This has happened some time before the beginning of . One of the first things the boys do is pick a leader. She also took dance lessons and it was at one of her dance recitals that a Broadway producer discovered how talented she was as an actress. William Boyd's tale of a female war photographer blends history and fiction to fine effect. After nearly 40 years of riding across millions of American TV and movie screens, the cowboy actor William Boyd, best known for his role as Hopalong Cassidy, dies on September 12, 1972 at the age of 77. Francis M. Nevins, Jr., The Films of Hopalong Cassidy (Waynesville, N.C.: The World of Yesterday, 1988). Many kids who grew up in the late 1940s and early 1950s owe some of their personal values and beliefs to William Boyd. The 1951 song "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas" includes a reference to "Hopalong boots" as a holiday gift desired by children. In 1968 he had surgery to remove a tumor from a lymph gland and from then on refused all interview and photograph requests. Marc lost his left leg in a motorcycle accident in 2016. If he hasn't, he'll go under. Moses gets upset with them again, but he goes to God with their request. Hopalong Cassidy's beautiful white horse was named "Topper". His last major role for a few years was in Painted Desert (1931) in which Clark Gable made his movie debut, but in 1935 Boyd's friend Harry "Pop" Sherman offered him a role in a "Hop-a-long Cassidy" film. Arthur was much bigger than he was, so getting in a fight with Arthur would have been really stupid. Clyde continued as Hoppy's sidekick through the end of the film series in 1948. I began to work when I was twelve, when my father died, but the oil-field was the hardest job I ever had. Then they became a network broadcast over NBC, and early Sunday evenings became 'Hoppy night'. | [on the The Volga Boatman] When I was getting ready for 'The Volga Boatman', I was worried about what to do with him. "Behold, I will stand before thee there upon the rock in Horeb; and thou shalt smite the rock, and there shall come water out of it, that the people may drink. HISTORY reviews and updates its content regularly to ensure it is complete and accurate. He also formed his own production company to resurrect the Cassidy cinema adventures. Although I am so much betterthan I used to be, I still have my moments when I let stress get the best of me. In 1938, an America-wide poll conducted by The Showmen's Trade Review revealed Hopalong Cassidy as the screen's favorite outdoor action hero. The amazing thing about it was that water came gushing out of the rock anyway. He endorsed over two thousand items from lunch boxes to bedroom furniture for young people, far more than either Gene Autry or Roy Rogers, and remains one of the most popular figures among memorabilia collectors. A six-foot-tall, prematurely white-haired, handsome, rugged young man who easily attracted women, he decided to go to Hollywood to be an actor. From 1935 to 1943 he and his horse Topper made fifty-four Hopalong Cassidy movies for Sherman; he then produced twelve more on his own, for a total of sixty-six. how did william boyd lose his leg. One Halloween, our young presidential lads two older brothers, Arthur and Edgar, were allowed to go trick or treating. The problem was they forgot what the good old days were really about. If at all please get in touch with me. The son of a day laborer, William Boyd moved with his family to Tulsa, Oklahoma, when he was seven. [4] The Mutual Broadcasting System began broadcasting a radio version, with Andy Clyde as the sidekick (except for episodes 28 to 53 of the 105 episode series, when, for reasons unknown, he was replaced by several different radio actors). He went to Hollywood in 1919, already gray-haired. Copyright to all articles and other content in the online and print versions of The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History is held by the Oklahoma Historical Society (OHS). How to Train Your Dragon 3 Coming out March 1, 2019. From the HTTYD wikia: The exact nature of the injury that caused Hiccup to lose only his left leg while falling into the Red Death's inferno has never been specified. Unlike the previous 8,829 games, the read more, On September 12, 1993, the rebuilt Lacey V. Murrow Bridge over Lake Washington opens in Seattle. But I wouldn't let it tear me down because I had too much spirit. In a shrewd business move, Boyd gambled big when he leveraged nearly everything he owned to purchase the rights to the Hopalong Cassidy film library and name. Other symptoms can include chills, malaise, dizziness, confusion, muscle pain, swelling and tenderness in the affected body part, chest pain, coughing, and breathlessness. Varconi was an officer and would, of course, play it straight, I must be 'character'. 