He helped popularize 'method acting'. Evans was conscious of the fact that Paramount's last Mafia film, The Brotherhood (1968) had been a box office bomb, and he believed it was partly due to the fact that the director, Martin Ritt, and the star, Kirk Douglas, were Jewish, and the film lacked an authentic Italian flavor. "A Legend Writes a Novel". Moreno later revealed in her memoir that when she became pregnant by Brando he arranged for an abortion. That's the same as around $620,000 in today's dollars. Pacino also explained in the Larry King interview that, while Coppola expressed disappointment in Pacino's early scenes, he did not specifically threaten to fire him; Coppola himself was feeling pressure from studio executives who were puzzled by Pacino's performance. Growing up, Brando showed an early passion for acting. So Michael got Dad a golf cart with a portable oxygen tank so he could go around and enjoy Neverland. Relations between Brando and costar Frank Sinatra were also frosty, with Stefan Kanfer observing: "The two men were diametrical opposites: Marlon required multiple takes; Frank detested repeating himself." [127] Kashfi was born in Calcutta and moved to Wales from India in 1947. Brando made a similar comment on Larry King Live in April 1996, saying: Hollywood is run by Jews; it is owned by Jews, and they should have a greater sensitivity about the issue ofof people who are suffering. The Island of Dr. Moreau screenwriter Ron Hutchinson would later say in his memoir, Clinging to the Iceberg: Writing for a Living on the Stage and in Hollywood (2017), that Brando sabotaged the film's production by feuding and refusing to cooperate with his colleagues and the film crew.[100]. The actor's son, Miko, was Jackson's bodyguard and assistant for several years and was a friend of the singer. "Burn, Brando, Burn!". Coppola had developed a list of actors for all the roles, and his list of potential Dons included the Oscar-winning Italian-American Ernest Borgnine,[68] the Italian-American Frank de Kova (best known for playing Chief Wild Eagle on the TV sitcom F-Troop), John Marley (a Best Supporting Oscar-nominee for Paramount's 1970 hit film Love Story who was cast as the film producer Jack Woltz in the picture), the Italian-American Richard Conte (who was cast as Don Corleone's deadly rival Don Emilio Barzini), and Italian film producer Carlo Ponti. That number did not include a variety of assets including his private island and other real estate. It humanizes the character of Stanley in that it becomes the brutality and callousness of youth rather than a vicious old man A new value came out of Brando's reading which was by far the best reading I have ever heard. In 1972, he received critical acclaim and numerous awards for "The Godfather" and "Last Tango in Paris," and in 1972, he played The Man of Steel's father in "Superman," which earned him a salary of $3.7 million. In 1979, Marlon won an Emmy for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Limited Series or a Special for "Roots: The Next Generations," and he received BAFTA Awards for "On the Waterfront, "Julius Caesar," and "Viva Zapata!" ", "40 things you didn't know about The Godfather: Brando and the cue cards. He got the part and subsequently won his second Academy Award and Golden Globe Award in a performance considered among the finest in the art form's history, based on extensive surveys of critics, directors, and other actors. Stella (Adler) didand later Kazan. [25], He was sent to Shattuck Military Academy in Minnesota, where his father had studied before him. Then, in 1944, he made it to Broadway in the bittersweet drama I Remember Mama, playing the son of Mady Christians. In 1973, Brando won an Academy Award for his performance as Vito Corleone in "The Godfather," but he refused it, boycotting the ceremony and sending Sacheen Littlefeather, president of the National Native American Affirmative Image Committee, in his place to state that Marlon did not agree with the way the film industry treated American Indians. Even so, he had to fight the studio in order to cast the temperamental actor. I am seriously contemplating Irish citizenship. [121][122] In 1954 Dorothy Kilgallen reported they were an item. It was Kazan's decision to fall back on the far less experienced (and technically too young for the role) Brando. Three weeks later, Brando was dead. Shortly before his death, he had apparently refused permission for tubes carrying oxygen to be inserted into his lungs, which, he was told, was the only way to prolong his life. In 1978, Marlon earned a then-unprecedented $3.7 million salary to appear as Jor-El in "Superman." ", "Rita Moreno tells all about her 'near-fatal' affair with Marlon Brando in memoir", "Marlon Brando Weds Lovely Indian Actress", "Anna Kashfi Sues for Marlon Brando Divorce", "Brandon's Marriage VoidedActress Has Other Mate". At the time of his death, Brando's liquid assets were