[28][29] On November 5, 2009, a U.S. District Court Judge approved a $23,875 judgment to Smart from the State of New York. Go from season to season in New England with this delightful wall calendar. May 1, 1990. Whatever the truth is is exactly that. Carlton Fisk played in the major league for 22 years racking up an impressive career. When the tender landed the men were told of some trouble on Smuttynose. They rushed to the Ingerbredsen house where they found Maren in a deplorable state. [12], Smart's trial was widely watched and garnered considerable media attention, partly because it was one of the first in the U.S. to allow TV cameras in the courtroom. But he was in plenty of trouble before that. [9], On August 1, 1990, Detective Daniel Pelletier approached Pamela in her school's parking lot. At the time, New Hampshire officials said the transfer was for unspecified "security reasons. He was a graduate of Tufts University. Senator from Maine and an ardent abolitionist. She closed and barricaded the door as Louis tried to force his way in. Karen was now living on Smuttynose also. He was a musician, singer, and songwriter from Portsmouth New Hampshire. Weeks passed away while residing in Lancaster NH in 1853. Labarre is currently serving her sentence in Florida after being moved to that state. [33] On February 12, 2008, the request was denied, although Flynn's earliest parole eligibility date was reduced by three years to 25 years, making him eligible for parole in 2015. Famous New Hampshire Film Makers Ken Burns Born in Hawarden, Iowa, in 1953, Burns is a film director and producer from New Hampshire. City of Lebanon 9. He was born in Nashua, New Hampshire, on March 15, 1908. Karen! Riding Lawn Mower For Sale in Dayton, OH - Browse 5 Riding Lawn Mower Near You available on Equipment Trader. She was a childrens author, author, poet, and painter of the early 20th century. Louis! You didn't get that reading Dickens.". The documentaries best-known are The Civil War, Baseball, and Jazz. McDonald assumed the victims identity and stole his truck, which he was hoping to trade for a motorcycle. . Steven Tyler is a mega-star worldwide and has has sold over 100 million records worldwide in the many years he has been a musician. Joshua Sprague admitted to shooting and killing Lennox Tibbs in Manchester in 2009. Died September 5, 2005, age 36; was beaten and strangled to death by his prison cellmate. He lived in New Hampshire and became famous for environmentalism throughout the United States. He is an actor, comedian, and television host from New Hampshire. Pamela Ann SMART. I was not aware of these murders, but they are indeed bone-chilling. She had left her position to take a job as a seamstress in Boston, but was visiting with the family before moving. He never spoke of his shrouded past, and some had the impression he was always lurking and listening from the corner of the room, pretending not to hear the conversation. After ransacking the house and finding only $15 he departed, leaving Anethes body on the floor beside a clock that had been knocked off the mantel in the struggle and stopped at seven minutes past one. Two men got out of Jacks truck after parking it and then got into the minivan, which then drove off. New Hampshire, USA. I never saw the movie but it apparently is slightly different. Denise Robert August 30, 2015 On August 30, 2015 at approximately 9 p.m., police were called to Carpenter and Ray streets in regards to a shooting victim. Logan Clegg, 27, waived his arraignment . By using this site, you accept our use of cookies. He died in 1852. Covering his face he pushed his way out the door and collapsed senseless in the snow. I grew up in northern NH near the Canadian Border and went to BU, early acceptance, the only place I applied because I really thought I wanted to go there, after visiting an older cousin while he went there. The three became close friends over the two years of their acquaintance as close, it is said, as brothers and sister. All of that is lovely, but were not without our creepy history. Plch, who worked as a de-boner at a chicken-processing plant, had scattered Stetsons remains in several locations. Thank you very much in Murderpedia has thousands of hours of work behind it. [32], In 1992, Bill Flynn was sentenced to life in prison for second degree murder; not eligible for parole for 40 years with 12 years