load over live facility(75% of chart) angle pai - kuparuk eff. Spreader bars and lifting beams are effective pieces of equipment if you need to lift or move large and heavy objects or large fragile loads. BTH-1 includes a structural design section covering fatigue requirements for lifting devices classified as service classes 1 through 5. Spreader Bar Lifting Calculations Lifting Beam Calculator April 15th, 2019 - Spreader Bar Basic calculates loadings on the spreader bar pipe slings and shackles for a wide range of lifting configurations while calculating and reporting ASME BTH 1 calculations Three options of Crosby shackle types are available to choose. Wake County Farmers Market, T (417) 555-1212 Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Spreader Bar Lifting Device Calculations and Design Spreader Beam Design Spreadsheet (www.thenavalarch.com) - YouTube Design and verification of lifting lugs - mec Engineering Spreadsheets There are two other inflection points in the curve, one at a beam length of about 180 and another at a beam length of 255. If we resolve the forces, we can immediately see that the lifting beam will be primarily under bending stress (see figure below). It checks the crane lifting capacity, tilt angle, and calculates the lift point load. In this article, we will explore the design of a basic spreader beam and see what design checks are needed to establish the suitability of a spreader beam for particular lifting operation. Phone support is available at 800-727-6355. 2023 Basepoint Engineering. We partner with organizations to assess, transform, and continuously improve their hoisting and material handling activities by adapting and applying our structured methodology, expertise and solutions. ITI Safety Courses includes content originally developed by partner organization that can be further classified into the following sub-categories: ITI has curated a library of eLearning content from industry leading training companies and original equipment manufacturers, and associations, to create the largest library of crane and rigging specific training content in one place. This spreader bar design is to the new ASME BTH-1 "Design of Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices". mind map powerpoint template. In no way does thathipsterlife.com claim ownership or responsibility for such items, and you should seek legal consent for any use of such materials from its owner. description of load: max. Stained Garage Floor| Spreaders can come in different section shapes, the most common being I-beam, hollow circular, and hollow rectangular. classification of the lifting device based on frequency and capacity of lifts. 4 Heavy Lift Challenges in Power Generation Environments1.5 Hours | Jim Yates, Barnhart presents on 4 heavy lift challenges in power generation environments. Our experienced in-house engineering and design team utilizes CAD, 3D modeling, and FEA programs. As well, as a comparison, the gray line represents the calculated beam lift capacity based on only bending strength, without accounting for buckling effects. BTH-1 addresses design requirements including: While BTH-1 is broad in its coverage of design requirements for below-the-hook lifting devices, only portions of the design standard are applicable to spreader bars and lifting beams, in particular beam classification and the structural design requirements. As a broad distinction, in their purest forms: I have made the corrections to the spreadsheet Steve and uploaded a new version. Various other jurisdictions have similar requirements. This training module for the US&R Sructural Collapse Technician use tag lines. They are used for a variety of purposes too: from a simple seafastening of a cargo to deck of a vessel, to complicated lifting operations involving by prem | Jan 6, 2020 | Lifting Operations, Marine Operations. Www Excelcalcs Com Lifting Lug Calcs Xls. Fillmore Parking Garage| ASME BTH-1 Design of Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices is an ASME design standard and is to be used in conjunction with ASME B30.20, the ASME safety standard for Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices. As members of the Lifting Equipment Engineers Association, we fully comply with LEEA Guidance - The Verification of Spreader Beams, Lifting Beams and Lifting Frames - in the design, manufacture and testing of our lifting beams and spreaders.We can also provide proof load testing to client's new equipment andfollowing modification or repair . Our lifting spreader beams and bars allow you to turn a crane hook into a multiple point lifting tool. Structural Reliability The "reliability" of a lifter is the probability of survival subject to the statistics of loading and strength based on the chosen design factor. How they differ from lifting beams is in their top attachment. Simple Spreader Beam Calculation Arrangement Beam