worth $23 million. The studio cut the movie to pieces and made him a liar, too. In some ways I think of my middle age as the Fuck You Years." In 1962 Marlon Brando became the very first actor in Hollywood history to earn a base salary of $1 million for a film, a salary he earned for 1962's "Mutiny on the Bounty." He also confessed that, while having great admiration for the theater, he did not return to it after his initial success primarily because the work left him drained emotionally: What I remember most about A Streetcar Named Desire was the emotional grind of acting in it six nights and two afternoons. Marlon Brando Age Marlon Brando was 80 years of age at the time of his death. The horror! He spent his first few months in New York sleeping on friends' couches. "[170], Jay Kanter, Brando's agent, producer, and friend, defended him in Daily Variety: "Marlon has spoken to me for hours about his fondness for the Jewish people, and he is a well-known supporter of Israel;"[171] Kanter himself was Jewish. And there were snipers and there was a lot of unrest and he kept walking and talking through those neighborhoods with Mayor Lindsay. Teahouse and Sayonara were the first in a string of films Brando would strive to make over the next decade which contained socially relevant messages, and he formed a partnership with Paramount to establish his own production company called Pennebaker, its declared purpose to develop films that contained "social value that would improve the world." 6 Relationship, Married, Affair. Coppola admitted in a 1975 interview, "We finally figured we had to lure the best actor in the world. Bankhead recognized Brando's potential, despite her disdain (which most Broadway veterans shared) for method acting, and agreed to hire him even though he auditioned poorly. I know of an actor who can appear as this brutish Stanley Kowalski character. Brando dedicated a full chapter to the film in his memoir, stating that the director, Gillo Pontecorvo, was the best director he had ever worked with next to Kazan and Bernardo Bertolucci. Brando was nominated for a Golden Globe for his performance. Nevertheless, he remains a riveting screen presence with a vast emotional range and an endless array of compulsively watchable idiosyncrasies."[177]. In Sayonara (1957) he appeared as a United States Air Force officer. [112] Shortly before his death and despite needing an oxygen mask to breathe, he recorded his voice to appear in The Godfather: The Game, once again as Don Vito Corleone. "[147] His behavior during the filming of Mutiny on the Bounty (1962) seemed to bolster his reputation as a difficult star. All of Brando's other Universal films during this period, including Bedtime Story (1964), The Appaloosa (1966), A Countess from Hong Kong (1967) and The Night of the Following Day (1969), were also critical and commercial flops. Marlon Brando had a net worth of $100 million at the time of his death. He died on July 1, 2004, at the age of 80 in Los Angeles, California due to respiratory failure and congestive heart failure. Christian Brando. Brando would go on to receive massive acclaim for his film roles, particularly those in The Godfather, A Streetcar Named Desire and On the Waterfront, all of which helped him win two Academy Awards. Brando also adopted Petra Brando-Corval (born 1972), the daughter of his assistant Caroline Barrett and novelist James Clavell. His portrayal of the rebellious motorcycle gang leader Johnny Strabler in The Wild One proved to be an emblem of the era's generational gap.[6]. The Ugly American (1963) was the first of these films. Try to imagine what it was like walking on stage at 8:30 every night having to yell, scream, cry, break dishes, kick the furniture, punch the walls and experience the same intense, wrenching emotions night after night, trying each time to evoke in audiences the same emotions I felt. Sour in the unreleased animated film Big Bug Man. But if there is someone who is convinced that Jack Nicholson and I are lovers, may they continue to do so. ", "Marlon Brando In His Own Words LISTEN TO ME MARLON", "Exit the Stage B'way Lost Great Lights in '04", David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies, "Lost Brando Screen Test for Rebel Surfaces But It's Not for the Rebel We Know and Love. Brando, M., Grobel, L., Popczyski, M., & Holland, S. (2016). In 1969 Jack Nicholson bought the property immediately next door. "Kazan made no protest because, he subsequently confessed, 'I always preferred Brando to anybody.'"[52]. Distracted by his personal life and becoming disillusioned with his career, Brando began to view acting as a means to a financial end. "[21] When he was four, Brando was sexually abused by his teenage governess. Two years ago, Merv Griffin died, leaving behind a legacy that included Wheel Of Fortune, Jeopardy, hotels, side business ventures, and more than a billion dollars. A hotel using Brando's name, The Brando Resort[152] opened in 2014. However, the executives were blown away by Brando's screen test and finally relented on the condition that he accept a cut-rate salary of just $50,000. This was his last role and his only role as a female character.