of the minimum sentence deferred if he maintains good behavior. [3] Pamela attended secondary school at Derry's Pinkerton Academy, where she was a cheerleader, and graduated from Florida State University (FSU) with a degree in communications. Confident the women were asleep, he trudged up the slope in his heavy rubber boots to the door of the house. Prosecutors said that Saunders was trying to cover up a theft of thousands of dollars. expanding and making Murderpedia a better site, but we freeing the latch, and fell at Marens feet. Triple Hs real name is Paul Michael Levesque. A single murder theory does not exist, but is clear that anyone in pursuit of the truth should examine the activity of Marin Hontvet on that tragic night. Fessenden was responsible for introducing to the Senate an amendment proposing secession from the Union if ever it is necessary for defending or protecting union and for being a co-sponsor of an amendment attempting to abolish slavery in Washington D.C. Anne Waterman, now a Gilmanton resident, was one of 600 seniors in a high school in Saginaw, Mich. "Everybody read the book," she says, "It had everything we wanted. in the seacoast area in N.H. She became known as one of the first V.J.s. Seeing Anethe could no longer be helped, Maren turned her attention to saving herself and her sister. She grew up in Miami, Florida, before her family moved to Derry, New Hampshire, when she was in the eighth grade. Jack Reid was a native of Cambridge, Massachusetts, and eventually settled in Derry, New Hampshire. The 1873 Isles of Shoals murders (also known as the Smuttynose murders) remain one of New England's most grisly and mysterious murder mysteries. He offered no resistance. After nine days of testimony and 55 minutes of deliberation, he was found guilty as charged. Miller had been living alone at the residence and died from gunshot wounds. She was born in 1951 in Nashua, New Hampshire. The bad news is you're under arrest. America's First Serial Killer H.H. Pamela took a job as a media coordinator at Winnacunnet High School in Hampton, New Hampshire,[6] where she met sophomore student William "Billy" Flynn at Project Self-Esteem, a school drug awareness program where both were volunteers. After beating, raping, and torturing her for 44 days, the boys tossed her lifeless body into a giant drum filled with concrete. He was born in Nashua, New Hampshire, as a professional wrestler, essayist, and actor. Once alerted, Jorge rowed the quarter mile to Marens rescue. [15], Smart argued that the media had influenced her trial and conviction, as she explained in the 2014 HBO documentary Captivated: The Trials of Pamela Smart. In her testimony, Smart acknowledged that she had what she termed an "affair" with the underaged boy, but claimed that the murder of her husband was solely the doing of Flynn and his friends as a reaction to her telling Flynn that she wished to end their "relationship" and repair her marriage. He was drafted by the Cardinals in 2000 and has played for Arizona his entire career. Smuttynose was in the jurisdiction of the state of Maine and Wagner would have to be tried there. Get more stories delivered right to your email. Some are famous historical figures, actors, celebrities, and some are famous New Hampshire athletes. He died in 1869. Her best-known work is The Spinners Book of Stories for Girls, about education for young women, and she lectured on literature. [35], Flynn was granted parole by the state parole board on March 12, 2015, and was released from prison with lifetime parole on June 4, 2015, a few days past the 25th anniversary of Gregg Smart's death. In 2007, Flynn sought a sentence reduction after serving 16 years, stating that he had vowed not to do so until he had spent as many years behind bars as he had spent free. Investigators looked at the surveillance footage from the parking lot and saw that Jacks truck came in on June 27 at around 5:30 PM and was followed by another minivan. 1. A trial took place, and she was found innocent, but she did not receive any compensation for her prison sentence, which exceeded three months. Horace Greeley was born in the year 1811 in Amherst, New Hampshire. I did not subscribe to this magazine in 1980, so I didnt read this murder article. