Spanish has surprised some in recent decades, people have been speaking Spanish in what is now the US for hundreds of years. Fairfield University boasts experienced faculty who teach students the fundamentals, ethics, and new developments in business on a local and global scale, supported by our amazing administration. Students will undertake a critical investigation of race and ethnicity within Islam from the classical period to the present. In addition to extensive community engagement work with national organizations, Dr. Sawyer is widely published in academic journals and books, and has presented and delivered keynote addresses at conferences and universities nationally. Previously EC 0114. You will focus on such questions as: How are literary texts produced? AHST 1102 Art of East Asia 3 Credits Attributes: ANMC Asian Studies Elective, DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, GDAH Graphic Design: Art History, INEL International Studies / International Business Elective, VPCH Visual and Performing Arts Core: History Course, WDIV World Diversity This course surveys the art and architectural history of China, Korea, and Japan, emphasizing . We will investigate the many ways in which Islam, as both a religion and idea, has appeared on the American horizon and in the American imagination. The course highlights collections of Asian art at Yale University and in New York City, incorporating special exhibitions of East Asian art relevant to the course. Come on and chat with a Campus Minister in their virtual office. Previously SP 0271. Previously EN 0126. Students will obtain a greater understanding and appreciation of diversity, multiculturalism, and social justice through participation and celebration in a variety of activities. The office works with student organizations, faculty, and other University offices to further integrate diversity into developmental and social programs for students. Subject areas will include blues and its origins, jazz and modernism, the obstacles of race in music, the death of rhythm and blues, rock's evolution in the 1950s, rap and hip hop culture, and issues in both postmodernism and perverse as seen by many music and art critics. HIST 2205Anti-Semitism: Medieval to Modern3 Credits, Attributes: CAOT Catholic Studies: Non-Religious Studies, DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, H_BF History Before 1750, H_EU European History, JST Judaic Studies Minor. This course is an in-depth analysis of capital punishment. As such, attention will be paid to generating the problem space and question sets needed to de-naturalize the everyday colonial structures that shape our human condition. Understanding the dynamics of diversity allows people to respect and value differences. Fairfield school diversity director aims to help every student thrive Josh LaBella Feb. 5, 2022 3 FAIRFIELD If a primary aspect of diversity, equity and inclusion work is education, Fairfield Public Schools' new DEI director certainly has a good pedigree. ANTH 1110Cultural Anthropology3 Credits, Attributes: DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, WDIV World Diversity. Previously CI 0250. The course highlights collections of Asian art at the Fairfield University Art Museum, Yale University, and in New York City. PHIL 2263The Concept of Human Rights3 Credits. The scholar and award-winning author will share insights from two of her critically acclaimed books during her Fairfield University lecture. Apply to Diversity and Inclusion Manager, Faculty, Academic Advisor and more! This course examines contemporary Latin American politics, with particular attention to the challenges and opportunities for democracy and human rights in the region. This course oers an introduction to sociolinguistics, i.e., the study of the language in relation to social factors, with a focus on Spanish in the US. Students examine the evolution of spirituals, minstrel songs, and ragtime as they relate to dance forms; the role of African-Americans as performers and composers in classical music and music of the theatre; and the blues as it evolves into jazz, soul, reggae, funk, disco, and rap. 13 jobs. Previously AH 0103. The 2019 conference was held at Fairfield University and included school districts from across the region and state. Why are there systematic patterns of race, class, and gender inequality in education? This course approaches the problem of colonialism and coloniality, as well as the task of decolonization from a philosophical perspective. Throughout the semester, we address three fundamental questions. Fairfield Dolan is proud to introduce a new minor in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), available to all Fairfield students. We will trace the corporeal, visual, spoken word, literary, and musical antecedents to and manifestations of hip-hop in American cultural. Fairfield is committed to Diversity in Action. The $54,000 grant will enable the Centers partner school Loyola High School in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania to install solar panels on an academic building and their chapel. This study of transatlantic, post-1800 literature by women will adopt Virginia Woolf's notion that "books continue each other." ENGL 1260American Social Protest Literature3 Credits, Attributes: ASEN American Studies: Literature, ASGW American Studies: Gateway, DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, EDDV Educational