[1]. "[96] Variety also praised Brando's performance as Sabatini and noted, "Marlon Brando's sublime comedy performance elevates The Freshman from screwball comedy to a quirky niche in film history. [20] Brando harbored far more enmity for his father, stating, "I was his namesake, but nothing I did ever pleased or even interested him. "[90], In 1976, Brando appeared in The Missouri Breaks with his friend Jack Nicholson. In A&E's Biography episode on Brando, actor and co-star Martin Sheen states, "I'll never forget the night that Reverend King was shot and I turned on the news and Marlon was walking through Harlem with Mayor Lindsay. Brandos education, goals, and achievements all played a vital role in his success. Brando conceived the novel with director Donald Cammell in 1979, but it was not released until 2005. "[citation needed] Brando based his portrayal of Kowalski on the boxer Rocky Graziano, whom he had studied at a local gymnasium. Marlon Brando Jr. was an American actor who lived from April 3, 1924, until July 1, 2004. [134], Brando had a long-term relationship with his housekeeper Maria Cristina Ruiz, with whom he had three children: Ninna Priscilla Brando (born May 13, 1989), Myles Jonathan Brando (born January 16, 1992), and Timothy Gahan Brando (born January 6, 1994). At the time of his death, Marlon Brando's liquid assets were worth $23 million. Brando was an avid student and proponent of Stella Adler, from whom he learned the techniques of the Stanislavski system. Brando later quipped, "Frank is the kind of guy, when he dies, he's going to heaven and give God a hard time for making him bald." "Also, because he had so much power and unquestioned authority, I thought it would be an interesting contrast to play him as a gentle man, unlike Al Capone, who beat up people with baseball bats." Frank Sinatra called Brando "the world's most overrated actor", and referred to him as "mumbles". Rai Casting Affari Tuoi 2021, Marlon Brando Net Worth, Bio, Wiki . That was when he was 18." Relatives. Brando cited Burn! After achieving the desired effect, Kazan never told Quinn that he had misled him. Brando received praise for his performance, earning an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actor and winning the Best Actor Award at the Tokyo Film Festival. (1952), "Julius Caesar" (1953), and "Guys and Dolls" (1955) and won an Oscar for 1954's "On the Waterfront.". Brando refused to speak to Bertolucci for 15 years after the production was completed. . ", He earned $2.7 million for "The Formula," $3.3 million (plus 11.3% of the gross) for "A Dry White Season," $5 million for "Christopher Columbus: The Discovery," and $1 million for "The Missouri Breaks.". It was only many years later, after comparing notes, that Brando and Quinn realized the deception. And this is at Marlon's urgingand yet he's getting paid for it. Madonna was paying the bill for troubled big brother Anthony Ciccone's rehab treatment in Michigan - where he REMOVED feeding and breathing tubes two days before his death at age 66 July 25, 2021 TheRichestCelebs. [1] Submit a correction suggestion and help us fix it! It was like a furnace door openingthe heat came off the screen. Who else could read "Oh, Charlie!" That's exactly how I've felt all my life. Brando also detailed his clashes with Pontecorvo on the set and how "we nearly killed each other." [36], Pierpont writes that John Garfield was first choice for the role, but "made impossible demands." It earned him his first Academy Award nomination in the Best Actor category. He responded, "Because I can read them that way."[41]. The actor was accused of deliberately sabotaging nearly every aspect of the production. [150], The filming of Mutiny on the Bounty affected Brando's life in a profound way, as he fell in love with Tahiti and its people. Brando won the Oscar for his role as Irish-American stevedore Terry Malloy in On the Waterfront. [144][145] Pryor's daughter Rain Pryor later disputed the claim. Earning $3.7 million in 1978 is the same as around $17 million in today's dollars. Moreover, to that end, Bankhead herself, in her letter declining Williams' invitation to play the role of Blanche, gave Brando this ringingalbeit acid-tonguedendorsement: I do have one suggestion for casting. I play the role; now he exists. Petkovich, Anthony. We welcome all corrections and feedback using the button below. Marlons mother continued to encourage Marlon, who eventually made his Broadway debut in 1944 and appeared in several films throughout the 1940s before becoming a superstar with his 1951 performance in A Streetcar Named Desire. According to Evans, Brando sold back his points in the picture for $100,000, as