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Murder of Jill Parenteau, Los Angeles County In June 1979, Alcala raped and murdered 21-year-old Jill Parenteau in her Burbank apartment. Mandy Moore was born in Nashua and is one of the famous singers from New Hampshire. Wagner fished alone from Star, Malaga, and Cedar Islands, which are connected to Smuttynose by seawalls and breakwaters. When John Hontvet and Maren arrived from Norway in 1868, they were the only people living on Smuttynose Island in the Isles of Shoals. Smart, brother of murder victim Gregg Smart, released, The character of Becky Burgess in feminist writer, The murder was parodied in an episode of the animated sitcom, This page was last edited on 4 March 2023, at 15:44. Dianna Saunders, of Dover, hired her ex-husband to kill her live-in boyfriend, David King, in August 2008. Regan and Horncy murdered Armajit Chohan, his 25-year-old wife Nancy, their two young sons - 18-month-old Devinder and two-month-old Ravinder - and Mrs Chohan's 51-year-old mother Charanjit Kaur in a ploy to steal his freight business and use it as a front for importing drugs. He joined the United States Solicitor Generals office in 1977. She hosted The Brown and Friends T.V. Word of the calamity spread fast. Im trying to find as many critical thinking lessons and activities as possible for her. His best-known work is The Catcher in the Rye, published in 1951. He attended Columbia University and married a Rhode Island girl named Carol Gerber. I have presented this activity to students 6-college in New Hampshire, Wisconsin, Georgia and Texas. Lloyd Avery II was born on June 21, 1969 in Los Angeles, California, USA. John P. Hale had a long career as a politician and is memorialized on the ground of NH State Capital with the statue pictured above. Later that afternoon John and others carried Marens tale of terror to the authorities in Portsmouth. The circumstances of Karens arrival were somewhat grievous she had lost a lover in Norway for whom she continually pined but Maren was certain she could help her sister overcome her melancholy and build a new life. In 1826 Hale published A Book of Quotations of Great Use and Pleasure, becoming the first American woman to publish a book of quotations. He is also a screenwriter for the Stephen King feature film Wolves of Willoughbyside. My great grandmother knew the Thaxter family. The mission lasted 15 minutes and 21 seconds from liftoff to landing. These people were all very industrious, caring and friendly. Kirkman Cassavaugh killed his girlfriend Jennifer Huard and her brother Jeremy in 2006. Ivan pushed open the door and entered the kitchen. Murderpedia has thousands of hours of work behind it. It was one of his best seasons, where he had a 12-4 record, 2.68 ERA, three complete games, and 15 wins. The movie The Weight of Water is made after the book By Katherine Bigelow. Pierce first noticed a change about February, when Smart confessed to her that she "loved Bill." On January 27, 2001, Dartmouth College professors Half and Susanne Zantop, aged 62 and 55 respectively, were stabbed to death at their home in Etna, New Hampshire. Addison fled the state and was caught in Dorchester, Massachusetts. "He is one of the few people that could actually get me out of here, by coming forward and telling the truth, but he's never gonna do that," said Smart. In 1999 Adam founded Happy Madison Productions which produces a lot of his movies and shows. There was a movie, The Weight Of Water with Sean Pen & Elizabeth Hurley. Holmes' New Hampshire Connection Peering into the Darkness: The First Serial Killer October 1, 2007 Chelsey Philpot 0 Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before. Seth Bader, a former Stratham attorney, was convicted of shooting and killing his ex-wife Vicki Bader in August 1996. At the age of 17, Robert Tulloch, of Vermont, stabbed to death two Dartmouth professors, Half and Suzanne Zantop, at their home in Etna in 2001. He was born in Exeter, New Hampshire, in 1942. He has also directed two independent films, The Night That Changed America and The Oath. The movie "Murder in New Hampshire: The Pamela Wojas Smart Story" where Helen Hunt played the role of Pamela Smart. President Franklin Pierce was a New Hampshire native and an important figure in politics and government in the United States from 1853 to 1857. 