Details Type SHShf Size 25 x 25 x 2 Hook Load = 363.0 kN Material S275 Yield 275 E 205000 Sling Length = 4.80 m Mass / m M 1.41 kg/m Depth h 25 mm Height = 4.16 m Width b 25 mm Angle (degrees) = 60 Web thickness s 2 mm Flange thickness t 2 mm Root radius r 3 mm Length = 4.80 m Depth between It looks like another good calculation Steve if we can resolve the problems I would like to publish it. They are used to stabilise and support the load during an overhead lift. Home Depot Jobs In Casa Grande Az| Lifting Calc 3: Safety APP. Following are the loads which affect the spreader: The angles of the slings 1 & 2 (in figure 1) made with the vertical must be less than 45 degrees (, DNVGL-ST-N001). calculations and design, design evaluation of overhead lifting lugs pdhonline com, webstructural steam beam how to, spreader bar lifting device calculations and design, lifting beam amp spreader bar design 6 quickies for rigging, structural beam deflection amp stress formula engineering, lifting beams spreader beams lift it manufacturing, Unlike lifting beams which convert vertical lifting forces into . The sling lengths are to be accordingly adjusted. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. In other words, a below-the-hook (BTH) lifting device is a tool or mechanical device that attaches to a crane or other lifting apparatus, and grabs and secures a load so that it can be moved safely from one location to another. Mathcad - Spreader Beam Design Calculations as Per DNV 5th Ver - Free download as PDF File (. The bending calculations include bar weight, but do not account for shear stresses. Spreader beams convert lifting loads into compressive forces in the beam and tensile forces in the slings. Lifting Beam & Spreader Bar Design: 6 Quickies for Rigging Engineers. Content from GKS, Hydra-Slide, LGH, Verton, and more! The first step in developing a lifting device is to determine the lifting configuration, max lift capacity and max spread (width) that is desired. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(78935, 'c3bace34-2a4e-4121-9c49-2156c142bd8a', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); Why ITI exists in the words of co-founder, Mike Parnell. Home Depot Kingshighway| It is to be noted that the center of gravity (COG) of the lifted object has to be in line (on the same vertical) as the crane hook. 3. Developed with the participation of the NSC, Bechtel, DPR Construction, GLY Construction, Kiewit, Liberty Mutual Insurance, and United Rentals, the VR Construction Hazard ID experience challenges trainees to inspect a jobsite and identify several risk domains including hand tools, lock out/tag out, lifting and rigging, dropped objects, and more! Build skills and assess competency with immersive simulations for individuals working around construction sites and on overhead cranes. Small Batch Cosmetic Manufacturing Equipment Uk, Step 1: Determine the Volume of the Load. In cell 'Adjustable Cross Beam'!$E$5:$F$5 the cell formula contains a link to another file ='C:\Users\MHaise\Downloads\[189537383-Spreader-Beam-BLOCK-E (1).xls]Longitudinal Beam'!L44 I assume it is safe to break this link? steel . Prem Holdings Spreader Bars are suitable where headroom does not have to be at a minimum. * Spread (Ft.) Bail: Adj. Lifting beams / Spreader beams can be designed and made for general use or as bespoke one-offs for specific lifts . API 8C Ed. Spreader beams and lifting beams are both two different types of below-the-hook lifting devices used to stabilize and support a load during an overhead lift. When they . Spreader beam design calculation xls Spreader beam design calculation xls. They understand the tasks and issue you face everyday and teach the skills you need to succeed. They are covered within the scope of AS 4991. In response, a large below-the-hook-lifting devices market has grown supporting projects with some exceptional solutions (see Modulift, Liftmax, Caldwell , Tandemloc, Bushman, and Peerless to name just a few). ASME BTH-1 clearly defines rules for material selection and determining what kind of load would be permitted by the design in question. Explore the full course list today! Carpets By Sonia| The bar redirects compressive load away from the suspended load and diverts it into the spreader bar. Spreader Beam Calculation Xls October 31, 2016 - by Arfan - Leave a Comment Spreader bar design stress ysis lifting beams and spreaders pay one time for the spreheet it s offs heavy lift design and. ITI's groundbreaking virtual reality crane and equipment simulations deliver life like training and load handling exercises, allowing operators and technicians to build muscle memory and practice without risk. Spreader bars can be made in a variety of lengths, connection types, & capacities. Bending and buckling is considered in Z-Z direction Allowable shear stress (Fv) = 46.19 N/mm2 4. Research Paper DESIGN AND BUCKLING