2020 Wayne Cruse | Site maintained by Nate Hoffelder, Fun Presidential Facts Dwight Eisenhower, US President Anecdotes, Silly Stories and Jokes, Dwight Eisenhower- The Interstate Highway System. Boyd was 40 years old when the series started. Sanders spent the majority of the 2021 season in a motorized wheelchair. The Florida State defensive end introduces himself as a 6'4", 251-pound nightmare who'll haunt your quarterback for. Try it now Create an account Ask a question. Being a real stickler for organization and always disliking careless mistakes, might have been both the motive and motivation for his interest in these. These monologues included subjects such as eating the right kinds of foods, getting plenty of sleep, being a good sport, minding your mother and father, respecting police officers, attending Sunday School, following the Golden Rule, and the ethical treatment of animals. Dr . God would take these very stubborn people, and over and over again He would perform miracles, yet they never seemed to be able to trust what He was doing. Additionally, the running times were much longer than the normal 55-60 minute western programmer - as best I can recall, the longest Hoppy film ran a tad over 80 minutes. Just when it looked like Jamie might lose his leg or die, he survived and didn't require an amputation. That same cabin, now known as "Hoppy Cabin", was used in 6 Hopalong Cassidy movies. Such constant cruel twists of fate would crush the spirit of most men, and yet Xavier somehow managed to find hope even in these regular injuries! JAG' effects Throughout the fall, viewers have called and e-mailed, wondering how the producers of "JAG" make actor Patrick Labyorteaux appear to have suffered the same leg amputation as his character, Lt. When Edgar slept, he slept on the floor across the threshold of the door in his younger brothers bedroom. I had read the script and knew he was a Russian peasant, and I'd read Russian stories - Tolstoy - and Russian history, and I thought I knew what was back of this fellow, all the centuries of oppression and injustice - the revolt he felt inside. His first role was as an extra in Cecil B. DeMille's Why Change Your Wife? The special effect is done with a process called chroma keying. June 15, 2022 . His temper flared. Terms of Use About the Encyclopedia. Dr. Conklin called in a specialist from Topeka. Boyd started in 1918 in Old Wives for New, possibly a prophetic movie, for he married and divorced actresses Ruth Miller, Elinor Fair, and Dorothy Sebastian. As many times as they got into Gods good graces, then into His bad graces, over and over again, you would think they would have learned that their stress was much better left for Him to handle. Like his first marriage, this second one also lasted just a few years and they had no child together. De Mille in the early 1920s] I didn't know who Mr. De Mille was - he might have been the janitor at Lasky's - that was how ignorant I was then! I remember being mesmerized when I watched the Hoppy yarns on our first TV set, which I vaguely recall was an Emerson with a ten or twelve inch screen. 1240 Words5 Pages. It is easily recognized by the stone well in front of the house. Speaking to the Daily Record back in. how did william boyd lose his leg . Early sound files found in the Half-Life 2 leak files, dating from when Eli was still known as Eli Maxwell (as the file names feature the name "maxwell"), indicate that he was to . Products were not only marketed to kids, such as Cassidy western outfits, six-guns & holsters, lunch boxes, toys, and much more, there were also products marketed to adults such as motor oil, tires, eggs, and milk. Im sure those around him tried real hard to avoid him when he was in one of his moods. He was the second of four sons of farm laborer Charles Boyd, who brought his family to Tulsa, Creek Nation, Indian Territory, in 1906. Did Patrick really lose his leg as depicted in the JAG TV Series? As Hopalong Cassidy, Boyd would frequently remove his right glove, and would complete the scene wearing only his left glove. She put some salve on his hands and bandaged them. Mulford portrayed the character as rude, dangerous, and rough-talking. Moses is still very upset at the people and the sight of them even made matters worse. The juvenile lead was successively played by James Ellison, Russell Hayden, George Reeves, Rand Brooks, and Jimmy Rogers. A newfangled gadget called television arrived to save the day, and the end result was a significant financial windfall to Boyd. The lad then turned toward his parents and firmly said, You are never going to cut that leg off. He would fall back into unconsciousness. She continued with the sport, though, and earned a world record in 2015 as the fastest disabled female skier of all time. Nielsen ratings for the one-hour Cassidy NBC program were solid - 9th place for the 1950-51 season and in 28th place for 1951-52. The young boy may never walk again. Or did he? In stark contrast to the character of Hopalong Cassidy as a confirmed bachelor, William Boyd was married five times. In 1917 he married Laura Maynard, a wealthy society lady from Boston