2023, Hearst Television Inc. on behalf of WMUR-TV. Everything seems to agree that the entire set of events hinged on whether or not the Hontvet men could get bait that night in Portsmouth. When the trawl lines were in they planned to sell the catch in Portsmouth and buy bait arriving on the early train from Boston. This had a distinct set of circumstances. He intended to accomplish his raid undetected but at that moment Ringe barked loudly, waking Karen. In 1983 he won a National Book Award for his novel The Cider House Rules. He was born in Kingston, New Hampshire, in 1806. In 1999, Vaclav Plch stabbed and dismembered Mary Stetson, a mother from Manchester. John W. Weeks was born in Western NH in Greenland NH. She is an Olympic champion, a two-time world champion, a nine-time U.S. Champion, and a two-time Grand Prix finalist. He searched as long as he could but knew he had to abandon hopes of finding Maren if he were to escape under cover of darkness. He moved to Chicago, abandoning his wife and child at 24 in 1885. Weeks also served in Congress from 1829 to 1833. The quarter moon shed little light on this, the first calm night of the new year. As she passed the cottage, circumventing it as widely as possible, her ears captured the agony of Karen. To the CBSs Mary Carlvi. The new arrivals were welcomed by John and Maren and the five lived together in the cottage. He strangled Jill to death using a cord or nylon. Run! Karen! 1. Is something wrong?. She provided a fine household for her hardworking husband, applying her decorative touch by using bright paint and paper in their cottage. William and Elizabeth's 11 children included two (at least) who were insane, one adulteress and two murderers. Inside were either partially or completely skeletonized bodies of an adult female and young girl, wrapped in plastic. John explained they would return home if the bait arrived on schedule but, if it was late, they would stay in port, bait their trawl lines, and return home in the morning. [15] The conviction was largely the result of the testimony of her co-conspirators and secretly taped conversations in which Smart appeared to contradict her claims of having wanted to reconcile with her husband and of having no knowledge of the boys' plot. Later that day, she was given a mandatory sentence of life in prison without the possibility for parole. plans and enthusiasm She is often referred to as the Teacher Who Killed Her Husband.Pamela Smart is serving a life sentence for the first-degree murder in the death of her husband, Greg Smart. The night of March 6, 1873, with the men away, the women were prepared to be alone in the cold house, but nothing could have prepared them for the arrival, by rowboat, of a deranged axe murderer. She wrote over three hundred books and many illustrations and painted five hundred pictures that she used in her books. 2023 Cinemaholic Inc. All rights reserved. After the movie, theres a statement saying that the circumstances surrounding the murders has been debated for over a century. He was born in New Hampshire in 1948 and is the author of The Da Vinci Code and Angels & Demons. Or somewhat likely suspects . He was charged with murder and sentenced to death, which caused an uproar related to whether the death penalty had a place in the Granite State. And, following in his father's footsteps, Mitchell Briggs, graduated from the police academy in 2019. It sold 100,000 copies and peaked in the Top 10 on the Billboard Charts. Daniel Webster and the former United States president Franklin Pierce started his journey to success and leadership from the very state of New Hampshire. He is known for his series of documentary films that cover various aspects of American history. A few hours later the Clara Bella was spotted on the horizon, her sails spread majestically, gliding through the warming sunshine on the icy sea. He wasn't connected to this crime until 2017 when DNA clearly linked him. Nicknamed the "Pink House" because of its bright pink exterior, the Jackson Women's Health Organization (the Jackson in Dobbs v. Jackson) aborted unborn babies for many years and was the only abortion facility in Mississippi . and coach born in Manchester, New Hampshire. News 9 This Morning: Special storm coverage, 4 NH men serving life in prison ask for new sentences, Man convicted in social worker's killing seeks new trial, Supreme Court ruling could affect Tulloch's sentence, Backpacks filled for New Hampshire students. They had already prepared supper and decided to keep it hot until the