STRENGTH. Though, because of many factors, structural design factors are benchmarked at different levels in design standards around the world. About Us; . Search for jobs related to Spreader bar lifting device calculations and design or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 20m+ jobs. 3. There are so many choices out there that Im completely overwhelmed structural design requirements related to member design, connection design (pins, bolts, welds), and fatigue. They're "below-the-hook" lifting devices that stabilize and support loads, and both are used to keep slings perpendicular to the horizon while moving. ITI online courses are ideal for small groups that want to standardize training but dont have the time or budget to dedicate to live training. Just like lifting beams, spreader beams are used to widen the available lifting points on rigged loads and keep lifting slings at a 90 angle relative to the horizon. 15. do not lift outside the crane capacity chart. Lifting Beam & Spreader Bar Design: 6 Quickies for Rigging Engineers, Lifting beams and spreader bars have become an integral part of complex crane, rigging, and lifting activities. Personnel qualification is available. In many cases an intermediate spreader bar is used between the crane and the lift . Strut Drop Link End Unit Sub-Assy Large Shackle Just like lifting beams, spreader beams are used to widen the available lifting points on rigged loads and keep lifting slings at a 90 angle relative to the horizon. There are some rigorous calculations involved and if you are not an engineer, I would find one to do the design. ITI in-person training and virtual live instruction offers students the opportunity for hands-on learning in real world situations, using instructors with 20+ years of relevant industry experience, and advanced learning technology to meet our customers' ever-changing training needs. thenavalarch bears no responsibility for the accuracy of this article, or for any incidents/losses arising due to the use of the information in this article in any operation. Do you have any helpful hints for aspiring writers? Engineered Lifting Technologies offers load testing for all products. Design of gantry crane, overhead crane, jib crane, monorail, retractable system, goods hoist, rigid crane & etc . ITI has partnered with manufacturers and thought leaders to provide our customers with a single destination to access learning content and resources across a variety of crane, rigging and loading handling activities and equipment. Spreader beams are universally applied gear which is widely used in various types of lifting operations, onshore and offshore. Browse our inventory of new and used TJ STEEL COMPONENTS Farm Equipment For Sale near you at MarketBook.ca. How To Get Hgtv To Remodel My Kitchen For Free| Lifting beams are universally applied gear used widely in various types of lifting operations, onshore and offshore. After completing the assessment, a short summary report is complied to help identify strengths, weaknesses, and everything in-between. (Reduced head room). If not, the object will experience a tilt during lifting which is not desirable. Basepoint Engineering lifting beams and spreader bars are typically designed as Service Class 0, which is for 0-20,000 load cycles, although beams with different service classes can be designed on request. ITIs online courses are taught by the same subject matter experts that conduct our in-person training. The final document package can be used on the client's intra-web and in printed form to provide guidance for employees involved in standard and critical lifting activities. Email: cottagecore words messenger, Branson Attractions LLC Capacity HD Adjustable Spreader Lifting Beam 16-1-6 No reviews $1,23538 FREE delivery Mar 14 - 20 Vestil SBM-40 Adjustable Spreader Beam, 78" Length, 5" Width, 17-1/4" Height, 4000 lbs Capacity Calculations for fatigue are also specified in the standard, dependent on the service class of the bar and bar geometry. Together the design category and the service class define the design requirements of the beam related to material strength and fatigue. The spreader bar increases load stability by raising the suspension point away from the center of gravity. For beams, the concrete only works in compression over a .. Beam Slenderness Ratio: Calculate the slenderness ratio of a wood beam. The angles of the sling 1 & 2 (in figure 1) made with the horizontal must be less than 45 degree We can see that it has a lifting eye at its top in the middle, while the eyes below are used to connect the slings to the lifted object. If you'd like to learn more about these lessons and others in the Fundamentals of RiggingEngineering Program,download the Interactive Program Preview. We verify by the formula of question # 3 that for the 20 configuration we require a height of 1.37X, that is, 27.4 meters of