Studies Diversity, E_AF English Literature After 1800, MELT Magis Core Exploration: Literature, PJST Peace and Justice Studies. The Office of Student Diversity Programs & Multicultural Affairs serves the University community by providing support and activities for students that enhance their overall experience and knowledge in respect to the rich diversity and culture that exists at Fairfield and in our global society. HIST 1146Women's History as U.S. History3 Credits, Attributes: DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, UDIV U.S. Diversity, WSGF Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies: Gender Focused. Why are urban areas "racialized"? Students explore topics such as modernity, nationalism, individualism, gender, and cultural identity in the modern cultural-historical context. President Mark R. Nemec, PhD. Fairfield U ranks 464 out of 2,183 when it comes to geographic diversity. Dr. Sawyer will build upon Fairfields ongoing work to advance racial justice and belonging, and will collaborate with executive leadership on learning and development needs related to cultural humility, gender identity, race and ethnicity, ability/accessibility, and other critical areas to increase awareness, develop policies, and foster institutional inclusion and belonging. The minor, developed as part of the work done by Dolans Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion task force, was designed for students who are passionate about social justice. Previously PO 0236. This course examines the basic religious systems of India and China, including their fundamental differences, performative functions, and worldviews. US Diversity & Inclusion Business Partner. Fairfield recognizes the importance of learning about, and living in, an increasingly interconnected, intercultural world and reflects this by striving to become a microcosm of the global community, in which the other is unconditionally welcomed, respected, and valued. We welcome admitted students from traditionally underrepresented populations and students with a strong interest in diversity to spend a night on campus, meet members of the community, and become a stag for a day. This course takes a look at racism and issues of gender in America, and how musicians of diverse backgrounds have collaborated and contributed to the evolution of American music despite prejudice and adversity. Students who pursue the minor take an introductory course that establishes a breadth of topics in economics and business that are impacted by individual personal characteristics such as race, class, and gender. Major world regions and selected countries within them are discussed with respect to the people, and their physical, demographic, cultural, political, and economic characteristics. We embrace diversity as a distinguishing hallmark of Jesuit education. We will investigate why people produce and exchange things, why they seek to amass things in some circumstances and give them away in others, and how our modern understandings of value, debt, and rationality emerged. As a Jesuit, Catholic university, Fairfield is dedicated to diversity and inclusion; to radical hospitality in service of racial, social, and economic justice. Fairfield University Upward Bound is a federally funded program for college-bound high school students. Further, students will explore how elements of black religious life, from preaching style to music to liturgy to religious thought, have left an indelible mark upon American and Caribbean religious cultures and traditions. This course considers the nature and causes of problems facing low-income nations, with a focus on the impact that various economic policies have on promoting economic development. Students explore topics such as modernity, nationalism, individualism, gender, and cultural identity in the modern cultural-historical context. What is Fairfield University doing to build a diverse workforce? Need to talk? I am a current sophomore public health major at Fairfield University's Marion Peckham Egan School of Nursing and Health Studies. . In these ways, Fairfield University strives for themagis (the more) in a way that defines modern Jesuit Catholic education. The Office of Student Diversity and Multicultural Affairs supports a wide variety of diverse and affinity clubs that allow students to be engaged outside of the classroom. Course activities include screening of films, discussion of articles that deal with literary theory and analysis of film, and writing short papers. Tufts has always aimed to be inclusive. This course traces the development of American jazz from its origins in African-American musical traditions. Why is there such variety in the way people live, dress, speak, eat, love and fight? POLI 2253Latin American Politics3 Credits, Attributes: DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, INEL International Studies / International Business Elective, LCEL LACS Minor: Elective, PMCP Politics Major: Comparative Politics, WDIV World Diversity. Topics of discussion include the structure and function of genes, modes of inheritance, gene editing, sex and gender, race, and human genetic diversity. Previously RS 0262. Previously PY 0221. Previously MG 0320. SPAN 3253Spanish-American Civilization3 Credits, Attributes: DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, LCEL LACS Minor: Elective, LCSC LACS Minor: Spanish Culture and Literature, WDIV World Diversity.