men came home. When Ivan & Anethe arrive, Marin is unpleasantly surprised by the marriage as she still has deep feelings for her brother. General Stark led a New Hampshire militia into a significant battle fought near Bennington Vermont in August of 1777. He was a New Hampshire native and received his education at Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine, before becoming county attorney for Oxford County, Maine, and later the state Attorney General. Born in Bow 1821, New Hampshire, Eddy left home at 16 to join the Second Adventist movement. In May 1871 Marens happiness swelled with the arrival of her sister, Karen Christensen, from Norway. She became a candidate for the United States Senate representing New Hampshire in 1984 and was killed in 1986 when Challenger exploded shortly after liftoff. He became a Saturday Night Live writer, eventually a star of the show, and starred in several films, including Big Daddy, Anger Management, Happy Gilmore, Grown Ups, and Mr. I have no doubt in my mind it was louis Wagner! need your help for this. Smart sued, claiming that the photos were taken by a prison guard who had raped her, but the lawsuit was dismissed. Born in Newcastle, New Hampshire, in 1917, she was the author of the novel Peyton Place.After graduating from Vassar College, she lived in Meriden and became a staff writer at Congressional Quarterly. He is the author of such notable works as A Boys Will, North of Boston, and Steeple Bush. donation you can give to help the Murderpedia project Jay was a successful businessman and a millionaire who had hired Jack earlier for a moving job from New Hampshire to Las Vegas. My great -great grandfather was Assistant Marshall of Police for the city of Portsmouth and was one of the men who brought Louis Wagner back from Boston for trial. The authorities learned that Charlie Was was a fake name used by Robin Knight. Joseph stated that he was approached by Jay while in a bar in Las Vegas. Steven Spader, along with Gribble and two other friends, randomly broke into a Mont Vernon home in 2009, killing Kimberly Cates and severely injuring her daughter, Jaimie. The Hontvets trust in and kindness toward Wagner proved to be a mistake. He played in 1345 games, had a batting average of .285, and had 73 home runs and 794 RBIs. Over the years Rasmussen took on five different aliases. She died at age 92 in 1879. [37] He too served his sentence at the Maine State Prison in Warren, Maine. . at home.. Chavez, Domingo Year: 1991City/Town: ManchesterStatus: Unsolved Homicide Clevesy, Arlene Year: 1972City/Town: NewtonStatus: Unsolved Homicide Compagna, Diane Year: 1973City/Town: CandiaStatus: Unsolved Homicide Conrad, Thomas Year: 2005City/Town: North HaverhillStatus: Unsolved Homicide He was a Major League Baseball player from New Hampshire. Philip Salmon Philip Salmon (Image: Hampshire Constabulary/Crimewatch) It was late afternoon when the women got the message. He broke out of jail within a week, but was recaptured in New Hampshire. Tupper invented the Tupperware in 1939. But in October of that year John was to find himself with more help than he needed. Daniel Edwin Ayer was convicted of shooting Mark Rowland, a Nashua social worker, as he arrived at Ayers home on August 20, 1999 for a scheduled appointment. Goody Cole was a woman accused of witchcraft who lived in Hampton, New Hampshire. Shivering and clutching Ringe close to her breast she crawled between two rocks near the waters edge where the pounding waves obliterated all other sound. He was spared the death penalty and ordered to serve two life sentences without the possibility of parole. Pame Smart orchestrated the 1990 murder of her husband Gregg Smart at their Derry home. After leaving military life, Weeks lived in Coos County NH and held many local governmental offices. [37][38] Randall was granted parole by the New Hampshire Parole Board after a hearing on April 9, 2015. It was evident that Jack was a victim of a homicide. Most famously, New Hampshire is known for its strange fascination with unidentified flying objects. He wrote numerous short stories throughout his life and three novels, including Raise High the Roof Beam and Carpenters, which later turned into a Broadway musical. He first started wrestling in New England, where he worked for New England Championship Wrestling. The movie Murder in New Hampshire: The Pamela Wojas Smart