height, which exceeds the predetermined height requirement in this example case.. Many thanks! Connect to a live classroom session virtually via a web link, with the ability to participate fully in the classroom dialogue, exercises, and Q&A. Thanks for highlighting this by mobile, (A) Design for Normal Stress (Direct Compressive Stress) **** Selecting the Section initially based on this ****, (B) Design for Elastic Stability - Transverse Buckling [1], ('C) DESIGN OF ATTACHMENTS - (a) Design of eye bracket for strength, (a-i) Design of eye bracket for tensile strength - FAILURE MODE - 1 (allowable tensile stress is governing), (a-ii) Design of eye bracket for bearing/crushing strength - FAILURE MODE -2 (80% of the yield stress is governing), (a-iii) Design of eye bracket for tearing strength - FAILURE MODE - 3 (50% of the yield stress is governing), (a-iv) Design of eye bracket for out-of plane buckling - FAILURE MODE - 4 (as per David T. Ricker [2]), (a-v) Design of shackle ring for shearing strength - FAILURE MODE - 5 (50% of the yield stress is governing), (b) Design of weld joint of the eye-bracket with the spreader beam for shear strength (50% of the allowable stress is governing), DESIGN OF ADJUSTABLE SPREADER LIFTING BEAM of Standard Profile "HEB Series", Geometry of Lifting at the each end of the HOLLOW PIPE Spreader Beam, Solved using the equations of Static Equillibrium, (A) STRENGTH DESIGN - Design for FLEXURAL Bending Stress **** Selecting the Section initially based on this ****, (B) STIFFNESS DESIGN - Design for DEFLECTION, (C) DESIGN OF ATTACHMENTS - (a) Design of adjustable (CG location variations) suspension bracket for strength, (a-i) Design of lugs on the bracket for tensile strength - FAILURE MODE - 1 (allowable tensile stress is governing), (a-ii) Design of lugs on the bracket for bearing/crushing strength - FAILURE MODE -2 (80% of the yield stress is governing), (a-iii) Design of lug on the bracket for tearing strength - FAILURE MODE - 3 (50% of the yield stress is governing), (a-iv) Design of lug on the bracket for out-of plane buckling - FAILURE MODE - 4 (as per David T. Ricker [1]), (a-v) Design of pin for shearing strength - FAILURE MODE - 5 (50% of the yield stress of the pin is governing), (b) Design of weld joint of the lug with other plates for shear strength (50% of allowable stress is governing), (c) Design of end plates of the adjustable bracket for tensile strength (allowable tensile stress is governing), (d) Design of weld joint for the bottom plate of the adjustable bracket for shear strength (50% of allowable tensile stress is governing), (D) DESIGN OF ATTACHMENTS - (a) Design of adjustable (Span variations) suspension bracket for strength, (d) Design of weld joint for the top plate of the adjustable bracket for shear strength (allowable tensile stress is governing), (E) DESIGN OF ATTACHMENTS - (a) Design of fixed suspension bracket for strength, "RIGGING CALCULATION For Inshore Lifting". Related Gallery: ITI maintains some of the industry's most highly-regarded experts in cranes, rigging, and wire rope. lifting sling load and angle calculator . How To Clean Grease Off Microwave Over Stove| spreadsheet. This docum ent calculated the design of Spreader Bar. Sparta's approach to optimizing the spreader bar design (otherwise known as lifting bar or lifting beam) is an iterative process. Team TheNavalArch. Exam administration with Certified Practical Examiners (ITI Instructors) is also offered. Checked : A pr OnShore Lift Bound Offshore lift Upper Offshore LIFT Recommended Offshore lift lower Dynamic Amplification Factors (Fh) for LIGHT . Decorate An Office On A Low Budget| We prioritize our lifting equipment services like beam lifting equipment , spreader bar lifting equipment, spreader beam, lift beam and four point spreader lift beam (spreader bar for lifting and load spreader). The basic lifting beam is shown in Fig. ASME B30.20 Defines requirements for lifting beams and spreader bars including marking, inspection, testing, and maintenance. 2007-2023 MoreVision Ltd. All Rights Reserved. spreader bar lifting device calculations and design. Load handling and equipment manuals assist the client by developing and incorporating standard operating procedures for their worksite. Spreader beam design calculation xlsBy purchasing this spreadsheet you agree to the disclaimer and terms & conditions. Lifting beams are different to spreader beams because they attach to the crane from a single central point and can have several load attachment points along their base or adjustable points as shown above. Lifting Lugs Design Calculation Excel Pdfsdocuments2 Com. The structural design section of the standard also includes requirements for connection design including bolted connections (bolt quantity, allowable loading, required tightening and hole requirements), pinned connections (pin hole strength, pin clearance), and