he was in dire need of funds. He spoke in favor of children's rights and development aid in developing countries. Williams frequently changed what Stanley's ethnicity would be. He is considered as the most successful investor in history and his current net worth is around 73 Billion Dollars. That will be Brando's legacy whether he likes it or notthe stunning actor who embodied a poetry of anxiety that touched the deepest dynamics of his time and place. In 1978, Brando narrated the English version of Raoni, a French-Belgian documentary film directed by Jean-Pierre Dutilleux and Luiz Carlos Saldanha that focused on the life of Raoni Metuktire and issues surrounding the survival of the Indigenous tribes in north central Brazil. He is my creation." In an earlier review of The Appaloosa in 1966, Kael wrote that the actor was "trapped in another dog of a movie Not for the first time, Mr. Brando gives us a heavy-lidded, adenoidally openmouthed caricature of the inarticulate, stalwart loner." He was an activist who stood for the civil rights movement. It was revealed in a documentary contained in the 2001 DVD release of Superman that he was paid $3.7million for two weeks of work. Coincidentally, the psychiatrist knew a doctor friend of Brando. They sewed my words together on one song so tightly that when I mouthed it in front of the camera, I nearly asphyxiated myself". Assuming Brando's contract entitled him to profits, not gross revenue, and assuming around $250 million worth of profits, it's possible Brando earned an additional $30 million payday. "[179], Sociologist Dr. Suzanne McDonald-Walker states: "Marlon Brando, sporting leather jacket, jeans, and moody glare, became a cultural icon summing up 'the road' in all its maverick glory. Jill Banner (1968-1982) Maria Cristina Ruiz (1988-2001) Marlon Brando Net Worth: Marlon Brando was an American actor, director, and activist who had a net worth of $100 million {dollars} on the time of his demise. Brando was especially contemptuous of director Henry Koster. In the 2007 TCM biopic Brando: The Documentary, childhood friend George Englund recalls Brando's earliest acting as imitating the cows and horses on the family farm as a way to distract his mother from drinking. "[83] Schneider declared in an interview that "Marlon said he felt raped and manipulated by it and he was 48. Over the next hour, also for no apparent reason, Clayton assumes the intonation of a British upper-class twit and an elderly frontier woman, complete with a granny dress and matching bonnet. In his biography on the actor, Stefan Kanfer writes, "Marlon's autobiography devotes one line to his work on that film: Among all those British professionals, 'for me to walk onto a movie set and play Mark Anthony was asinine'yet another example of his persistent self-denigration, and wholly incorrect. [87] The voting membership of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences again nominated Brando for Best Actor, his seventh nomination. "I asked for my usual percentage," he recollected in his memoir, "but they refused, and so did I." In 1979 Brando earned $3.5 million for his work in "Apocalypse Now. That's the same as around $130 million in today's dollars. While most acknowledged Brando's talent, some critics felt Brando's "mumbling" and other idiosyncrasies betrayed a lack of acting fundamentals and, when his casting was announced, many remained dubious about his prospects for success. All net worths are calculated using data drawn from public sources. [113], Brando was cremated and his ashes were put in with those of his good friend Wally Cox. Marlon enrolled at the American Theatre Wing Professional School and studied with Stella Adler. Brando supported Lyndon B. Johnson in the 1964 United States presidential election. Previously only signing short-term deals with film studios, in 1961 Brando uncharacteristically signed a five-picture deal with Universal Studios that would haunt him for the rest of the decade. For a time he lived with Roy Somlyo, who later became a four time Emmy winning Broadway producer.[26]. In his original review, Roger Ebert wrote, "There have been a lot of movies where stars have repeated the triumphs of their partsbut has any star ever done it more triumphantly than Marlon Brando does in The Freshman? She is the daughter of a Welsh steel worker of Irish descent, William O'Callaghan, who had been superintendent on the Indian State railways, and his Welsh wife Phoebe. Brando received critical acclaim and his first Academy Award nomination for Best Actor in a Leading Role for reprising his Broadway role of Stanley Kowalski in the 1951 film . His true and passionate performances proved him one of the greatest actors of his generation." He attended the Dramatic Workshop of the New School in New York City and made his stage debut at the same school in 1944. The jackets were marketed by Triumph, the manufacturer of the Triumph Thunderbird