and fifteen years his senior. Dorothy was consistently rejected by theatrical agents but eventually found her way into Hollywood. Sometimes it takes a loss of someone or something close to us to get us to change, though. While the UA films are relatively good (compared to B westerns in general), they are not equal to the earlier, and higher budgeted, Paramount Hoppys. Sadly, there was no eternal rest for his leg. A dozen were made and released by United Artists during 1946-1948, and the Cassidy film finale, STRANGE GAMBLE, arrived at movie houses in late 1948. The infection was spreading. "use strict";(function(){var insertion=document.getElementById("citation-access-date");var date=new Date().toLocaleDateString(undefined,{month:"long",day:"numeric",year:"numeric"});insertion.parentElement.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(date),insertion)})(); FACT CHECK: We strive for accuracy and fairness. As if to remind his country of his sacrifice, the shriveled leg was exhumed, paraded to Mexico City in an ornate coach, and buried in an elagant state funeral. 1 Answer Sorted by: 18 It depends on what you mean by "really lose his leg". He made many trips to Tulsa not only to promote his activities, but also to visit childhood friends and his older brother Clarence, who lived there until his death in 1968. She met with Boyd on a set at Pathe Pictures and their romance eventually led to them tying the knot in Las Vegas. In this UA dozen, Andy Clyde returned as Hoppy's sidekick and the new member of the team was Rand Brooks who did a creditable job as the impulsive 'Lucky Jenkins'. He was shot in the leg during a gun fight which caused him to walk with a little "hop", hence the nickname. While she had a shot at making it, she was banned from the competition after verbally abusing an official. He was, like his brothers, very competitive. I think it's completely fine for the OP to ask Mike what happened! She gave him a little time before she said, He that conquereth his own soul is greater than he who taketh a whole city. She then explained to him that his anger was futile and self-destructive. The initial broadcasts were so successful that NBC could not wait for a television series to be produced and edited the feature films to broadcast length. Paramount may have been surprised with the enthusiastic fan response to the new series. [11], Fawcett Comics published a Hopalong Cassidy comic book one-shot in 1943,[12] followed by an ongoing series from 19461953 (numbered #1 through 85),[13] when the company ceased publishing. You are certainly right, Mike definitely has no problem telling people. The subsequent frenzy for Hopalong Cassidy merchandise led to more than 100 companies manufacturing more than $70 million dollars worth of Hopalong Cassidy products. Nor is he smart-alecky. in factor based risk modelBlog by ; how did william boyd lose his leg . The Centers for Disease . A while later he said, "We didn't go high enough. The other, possibly worse, stressful environment is one in which someone takes the other side or just blows it off as no big deal. Those are the real tests as to how you handle stress. He was best known for his portrayal of Hopalong Cassidy in a series of western Cowboy fictional films. That was not the end of the anger issues for the young lad, though. However, with the end of silent movies, Boyd was without a contract, couldn't find work and was going broke. Harry L. Rinker, Hopalong Cassidy: King of the Cowboy Merchandisers (Atglen, Pa.: Shiffer Publishing, 1995). William Boyd(2012.201.B0101.0341, Oklahoma Publishing Company Photography Collection, OHS). Attended Mercersburg (Pa.) Academy preparatory school. He was on the covers of magazines such as Life, Look and TV Guide. He was able to sustain his family with his job but he died tragically one afternoon from a job-related accident. The Cassidy films, particularly the 1935-1941 Paramount releases, are a definite notch or two above the typical B western, and the production quality and higher budgets are immediately apparent. This includes individual articles (copyright to OHS by author assignment) and corporately (as a complete body of work), including web design, graphics, searching functions, and listing/browsing methods. He watches his stance, his get-off and his acceleration, hunting for clues. Clyde, the most durable of the sidekicks, remained with the series until it ended. Copy. Although Jean-Jacques Rousseau blames the environment for changing the way humans act, Godling counters this through various characters in the society that they created. First, I decided against wearing a wig and had my hair curled. The golden era of the TV western would finally come to an end in 1975 when the long-running Gunsmoke left the air, three years after Boyd rode off into his last sunset. By mistake his picture was run in a newspaper story about the arrest of another actor with a similar name (William 'Stage' Boyd) on gambling, liquor and morals charges, and