welded connections (weld size and properties). description of load: max. 50 Important Crane & Rigging Resources for Your Library.75 Hours | Zack Parnell, ITI presents 50 resources to include in your library for cranes and rigging. Liftmax Spreader Bars are efficient at redirecting rigging from separated lift points to a single collector point. For example, a lifting beam with a centre pick point and load suspended on the two ends of the beam are loaded in flexure, therefore compression and tension calculations arent specifically relevant to this device. Spreader Bar Lifting Device Calculations and Design - ExcelCalcs helping you make and share engineering calculations. LIFTMAX SPREADER BAR Heavy wall pipe construction with end lugs slotted LIFTMAX ADJUSTABLE SPREADER BAR I-beam design with single lift lugs on top, and multiple bottom lift points LIFTMAX TELESCOPING SPREADER BAR Square tubing design with adjustment pins Get a Quote! If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Contribute to new offerings and participate in updates to existing offerings by joining an ITI TAG! Block weight = 11,880 lbs. 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Do you have an idea for a topic that you would like us to cover? stress analysis of precast prestressed concrete beams. engineering problems, lifting beam calculation download as excel spreadsheet xls pdf file pdf text file txt or read online lifting beam lifting beam 118784294 lifting beam deign staad 82187560 design calc 10t spreader beam spreader bar spreader bar calculation single hook with rectangle spreader beam or two hooks 1a , bridge crane for Ordinary Lift Plan Elements Once a lift has been planned and approved, the appropriate rigging equipment, Spreader beam design calculation xlsBy purchasing this spreadsheet you agree to the disclaimer and terms & conditions. Spreader bars are a long beam that hold the legs of the lifting slings apart. 4400 LBS 2 Ton Aluminum 4' Lifting Spreader Beam Lifting Bar with 4 FT Round Sling Bridle Heavy Duty Light Weight 5.0 (3) Small Business Caldwell 2000 Lb. It is NOT intended to superceed any equipment manufacturers instructions, plant procedures, or regulatory requirements. They are suspended by a crane from two slings and normally have two to four bottom slings attached for rigging to the load. HSSLB. DESIGN LOADS HAVE BEEN INCREASED BY DESIGN FACTOR. Spreader Bar Lifting Device Calculations and Design - ExcelCalcs helping you make and share engineering calculations. The allowable bending stress is a product of calculations from BTH-1, and the lift capacity is calculated from the allowable bending stress. Below-the-hook lifting devices such as spreader bars and lifting beams must be designed in accordance with ASME BTH-1 and are to be manufactured and used in accordance with requirements of ASME B30.20 which specifies requirements for marking, inspection, construction and operation. In this article, we will explore the design of a basic lifting beam and see what design checks are needed to establish the suitability of the beam for by Team TheNavalArch | Apr 5, 2020 | Lifting Operations, Marine Operations, Marine Transportation, Ship Structural Engineering. A wide variety of beam design calculations options are available to you A spreader beam is a simple device consisting of a long bar that holds two slings apart. Therefore, we are looking at a beam that is lifted from the centre and loaded at the ends. It is your responsibility to assure that the slings you use are appropriate for your application. load over live facility(75% of chart) angle pai - kuparuk eff. Lifting Beams. a) Let's input the required data into the Wood Beam Calculator: i) General: Change Beam ID from Joist to Beam (optional). ITI delivers the most robust Crane Simulation library in the world. The lifting classes are described in DIN 15018. design of lifting and tailing lugs pdf document. Along with stress, buckling is also a critical factor in lifting beams that must be addressed in detail to ensure that the . Ordinary Lift Plan Elements Once a lift has been planned and approved, the appropriate rigging equipment, Variations in the design of the multi-lift spreader bar evolve over a period of time as requirements and technology change and the demand for a more efficient product is desired. Operator training from ITI encompasses options for all operator skill and experience levels on all crane types used in construction and general industry. Modify Trading calculations 6 days left. M MoreVision Limited 423 followers More information Spreader Bar Lifting Device Calculations and Design Mathematical Logic Lifting Devices Process Map Gantry Crane Crane Design Lift Design Safety Posters More information . 