motorcycles featured in The Wild One, and were officially licensed by Brando's estate. It was all the same. [48] Reflecting on the movie in his autobiography, Brando concluded that it had not aged very well but said: More than most parts I've played in the movies or onstage, I related to Johnny, and because of this, I believe I played him as more sensitive and sympathetic than the script envisioned. [citation needed] In 1979, he made a rare television appearance in the miniseries Roots: The Next Generations, portraying George Lincoln Rockwell; he won a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Miniseries or a Movie for his performance. She appeared in full Apache attire and stated that owing to the "poor treatment of Native Americans in the film industry", Brando would not accept the award. He would have claimed credit for the sun and the moon if he believed he could get away with it. "[195] His favorite actors were Spencer Tracy, John Barrymore, Fredric March, James Cagney and Paul Muni. In 1964 Brando was arrested at a "fish-in" held to protest a broken treaty that had promised Native Americans fishing rights in Puget Sound. The event grabbed the attention of the US and the world media. He earned $75,000 a year later for his star-making role in "A Streetcar Named Desire." "I don't care what your grandmother did," Wilson exclaimed, "and that Method stuff, I want to know what you're going to do! It was too late. He also claimed numerous other romances, although he did not discuss his marriages, his wives, or his children in his autobiography.[120]. When initially offered the role, Brandostill stung by Kazan's testimony to HUACdemurred and the part of Terry Malloy nearly went to Frank Sinatra. [166] In 1964, he favored a boycott of his films in South Africa to prevent them from being shown to a segregated audience. [160] He also gave a eulogy after Bobby Hutton was shot by the police. "[44] Brando explained that, to create on-screen tension between the two, "Gadg" (Kazan) had told Quinnwho had taken over the role of Stanley Kowalski on Broadway after Brando had finishedthat Brando had been unimpressed with his work. Marlon reportedly had relationships with several actresses, including Marilyn Monroe, Reiko Sato, Dorothy Kilgallen, Katy Jurado, and Rita Moreno, and he said in a 1976 interview that he had "homosexual experiences" as well. [164] This occurred while the standoff at Wounded Knee was ongoing. I don't know another actor who could do that. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. [2][3] In 1976, he told a French journalist, "Homosexuality is so much in fashion, it no longer makes news. In the A&E Biography episode on Brando, George Englund said Brando fell into acting in New York because "he was accepted there. This was considered a major event and victory for the movement by its supporters and participants. I was always on the verge of getting fired." Marlon was also the adoptive father of his assistant Caroline Barrett's daughter, Petra. Penn, who believed in letting actors do their thing, indulged Marlon all the way. Some people worshipped him, but I never knew why. His influence on on-screen acting has been so profound that he has become a legendary figure in cinematic history. When at the end of the movie, when he saw it, I discovered that he realized what we were doing, that he was delivering so much of his own experience. "[79], The actor followed The Godfather with Bernardo Bertolucci's 1972 film Last Tango in Paris, playing opposite Maria Schneider, but Brando's highly noted performance threatened to be overshadowed by an uproar over the sexual content of the film. It was exhausting.[193]. Marlon Brando was married three times in his life, first to Anna Kashfi from 1957-1959, then to Movita Castaneda from 1960-1962, and finally to Tarita Teriipia from 1962 till their divorce in 1972. He then starred in "Viva Zapata!" Brando insisted on gently pushing away the gun, saying that Terry would never believe that his brother would pull the trigger and doubting that he could continue his speech while fearing a gun on him. He also suffered from diabetes and liver cancer. Brando also participated in the singer's two-day solo career 30th-anniversary celebration concerts in 2001 and starred in his 13-minute-long music video "You Rock My World", in the same year. I thought the story should demonstrate that there are no inherently 'bad' people in the world, but they can easily be misled." According to Celebrity Net Worth, his liquid assets at the time of his death in 2004 were around $23 million, but his total net worth including assets like real estate and even his own private island in Tahiti was around $100 million. So I remember driving on Mulholland Drive to his home and thinking I think I won't make it, I think I will crash before [I get there]. "[105] In April 2001, Brando was hospitalized with pneumonia. He originated the role of Stanley