that hurt his career even more. He and Grace adored each other, and in interviews, she mentions the tough times when they had to sell most everything to come up with the dollars to acquire the Hopalong Cassidy rights. And then, the very night before we began to shoot, the thing came to me. In May 1937, the Too Much Harmony (1933) actress agreed to a blind date with the famous Boyd and they hit off so well that a wedding was just the next best thing that could have happened. Les Adams found an interesting tidbit - on Monday, May 20, 1940, Film Daily reported that William Boyd had broken his leg while on location for DOOMED CARAVAN, but production would continue with Boyd's leg in a plaster cast. When you lose friends, jobs, or cause damage to property, yourself or others, it should be a wakeup call that your reactions might need to be controlled a little better. For the 1952-53 and 1953-54 seasons, there were 52 half-hour Hoppy adventures. And Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel." Exodus 17:6 KJV This President, when he was a young lad, had a very terrible temper. Start today. Proudly they walked out of Egypt and into the vast unknown. His parents told him that he was too little to go this time. Please expand the article to include this information. HOLLYWOOD, Sept. 13 (AP) William Boyd, who rose to stardom as Hopalong Cassidy, died last night at a South Laguna Beach, Calif., hospital of complications from Parkinson's disease and. Boyd wanted to join the army but was rejected for having a weak heart. He was the second of four sons of farm laborer Charles Boyd, who brought his family to Tulsa, Creek Nation, Indian Territory, in 1906. I guess you can live forever if you can walk 10,000 steps a day. With the leg infected, the doctors the team is transported once again to Germany, and Sonny ( AJ Buckley) stays after Clay insists everyone else go home have no choice but to amputate to save. Moses would not be allowed to enter the Promised Land. In the book Lord of the Flies by William Golding, a group of civilized boys are stranded on an island with no parental authority and soon they become uncivilized. Fifteen miles east of Wichita, Kansas, at the Prairie Rose Chuckwagon Supper was the Hopalong Cassidy Museum. [4] The film series finally ended as "B" westerns were being phased out. Livingston. The plots of the film, radio and TV series were generally not taken from Mulford's writings. Join in as we take you along the private life of this legendary hero. The news was not good. Chroma keying, sometimes . Its a little magical band that fits on her arm, much like a watch. He leaned over to Edgar and said, Look, Ed, they are talking about taking my leg off. The loss of the leg was originally to be mentioned by Eli in his lab, but was ultimately cut, to be only mentioned in Raising the Bar and the Half-Life 2 Prima Guide. In the late 1960s experiencing health problems, Boyd avoided publicity and refused to be photographed, for he did not want his fans to see their childhood hero as an older, sick man. Fanart: saves Hiccup in How to Train Your Dragon:*CHECK OUT*: \"NEW FOOTAGE of Godzilla vs Kong LEAKED from CCXP\" School buses carrying African American children were pelted with eggs, bricks, and bottles, and police in combat gear fought to control angry white protesters read more, Near Montignac, France, a collection of prehistoric cave paintings are discovered by four teenagers who stumbled upon the ancient artwork after following their dog down a narrow entrance into a cavern. His brothers protection and loyalty had to teach him the uselessness of letting stress, or a temper, be an excuse to justifytakingfrustrations out on others. There was also a group . After nearly 40 years of riding across millions of American TV and movie screens, the cowboy actor William Boyd, best known for his role as Hopalong Cassidy, dies on September 12, 1972 at the. When bad things came their way, those brothers had each others backs. Thank you, Your email address will not be published. I guess how someone handles stress even affects the best of them. Many of his books have been adapted for television or cinema, usually with Boyd himself writing the screenplay. Submit a Correction Your email address will not be published. Instead, the young lad picked up a brick and hurled it at his older brother. The parents and kiddies of the time loved him. [15], Mirror Enterprises Syndicate distributed a Hopalong Cassidy comic strip starting in 1949; it was bought out by King Features in 1951, running until 1955. Brand new Hopalong flicks hit the silver screen beginning with FOOL'S GOLD in 1946. We have all been treated unfairly at one time or another. On May 23, 1863, almost three weeks after his injury, Napoleon Perkins lost his right leg to the Civil War. Charles worked as an employee with the water department for the city where he lived. By all accounts, Oscar Pistorius never let his lack of legs slow him down. His first hero was