'spreader bar design process a guide to designing lifting june 22nd, 2018 - rating plates and b30 20 below the hook lifting devices heavy tand tri share the post spreader bar design process - a guide to designing lifting and spreader''Rod Lifting Hook Design Calculation pdfsdocuments2 com 963kN := 60 Spreader bar lifting device calculations and design.) Battery Beams. However, the primary load on the spreader is compressive stress. It is recommended to seek professional advice before executing any activity which draws on information mentioned in this post. by Team TheNavalArch | Aug 5, 2020 | Lifting Operations, Marine Operations | 4 comments. In the latest revision of BTH-1 (2017), there are three design categories, categories A, B and C, as well as five different services classes, service class 0 through 5. A pair of lifting eye assemblies are connected during the lifting operation at each respective end portion of the bar, each forming a connection with an above supporting bridle line and a depending lift line, each of the lifting eye assemblies comprising in part a socket of . two hook devices provide added lifting capabilities to your forklift trucks. 2023 Basepoint Engineering. Lifting beams and spreader bars have become an integral part of complex crane, rigging, and lifting activities. Our online courses provide the rich content, practice exercises and exams to measure each learner's knowledge. ASME BTH-1 provides detailed information on the design criteria of below the hook lifting devices. Spreader Bars for Lifting In heavy lifting and rigging Spreaders are used for redirecting rigging from multiple lift points to a singular collector point (from load to crane hook). Fig. Lean on the subject matter experts of ITI Field Services when the need presents itself A one-stop shop for all things crane, rigging, lift planning, and material handling, the ITI Bookstore offers a wide variety of books, reference materials, training resources, field tools, and more. Available 24/7 anywhere in the world. Calculation Sheet Lifting Set DNV 2 7 1 Stemar. This Spreader beams are universally applied gear which is widely used in various types of lifting operations, onshore and offshore. Box 222 Branson MO 65616. lift beam Analysis.xls - Free download as Excel Spreadsheet (.xls), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Also the named cells lug_Fu and Lug_FY appear to be incorrectly used giving #VALUE errors on Sheet 'Lift Beam Analysis'. Spreader Bar Lifting Device Calculations and Design - ExcelCalcs helping you make and share engineering calculations. Square or rectangular frame, typically made from square tube or I-beam. Your email address will not be published. Videos, images, course catalogs, and more 10 Audit Points for Your Crane & Rigging Operations - An HSE Perspective2 Hours | Mike Parnell, ITI and Zack Parnell, ITI focus on 10 areas within cranes and rigging that you should audit. CUSTOM DESIGN & MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING. Mold In Shower Wall|. The why and how of designing a lifting beam, Designing a pad-eye: little items with big intricacies, Preliminary Rigging Arrangement Design OF 4 point, Single Hook Lifts for Non-Specialists, Marine Lifting Engineering and Planning, Please register or login to read the full article. All rights reserved. HSSLB HSDLB HBSLB HUNVB HALB HFPSL HFPAB HATSB HBXRB Would you suggest starting with a free platform Its purpose is to connect the load to the beam and beam to the crane hook with the help of lifting accessories. Lifting Lugs Design Calculation Excel Lifting Lug Design Spreadsheet Calculator Engineers Edge. Along with stress, buckling is also a critical factor in lifting beams that must be addressed in detail to ensure that the structure can handling the loads imposed on it. . The lowest slings that attach to the load will have shackles added depending on where the CG of the load is, this allows the load to pick level as well as not damage the structural integrity of the equipment being lifted. ITI endorses the national certification program offered by the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO) and provides training to prepare candidates for NCCCO written and practical exams. (877) 240-4149. Lifting beams (also known as spreader beams) are used to assist in the hoisting process. calculations, home strength beams spreader bar lifting device calculations and design spreader bar lifting device calculations and design this excel calculation can be downloaded by excelcalcs subscribers please login or subscribe , in this video you learn how Spreader Bar Lifting Device Calculations and Design April 9th, 2019 - Home Strength Beams Spreader Bar Lifting Device Calculations and Design Spreader Bar Lifting Device Calculations and Design This Excel calculation can be downloaded by ExcelCalcs subscribers Please login or Subscribe LEEA Guidance The Verification of Lifting Beams 1 / 6 Actual shear stress (fv) = 0.43 N/mm2 SAFE FOS = 107.4 > 1.2 D. Check for combined Axial and Bending stress Ref ASME BTH1-2005 - Clause 3 .