Story was based on the actual life crime and was filmed in New Hampshire. Over time police began to suspect a serial killer. It is reported a crowd of 10,000 filled the streets of Portsmouth and narrowly missed tearing him to pieces when he arrived. In July 2005, the New Hampshire Executive Council unanimously denied a pardon request for "any conditions the governor may seek to impose." She was inducted into the United States Figure Skating Hall of Fame in 1976. Cassavaugh was convicted of 2nd degree murder for Jennifers death. In the 1980s women began to go missing in New Hampshire. Smart's family maintains they were never informed of the transfer. They were successful, though the murders happened faster than planned when one of the killers became angry. Karen! There are many famous people from New Hampshire and I have compiled a list below for you. The infamous abortion facility at the center of the case that overturned Roe v. Wade is no longer in business. She was one of the first female graduates of Harvard Universitys Radcliffe College. new content, we kindly appreciate any donation you can give to help There are believed to be 6 victims, as well as one attempt. He later became a major general in the Continental Army in the American Revolution. Robert L. I have a middle school daughter that is fascinated by historical mysteries. She was convinced that Wagner committed the murders. With beautiful coastal views, historic lighthouses, and colorful foliage, New England is a place of great beauty and charm. Have you ever heard of the Smuttynose murders or visited the Isles of Shoals? He died in 1998, aged 75. He died aged 70 years in 1983. His brother Matthew came from Norway to live on Smuttynose. He has also produced films such as Grown Ups, You Dont Mess With The Zohan and Funny People. Hearst Television participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. Smart became a member of the National Organization for Women, campaigning for rights for women in prison. I grew up in Portsmouth and Rye, NH. Seth Mazzaglia was convicted in the 2012 murder of 19-year-old UNH student Elizabeth "Lizzi" Marriott. [1] She is currently serving a life sentence at Bedford Hills Correctional Facility for Women, a maximum security prison in Westchester County, New York. [4], Pamela met Greggory Smart while she visited New Hampshire over Christmas break in 1986. [39] He was released on June 4, 2015, on lifetime parole, the same day as co-conspirator Flynn's release and a few days past the 25th anniversary of Gregg Smart's death. She filed a complaint against the prison and was placed in solitary confinement for two months. Upon learning of her fathers death, the letter further stated that Karen would be coming to America. Thank you! She was born in 1961 and was convicted of murdering her husband and lover. Two men, both of whom knew Wagner and were sure of their description, informed police they had seen Wagner in Newcastle about six oclock that morning. He served in both the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate. Sarah, 34, was six years older than Benjamin, a bachelor. Smart, then aged 22, had conspired with her underaged sex partner, then 15-year-old William "Billy" Flynn, and three of his friends to have Greggory (24) murdered in Derry, New Hampshire. When most people think about New Hampshire they might picture tall, green mountains and beautiful blue lakes. Karen! Investigation Discoverys Six Degrees of Murder: Dear Dad takes a look at the grisly murder plot carried out by someone Jack worked for at one point. Maren could have heard him coming, taken off and Louis saw his chance to rob them. Sprague and another friend had gone to Tibbs apartment to get revenge on another person who lived there. On the shore of the Piscataqua River Wagner stole a dory (not one hour after the owner had replaced the worn thole pins), and rowed past the murky brick buildings with smoke streaming silently from their chimneys, into the harbor and out to sea. On top of that he invented the Slingshot, which is a water purification system that claims to create safe drinking water out of any water. Town of Conway 4. She died at 52 in 1920. Her counselor, Dr. Eleanor Pam, says that "she has many, many, many dark days. Town of Hooksett Marin is not happy about this. He is one of many celebrities from new Hampshire. For two years John and Maren took a