Hannibal. Just like normal, they sent him to school the next day. That, in itself, is probably not that unusual for a young, competitive boy. Published by on 30 junio, 2022. No, he did not. There is a Hopalong Cassidy Museum located in Cambridge, Ohio. and received royalties from comic books, radio and records. [3] George Hayes (later to become known as "Gabby" Hayes) originally played Cassidy's grizzled sidekick, Windy Halliday. - Ryan Feb 13, 2019 at 4:32 Add a comment 0 In 1842, his countrymen elevated him to the presidency again. Eventually, he will be pensioned and turned out to spend his final years as he desires. He stormed out the door and went over to the apple tree in the yard. A question that popped up was, How did Hiccup lose his leg at the end of the first HTTYD movie?The ordeal happens when Hiccup and Toothless are fighting the Red Death which is the villainous colossal Dragon near the end of the FIRST movie. Surprisingly what seemed to help him deal better with his temper was his schooling. What is Known About Gilmore Girls Lauren Grahams Family? His parents died while he was in his early teens, forcing him to quit school and take such jobs as a grocery clerk, surveyor and oil field worker. Continuing the musical chairs, Hayden exited after completing the 1940-41 releases and went over to Columbia Pictures to help western hero Charles Starrett. In the late 1940s as television became popular, Hopalong Cassidy became its first cowboy hero series; Boyd made 106 television shows and 104 radio shows. See full answer below. Les Adams found an interesting tidbit - on Monday, May 20, 1940, Film Daily reported that William Boyd had broken his leg while on location for DOOMED CARAVAN, but production would continue with Boyd's leg in a plaster cast. Grace eventually became one of the most popular musical stars in her time. [In an interview for Picture Play magazine in 1927] I pity any one interviewing me. His parents died while he was in his early teens, forcing him to quit school and take such jobs as a grocery clerk, surveyor and oil field worker. Pistorius was born without fibulas (calf bones), and at 11 months old, his parents made the difficult choice to have. An NBA Star Tristan Thompson is a Four-time Dad: Discover His Family Facts, The Culinary Expert Molly Yehs Family Ties. The major display is at the Autry National Center at Griffith Park in Los Angeles, California. Very rarely is the person doing the helping the one who caused the stress in the first place. He just started punching the tree with his bare hands. I've never been to college, and never had a cruel father who commanded me to keep out of pictures. The two most popular theories are that Toothless unintentionally injured Hiccup when grabbing him to protect him from the fire, or his leg was severely burned before Toothless . Bradley was with Boyd till he died just about a week before she clocked 59. Thanks to the earlier series which showed edited versions of his films, Boyd began work on a separate series of half-hour westerns made especially for television; Edgar Buchanan was his new sidekick, Red Connors (a character from the original stories and a few of the early films). Victor Varconi played the other male role, which made mine more difficult, since he and I are about the same height, build and coloring. That is not always the case. Required fields are marked *. Soon other TV westerns followed Boyds lead, becoming popular with both children and adults. Duration of Marriage: June 1937 1972 (35 years), Date of Death: September 21, 2010 (aged 97). Too much stress is not good for anyone, not to mention those around you. Newspaper reports on his birth note that the Wallace middle name came about because actor Wallace Reid was the child's godfather. However, his private life created the reputation that he was a partying Hollywood playboy and almost ruined his career. Around that time, Paramount sold off some of its productions, and this included 'Pop' Sherman's Hopalong Cassidy unit. 07 of 17. And then they had this artificial leg sticking out the back. Following World War II, Americans began to buy television sets in large numbers for the first time, and soon I Love Lucy and The Honeymooners were standard evening fare for millions of families. The infection had already reached his groin. The result was a happy pairing that continued through Boyd's death in 1972 of heart problems and parkinson's disease. That's his greatest accomplishment. Working for the Dutch West India Company in 1644, Stuyvesant was leading an assault on a Spanish fort in the Caribbean when a cannonball hit his lower right leg. Becoming a major box office attraction, he starred in such silent hits as The Volga Boatman (1926) and The King of Kings (1927). Presidential blogs with a personal and spiritual twist. Elizabeth Day. The storyline is taken from the Diana Gabaldon novel The Fiery Cross which plays out in. Despite Boyd's regular appearances as Hoppy at the park, it was not a success and shut down in 1954.