Kowalski in "A Streetcar Named Desire" on Broadway and earned an Oscar nomination when he reprised the role in the 1951 film. "[citation needed] After several weeks on the road, they reached Boston, by which time Bankhead was ready to dismiss him. Brandos goals were to become a respected actor and to use his position to address social justice issues. He declined the Academy Award due to "the treatment of American Indians today by the film industry and also with recent happenings at Wounded Knee", sending Sacheen Littlefeather to the televised ceremony to refuse the award and make a statement on his behalf. Marlon Brandos net worth is estimated to be around $100 million. gold 0 Bitcoin [5] He received further praise, and a first Academy Award and Golden Globe Award, for his performance as Terry Malloy in On the Waterfront. Following On the Waterfront, Brando remained a top box office draw, but critics increasingly felt his performances were half-hearted, lacking the intensity and commitment found in his earlier work, especially in his work with Kazan. He retired from acting in 1980 but returned with an Oscar-nominated performance in 1989's "A Dry White Season" and went on to star in "The Freshman" (1990), "Don Juan DeMarco" (1995), and "The Island of Dr. Moreau" (1996). They had two children together: Miko Castaneda Brando (born 1961) and Rebecca Brando (born 1966). Paramount, the studio producing Francis Ford Coppola's film that would eventually become "The Godfather" initially flatly refused to even consider Brando for the role of Vito Corleone due to his reputation for being difficult to work with and recent slate of box office bombs. Brando's performance as Vito Corleone, the "Don," in The Godfather (1972), Francis Ford Coppola's adaptation of Mario Puzo's 1969 bestselling novel of the same name, was a career turning point, putting him back in the Top Ten and winning him his second Best Actor Oscar. Many, many people who worked with him, and came to work with him with the best intentions, went away in despair saying he's a spoiled kid. [140], Stephen Blackehart has been reported to be the son of Brando,[141][142] but Blackehart disputes this claim. His performance, spurred on by his rapport with Eva Marie Saint and Kazan's direction, was praised as a tour de force. "He was a great young actor when he wanted to be, but most of the time I couldn't even hear him on the stage. The Jews have done so much for the world that, I suppose, you get extra disappointed because they didn't pay attention to that."[169]. Some have estimated he earned $250,000. [11], Brando decided to follow his sisters to New York, studying at the American Theatre Wing Professional School, part of the Dramatic Workshop of the New School, with influential German director Erwin Piscator. [143], In 2018, Quincy Jones and Jennifer Lee claimed that Brando had had a sexual relationship with comedian and Superman III actor Richard Pryor. Marlon Brando Sr. was of Dutch, English, German and French-Canadian descent, while Marlons mother was of English, Scottish and Irish descent. Mutiny director Lewis Milestone claimed that the executives "deserve what they get when they give a ham actor, a petulant child, complete control over an expensive picture." He felt otherwise he would appear to be reciting a writer's speech. ", "Check Out The Original Godfather Casting List From Francis Ford Coppola's Notebook. He put little effort into the role, claiming he didn't like the script, and later dismissed the entire movie as "superficial and dismal". He was blamed for a change in director and a runaway budget, though he disclaimed responsibility for both. $312,800. [146], Brando earned a reputation as a "bad boy" for his public outbursts and antics. Although Brando won the 1973 New York Film Critics Circle Awards, he did not attend the ceremony or send a representative to pick up the award if he won. He enjoyed telling me I couldn't do anything right. Brando brought his performance as Stanley Kowalski to the screen in Tennessee William's A Streetcar Named Desire (1951). August 19, 2022 August 19, 2022 by gordonofori. He also earned a reputation for being difficult on the set, often unwilling or unable to memorize his lines and less interested in taking direction than in confronting the film director with odd demands. According to Los Angeles magazine, "Brando was rock and roll before anybody knew what rock and roll was. To secure his services, the film's producers also had to give Brando 11.75% of the movie's backend points. ", Brando's participation in the civil rights movement actually began well before King's death. He also won awards from the Cannes Film Festival, Faro Island Film Festival, Jussi Awards, Laurel Awards, Online Film & Television Association, National Society of Film Critics, and New York Film Critics Circle. "That $100,000 cost him $11million," Evans claimed. He speaks in an Irish accent for no apparent reason.