personal interest in seeing that Wagner was never in need of food or clothing, and even went so far as to include him in Johns prosperous fishing business. "[11] Smart was then handcuffed and arraigned at the Derry District Court and jailed at the New Hampshire State Prison for Women, which was in Goffstown at the time. He's responsible for the deaths of at least 3 other people connected to him and a string of other crimes. She was born in the late 1600s, believed to have had supernatural powers, and was charged with witchcraft by Abigail Faulkner of Hampton. He ran for President of the United States as a newspaper editor and politician. She has made appearances in films such as Stuck On You, Scooby-Doo, and The Princess Diaries 2 Royal Engagement. Murder of Junko Furuta. The Great Compromiser was a New Hampshire native born in 1782 and a celebrated leader in American politics. [40], Co-conspirator Raymond Fowler (who waited in the car during the killing) was sentenced to 30 years for conspiracy to murder and attempted burglary, and parole eligibility after 15 years. He worked at SNL (Saturday Night Live) for 12 seasons and currently hosts Late Night with Seth Meyers. Run! Maren screeched, but it was too late. He will be eligible for parole in May 2024. They married & moved to Smuttynose. An 11-year-old accused of fatally shooting an Alton couple is the youngest child to face murder charges under New Hampshire's juvenile laws in . The bait train from Boston arrived after midnight and John and his crew were baiting until sunup. In an interview with ABC News, Smart indicated she is afraid of growing old and dying in prison and would rather have been given the death penalty. . Bedford Hills Correctional Facility for Women, Murder in New Hampshire: The Pamela Wojas Smart Story, "Woman in Plot to Kill Husband Shifts Prisons", How Pamela Smart Manipulated Her 15-Year-Old Student (And Lover) Into Killing Her Husband, "Sex, Lies & Murder: The Pamela Smart Case", "The tapes that convicted Smart: Cecelia Pierce's role", "Breaking Silence: Cecelia Pierce Speaks - New Hampshire Magazine - November 2016", "On This Day, August 16 - Cane and Able Travel", "Wife held in Derry murder | Hampton Union", "Teacher Says Her Conviction Was a Surprise", "25 years after Smart murder, William Flynn and Patrick Randall paroled from prison | New Hampshire", "Prison a 'sentence without hope' for Pam Smart", "Pamela Smart Maintains Innocence in Prison", "2 inmates guilty of beating Pamela Smart", "Decade later, Pam still smarts over conviction", "Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Brought by Pamela Smart", "Inmate Pam Smart sues jail and guard for sexual assault", "Pamela Smart Receives $23K Payday | Hampton Union", "Pamela Smart's former teen lover seeks sentence reduction", "Greg Smart's killer, Billy Flynn, out of jail on work release", "Teen killer, Pamela Smart's lover, is granted parole", "Early release awarded to conspirator in Pam Smart murder", Judge cuts sentence for accomplice in Smart murder case, "Pamela Smart case: Accomplice paroled in 'To Die For' murder", "Man Convicted In Gregory Smart Death Behind Bars Again", "Fowler family speaks about shooter Flynn's request", "Teach Me to Kill by Stephen Sawicki: 9780380766499", "Billy Flynn, Killer of Pamela Smart's Husband, Is Moved to Work-Release Program", "Fiction Book Review: To Die for by Joyce Maynard, Author (304p) ISBN 978-0-525-93396-0", "Marge Piercy Tells A Cautionary Tale Of Women On The Edge", "Murder in New Hampshire (1991) - Overview - TCM.com", "Pamela Smart: Nicole Kidman's Portrayal in To Die For was 'Embarrassing' and 'One-Dimensional', "Crimes of Passion: The Pamela Smart Story (Season 3 | Episode 11)", "Family Guy: Fast Times at Buddy Cianci Jr. High", "Family Guy | Fast Times at Buddy Cianci Jr. High", "Dual Spires - Psych Season 5 Episode 12 | USA Network", "Pamela Smart Speaks Out | The Oprah Winfrey Show", "Sundance: A Documentary Defends Pamela Smart, the Sexpot Schoolteacher Convicted of Murder", "Pamela Smart on Affair with Student That Led to Murder: 'I Knew Better', "Overview of 'Corrupt Crimes' Season 1 - Movies&Media", "Murder Made Me Famous (TV-14) | REELZ NOW", "Killer Couples Sneak Peek 610: Pamela Smart & William Flynn Part 1", "Pamela Smart renews efforts to secure release from prison", "Pamela Smart: An American Murder Mystery | Watch Full Episodes & More!