[21]. It read more, Six months after the death of Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, Nikita Khrushchev succeeds him with his election as first secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The Israelites were so happy to get out of Egypt. God would now put a wall between Moses and Himself. oddfellows lunch menu / why did mikey palmice gets whacked? William Boyd might not be on the list of the famous actors in this generation but in his time, he was indeed a name to reckon with. His Dad soon gave up and he sent the young lad to his room. I had misgivings about that, afraid it would weaken my face, but it didn't. According to Dennis Weaver, the late actor who played the role of Chester Goode, the producers of the show wanted him to develop a disability to explain why Chester never . In the 1985 film Fletch actor Chevy Chase jokes that he was close to buying a house until he learned that Hopalong Cassidy killed himself there. 'Look here, this is a book he had when he was a boy. I was sixteen. He was loved by women not just for his career personality but for his real self. The other leg was operated on by famed surgeon Joseph. The series was wildly popular, and all recouped at least double their production costs. That would make less sense, because having Guy get his legs amputated and then replaced with new ones would completely skip over the damage by removing it entirely. Walking can also relax your spirits a little bit, especiallywhen you are walking in areas where nature is present. The Hopalong Cassidy films were first shown on the Paramount-owned KTLA TV station in Los Angeles. By 1950, American children had made Hopalong Cassidy the seventh most popular TV show in America and were madly snapping up genuine Hoppy cowboy hats, chaps, and six-shooters, earning Boyds venture more than $250 million. Its a good thing they had a good, strong leader who always seemed to know what God wanted for his people. In Hollywood he accepted bit parts and became a favorite of Cecil B. DeMille. It is estimated that more than 2500 products were merchandised under the Hopalong Cassidy name, or the name "Hoppy's Favorite". Seeing the way his parents handled the stress in his near death situation must have influenced his views on how to handle stress. But Ellison was being groomed for better things, and Russell Hayden replaced him beginning with HILLS OF OLD WYOMING (Paramount, 1937). The "Hoppies" launched the formula "Trio Western." He was awarded a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 1734 Vine Street in Hollywood, California on February 8, 1960. He doesn't use big words or bad words. In 1959, seven of the top-10 shows on national television were westerns like The Rifleman, Rawhide, and Maverick. Associating with people who knew things helped a lot. There have been many times I have let stress get the best of me. Very little is known about Laura, just that she was the first wife to Boyd. A 19-year-old college student developed sepsis and lost his legs and fingers after eating leftover Chinese takeout food in what a doctor described as a "perfect storm" of events. During the run of the Hopalong Cassidy TV series, William Boyd began making PSA-style monologues at the end of each show where he spoke to his young fans directly as "Hoppy". Mills, who lost the lower part of her leg in an accident, began training for the 2014 Paralympics Games as a skier. He soon left her and went to Flagstaff, Arizona. Ed Stephan , Other Works Marchers in the nations capital clogged streets near the Capitol, railing against President Barack Obamas healthcare read more, On September 12, 1995, in Vienna, Austria, the Harlem Globetrotters tip off the third game of an 11-game exhibition series in Europe against a team of retired basketball stars led by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, aptly named "Kareem's All-Stars." Bud Roberts. Grace married Boyd just three weeks after they met in 1937, becoming the fifth and the last wife to the King of Kings (1927) actor. Prayer: Dear Mighty Father, Oh, life can be so stressful at times. A question that popped up was, "How did Hiccup lose his leg at the end o. I was walking up and down in my room, like this - [he paced the length of the dressing room, three strides taking him from one wall to the other, and suddenly stopped, standing with his head lowered a trifle, looking up from under sullen lids, a figure tense and yet quiet, as of terrific power held in leash.] I want you to see that they do not do it, because I would rather die than to lose my leg. He made Edgar promise not to let them do it. I've tried to make Hoppy a plain and simple man in manners and dress. He punched and punched until his fingers were so raw they started bleeding. After the war, Boyd recognized an opportunity to take Hopalong and Topper into the new world of television, and he began to market his old B westerns to TV broadcasters in Los Angeles and New York City.